Meta Question

Patty_Melt's avatar

Follow up to another Jelly's Q... Is there a Fluther award you are especially proud of?

Asked by Patty_Melt (17521points) October 14th, 2023

Some of the awards are no longer actively achievable. Some require a lot of research.
Is there an award you are especially proud of achieving, or excited to have learned how it is acquired?

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar

It’s a toss up between Sea Cheetah and Jules Verne. (I had to look up the list to see what they were.)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Cheetah isn’t very achievable these days. I have tried over the years. I am jealous about that one.

smudges's avatar

To be honest, I don’t really even know what I have. However, I do like it when I get 10 GAs. Yes, I’m a people pleaser. :D

Patty_Melt's avatar

On your profile page there is a prompt to click to see your awards. There is also a prompt which I believe says something about explore the awards.that gives a list of all of them, with an asterisk next to the ones you have.
If memory serves, the prompts are not there in phone mode, but if you go to desktop you can find all of that.
Some are a surprise when you see you have them. Others are a fun journey to search for them.

Sometimes hints are given how to get one, but nobody is supposed to just tell.
I am in favor of hints for some which are archaic, and won’t be stumbled into by accident.
I only have one of mine, because Seek kept mentioning nekkie pancakes. ;-)

smudges's avatar

^^ I know where to find them, but I only look when I’ve been given one that I don’t recognize. But thanks! ;)

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I always liked feeding frenzy. We probably won’t see that one again

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Not an award, but a question.

“What is a traditional way to change a tradition?”

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