Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are some common words that you are tired of using and what are the words that you would replace them with?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 7th, 2023 from iPhone

I would like to stop saying and writing the word “interesting” and replace it with another…just don’t know as to which word to replace it with yet. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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9 Answers

janbb's avatar

Compelling, fascinating, attractive, revealing, likely – some possibilities in response to the question in your details.

jca2's avatar

I think “awesome” is so overused. I like incredible or a variety of other, less used words in its place. It just seems like a common response to a lot of things is “awesome!” or people will describe their kids’ actions or their pets’ actions and say “he did awesome” which is incorrect (as far as I know) and just sounds stupid.

smudges's avatar

I overuse “amazing!” and “ohmigawd!”. Could replace them with “zounds!” and “jesumcrow!” remember that one from childhood?

I’m SO sick of hearing “perfect” when I’m making an appointment or ordering in a restaraunt.

gondwanalon's avatar

I refuse to use the word “amazing” for anything other that saying I refuse to use it. Other people use it far too much. Some people say it multiple times about something that they’re excited about. Makes me cringe.

Lots of other words can be used instead. Examples: astounding, astonishing, awesome, bitchen, impressive, wonderful.

smudges's avatar

^^ I’ll have to think of something in place of amazing. Awesome is overused also, bitchin’ is just too old, wonderful makes me think of la-de-da Disney characters. I’ll do a thesaurus search and find one. ;)

kruger_d's avatar

I want to bring back the old expressions of surprise.

Jumping Jehoshaphat!
My stars and garters!

raum's avatar

I try to not use “umm” when speaking. And practice being comfortable with holding a pause without needing to fill it.

smudges's avatar

@raum I have to laugh. My grandpa, who died when I was only 12, used to call me “umm” because it’s how I started every sentence. <3

btw, psychologists have perfected that silence during a pause. Can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted waiting for one to say something!

raum's avatar

@smudges That’s an adorable nickname!

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