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mazingerz88's avatar

Which film is the best adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) October 21st, 2023 from iPhone

As asked. Thanks.

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14 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

The Tragedy of Macbeth on Apple TV starring Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand. Utterly sensational.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Caravanfan is correct. I saw it on the big screen. It is mesmerizing.

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan and @Hawaii_Jake are correct. i saw it in a theater too and it was wonderful!

smudges's avatar

Love Frances McDormand ever since Fargo!

Jeruba's avatar

I haven’t seen the Washington-McDormand version, but it sounds like I ought to.

Until now, I’d have said my two favorites were the long-ago (1960) TV movie with Maurice Evans and Dame Judith Anderson, and the very different vision with young principals, Ian McKellen and Judi Dench (1979), and the Royal Shakespeare Company. I saw the former as a youngster in 1960 and the latter just a few years ago, when I already knew McKellen and Dench as much more mature (and elderly) actors.

mazingerz88's avatar

It will take some time but I now intend to see all the recommendations mentioned so far. Thanks jellies!

In my initial search in Amazon Prime, I was delighted to discover that one of my few favorite filmmakers, Roman Polanski had directed a Macbeth film in 1971! Goody.

Was also bit shocking finding out this was produced by Hugh Hefner’s Playboy co.

Am watching it now and as expected I’m enjoying Polanski’s meticulous framing. A true master of the craft this tragically flawed cinematic artist.

The film’s cinematography, musical score, art design and performances are all top notch. The final images vibrant and dripping with film grain.

All of this excellent collaborative efforts of creativity to bring to life one great writer’s great tale…movie heaven!

Zaku's avatar

There have been many good film adaptations, which are different from each other. I’ve seen many of them, and wouldn’t venture a “best”, but enough are good and different that I’d assert there is no best.

There have also been uncountable numbers of stage versions, of course.

If there were one “best”, perhaps people would stop making so many different productions. ;-)

Caravanfan's avatar

I mean, if we’re going to go “adaptation” and not just straight Macbeth, you could always look at Throne of Blood by Kurusawa.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Yup. Masterpiece.

filmfann's avatar

While I am a fan of both Throne of Blood and Orson Welles Macbeth, the 2022 Coen version of the Tragedy Of Macbeth is simply the best Shakespeare on film! The Cinematography by Bruno Delbonnel is on the level of Greg Toland, Gunnar Fischer, and Eduard Tisse!

Caravanfan's avatar

Agree completely with @filmfann

mazingerz88's avatar

Would have to check out Coen’s Macbeth next! Thanks.

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