Did you have warm winter clothes growing up?
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Are you asking about the geography or levels of wealth/poverty of out childhoods? Or perhaps the mental health of our guardians?
@canidmajor Yes and no. Just did you have warm winter clothes going to school as a child. Why or why not?
I rarely did, and choose to stay home during inclement weather.
Sure. I always had a winter coat, gloves, and boots from Bradley’s Dept. Store. I wouldn’t get new ones yearly, but once rips and holes formed, my mother would consider getting me new ones.
These are mostly non negotiable here in New England.
Yes, I had warm clothes. Although. one year I wanted a ski jacket that had no sleeves, because it was popular, and that was ridiculous! My mom let me buy it and wear it against her better judgment. Yes, my arms were cold. it was stupid. I rarely wore a hat, which would have been a good idea too, but I had long hair and sometimes wore ear muffs. God forbid I mess up my hair or get static electricity in it. I didn’t have multiple coats like some people. I had one each year, or if the old one still fit I had it for a few years. I also had long underwear and turtle neck shirts and sweaters.
Yes, down jackets and scarves and mittens and hats and all that.
Now, if a kid doesn’t have proper clothing, there are coat drives and charities and things like that.
I was so happy to have excellent winter gloves in college. It was $50 in 1997. Also was a heat wave in the middle of winter. I was able to bike to class.
Yes. Every fall before school we got new school clothes for winter. We had a cousin who ran a consignment shop in her home so if one of my cousins had a nice coat, we could buy it half price. We did that most of my childhood then transitioned to buying new as I got into my teen years and more picky.
We weren’t rich but my Boomer grands were thrifty and we always had what we needed. I am very thankful for them.
Yes. We lived in northern climes so they were needed.
I had everything I needed growing up….....we even had a little of what we wanted.
When I lived in Cartagena I did not have winter clothes. I did not have them when I lived in Colon, Panama.
When we lived in St. John, New Brunswick, I had a red nylon parka with a hood. The hood was fringed with rabbit fur.
I had appropriate clothing for the weather in our area!!! Living in the Southeast, there was NO way to know what kind of weather you’d be waking up to face. It would be 70 one day & 30 the next. This was before every home had a TV & the local weatherman on the radio just took a stab at it. You didn’t know on Monday what to expect on Friday. Hell, you didn’t know on Monday morning to expect on Monday afternoon. So, my Mom dressed us in layers so we could adjust as need be throughout the day. If it was exceptionally cold in the morning, we wore our heavy coat. If it had warmed up by time school let out, we carried our coat home in our arms. We seldom had snow or terribly cold weather, so mittens weren’t part of our wardrobe; however, we did keep a pair of wool socks in our coat pocket for emergencies. My Grams loved to crochet, so we always had a new warm hat available when needed. Not even the rich kids had a closet full of the perfect winter clothes; but then again, the rich kids didn’t have to deal with riding the bus & standing out in inclement weather!!! Although I wasn’t always dressed perfectly for the weather, I don’t remember ever going horribly cold for any length of time!!!
I grew up in the snow belt in NE Ohio. I used to go sledding and skiing. Yes, I had warm winter clothes growing up. It was never designer styles but was warm.
Are you asking if I had different clothing for a winter that was a warm winter versus a cold winter?
For warm winters I wore my fewer layers than cold winters.
Yes, I had warm winter clothes. I was very fortunate.
@RedDeerGuy1, you’re Canadian, so I’m saddened to learn that you often lacked proper clothing, shoes and boots, and outerwear for those winters. No child should suffer that way. No adults, either.
I grew up in So.Cal. so my winter clothes were just a warm coat and some gloves, usually hand me downs from my sister and cousins. I was the youngest for a really long time so I never really had new clothes.
I grew up in San Diego, so no.
@RedDeerGuy1 , Why would you not have had warm winter clothes? Your mother has not been here for a while. I wonder what she would have to say.
@LostInParadise I had an extended growth spurt, and clothes that fit a tall teenager were hard to get. I get my clothes from Walmart and George Michaels in Red Deer now.
Sorry typo was George Richards.
I had warm clothes when we were living in Seattle (which was not that cold anyway).
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