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JLeslie's avatar

Why is there now video of Hamas training camps in Gaza?

Asked by JLeslie (65975points) October 13th, 2023 from iPhone

What is happening?! I just saw video on CNN of Hamas training camps in Gaza. Where is that video from? I’m so confused. Was there no surveillance of Gaza? I find this shocking.

If I understood the report correctly, training and practice for the siege and killings that took place have been going on a long time at 6 locations in Gaza and nobody knew, but now video is surfacing. How did no one know and where is the video coming from now?

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8 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

I haven’t seen the video you mention. I have been reading of a good number of videos coming out of Israel that are fake. At this point, if it doesn’t make sense to me, I classify it as fake until I can research further. Just because it’s coming from a trusted news organization, it doesn’t mean that it is real news!!! In their quest to be the “first to report” some reputable news outlets are failing to fact check their own work.

mazingerz88's avatar

Did CNN indicate anything at all about the video’s veracity? I think CNN does disclaimers.

PBS and the NYT had news about the internet inundated with fake news about the recent events.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know. It was the middle of the night, I wasn’t sleeping well, and then I fell back asleep.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Two possibilities come to my mind.
1) The Israelis have sympathizers/spies in the Hamas organization and any publicity would blow their cover.
2) The videos are Hamas recruiting videos shot well before the attack.

kritiper's avatar

Probably not a new film clip.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The speculation is that Israel has been so busy supporting settlers in the West Bank that they stopped paying quite so much attention to the Gaza Strip.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The films are almost certainly pulled from who knows where/when/if. They serve as both propaganda for the “terrorists,” and the west.

You may have noticed, before America goes to war with someone, they like to condition the public to be wary of a likely future “adversary.”...

They show us that we should fear someone, and then they have a license to kill…

Both sides use lies, or exaggeration to keep the fires of war lit…

And I feel like I have to say this;
grown men using monkey bars, is not “threatening!”
In America, we have monkey bars on our playgrounds…

Their biggest threat to Americans at home, is practically nothing…

This is just another territorial issue, that constantly occurs in the Middle East really. It’s their mess. People in the ME, Europe, Africa and Asia should be dealing with this shit. American leaders DO NOT speak for all of America when they say we are tied forever to Israel. Unbelievable…

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