General Question

chyna's avatar

Could Trump legally and by enough votes, actually be the next speaker of the house?

Asked by chyna (51671points) October 6th, 2023 from iPhone

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10 Answers

jca2's avatar

Not sure if he could or would want to be Speaker, but he’s endorsing Jim Jordan (R- Ohio) for the job.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I remember hearing a knowledgeable person say that there’s nothing in the Constitution requiring the Speaker to be an elected member of the House. It’s been a long time since I read the Constitution, and I don’t remember the details of that position.

ragingloli's avatar

According to the republicans’ own rules, anyone with an indictment that could result in a 2+ year sentence is disqualieified from becoming speaker.

Of course, rules have never meant anything to right wingers, and especially not today. They are the party of crime.

janbb's avatar

I don’t have the link right now but apparently not. More smoke and mirrors and chaos.

filmfann's avatar

A lot of correct answers here.
The GOP does have a rule prohibiting anyone from holding senior party positions if the face charges that can result in 2 years or more of incarceration. It is a party rule, so the party doesn’t care.
The Speaker doesn’t need to be a member of Congress.
Trump says he’ll do it, if needed. He’ll actually only do it if it stops him from facing prosecution.

zenvelo's avatar

Being Speaker is a lot of work, long days and evenings running herd on 220 Members from one’s party.

Trump doesn’t like doing actual work, and it isn’t a job where you can delegate much.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@zenvelo Trump doesn’t like doing actual work, and it isn’t a job where you can delegate much

I thought that would make him quit the presidency after a few months. I also thought he could not win the 2016 election.

I hope @ragingloli has the definitive answer

chyna's avatar

A friend of mine has a conspiracy theory that trump will become speaker of the house, someone will kill Biden and Harris, and trump will become president. Not really that far fetched.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG! That is hilarious!

JLeslie's avatar

Anyone can be voted in as Speaker. I didn’t know about the indictment rule that @ragingloli spoke of, but that can be changed.

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