General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Can you use an old fitted sheet to turn a new flat sheet into a fitted one?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) October 15th, 2023

My favorites (Alexander Julian Watercolors) are long discontinued. One of the fitted sheets just tore. I can find a new flat one of the same color. Can I use the old sheet somehow to turn the new one into a fitted sheet?

I love to mix the colors, seasonally, by mood, or whatever. Right now it’s brown on the bottom, orange on top, and four pillowcases: brown, orange, deep red, and deep green: autumn.

I’d hate to lose the brown out of that mix.

I do have a sewing machine, although I’m a bit rusty with it. The machine is just fine.

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7 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I did that once by sewing ½ inch elastic across the corners as a quick and rough job. It worked fine.

This looks like it would be a bit neater.

Good luck!

JLeslie's avatar

Sorry for a second post. I forgot about Better Bedder! I think about getting this myself because the mattress is getting heavy for me to lift. It goes around the mattress and you tuck your sheet in it.®

smudges's avatar

Ohmigosh! I’m ordering and can’t wait to try the Better Bedder!

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges Please let us know if you like it. If I were alone I would definitely get it, but since my husband usually helps me make the bed I haven’t bothered yet.

smudges's avatar

^^ I will! I don’t have anyone to help and have had surgery on each of my shoulders x2 and 1 back surgery, also with severe stenosis. Ordering tomorrow!

smudges's avatar

Well…after doing research, I’m unsure about this product. For one thing, they DO sell on Amazon even though they say they don’t. There are many knockoffs. There aren’t very many reviews (210) on the site for a product which has been on the market for 5 years. The negative reviews are really negative…like, the product doesn’t work. The BBB has a lot of negative reviews.

At $59, I’ll have to do some more research and thinking. :(

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