General Question

smudges's avatar

Do you take Adderall?

Asked by smudges (11584points) October 21st, 2023

This is in General and I’m not looking for opinions or pros and cons.

Do you take adderall? If so, for how long? Do you feel it has lost its effect? What’s the dosage? Have you had any problems with it? Have you ever stopped taking it for any length of time? If so, what happened – how did you feel?

If you don’t want to answer publicly you can message me.

I’ve been taking it for about 18 years for bipolar depression and am curious about the experiences of others.

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33 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

I do not. The only person I know takes it for ADHD.
Anyone I have know with Bipolar is on different medications than adderall.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I do not.
I have anxiety issues. Although I think it would help my ADHD, I think it would hurt my anxiety level…

SnipSnip's avatar

Heavens no.

snowberry's avatar

Nope, never have, never will.

Smashley's avatar

I have. I don’t remember the dosage, but it was fairly mild, slow release. I think I was on it for about a month before I gave it up.

I found it helped with ADD issues, but like with all my stim experiences, I found myself feeling strung out and run down after a while, and I didn’t like how my heart felt on them, plus insurance kept dicking me around with the controlled substance BS, plus the second anyone hears you have adderal, someone is going to try and buy some off you. It was all more trouble than it was worth at the time. I might considered trying it again, but probably only recreationally.

smudges's avatar

I hear you. There have been a few times when there was a national shortage and some pharmacies were price gouging. A shortage is a real pain.

But it helps me tremendously. It’s off-label for depression, but there are docs who believe it helps because it raises dopamine in the brain, which causes the good feelings in people. It also raises norepinephrine. The psychiatrist who prescribed it for me was one of those.

I’m sorry your experience wasn’t very positive, but it sounds like you know your body, which is good.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

My largest exposure to this drug is not from people taking it for ADHD or depression. I know a couple who had prescriptions for it for things like that, but they straight-up abused it, sold it, and shared it with friends. That was a small amount. By far, the most I saw it used was by peers in college using it to cram for exams. I considered it cheating, just like steroids would be in an athletic competition. It was an open secret how to fake your way to a prescription. I remember it being described as study beast mode on tap. A good number of them who were open about using it ended up dropping out anyway, but too many made it through without consequence if you asked me. People still smoked weed and drank too much, but this was the drug of choice in the late 90’s on campus.

smudges's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I agree that it’s been highly abused for years; I’m sure I could make at least $500/month if I sold mine. But I wouldn’t even consider it.

I sort of see your point about it being likened to cheating, but I disagree. It simply keeps a person alert and more focused than they would otherwise be, and isn’t that what coffee does? and caffeine is technically a drug even though most of us don’t view it that way.

I see steroids more as being a cheating drug because they cause your body to perform better than it otherwise would, whereas adderall creates conditions for your brain to perform better. It doesn’t make you any smarter.

It’s llike learning your lines for a play, whereas steroids are like feeding you your lines during the play.

smudges's avatar

Thanks @all for your responses. To be honest, I’m surprised that 3–5 haven’t responded in the affirmative. But I’m probably more in touch with the mental health community (doctors, people I know, forums, etc.) than most people here simply because of my diagnoses, so that’s probably why I expected more.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s not like coffee, it’s an amphetamine. It is cheating, unless you’re going to take it your whole life, your mind does not function normally like it does with Adderall. Doping, does not make cyclists any stronger or have better control, it gives them more endurance. It’s also considered cheating.

jca2's avatar

Maybe it’s worthy of being a question here.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. The Nazis were on meth…
Say what you will, but they got a lot accomplished…

Has anyone seen video of Hitler, at the Olympics? Dude is absolutely spun. He can’t even say still in his chair, and appears possibly rabid…

For the record, it was mentioned by many historians as a factor in the speed, execution and sleep deprivation the soldiers were capable of…

Several years ago, when the Seattle Seahawks were really good, there were rumors and even accusations that an unknown number of players used Adderall on game days…

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Hitler had a quack dr. that kept him on all sorts of drugs. Amphetamines were given to soldiers on all sides, including the USA.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. I have wondered, how different would history be if Hitler’s doctor was a different person. It’s likely Hitler would have inevitably had a “yes man” physician. But. I think that his doctor not only was incompetent, he was likely mentally ill and on mind altering drugs himself… What a meth. I mean “mess.”..~

It’s fairly common in history, for powerful leaders to have suffered from ineffective holistic medicine, and/or other improperly used chemicals or concoctions… Heavy metals like mercury, were actually thought to be beneficial when ingested.

smudges's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I know it’s an amphetamine, and if you thought I was comparing it to coffee, I apologize. I wasn’t.

I still disagree about it being cheating. I think you’re stating your opinion unless you have some facts – not someone’s opinion – that it is.

Agree to disagree, I say. And this is exactly why I put this in General – to avoid this sort of debate.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

We can agree to disagree, but my position on this is rock solid. It’s a performance-enhancing drug. This is a well-known, documented, and undisputed fact, not an opinion.

janbb's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Sorry but your ignorance is showing and the OP asked specifically for people who were using it or had used it to answer which is why I haven’t. Some drugs are used to address chemical imbalances in the brain, while enhancing performance may be another one of its functions. The achievement of mental health is not “cheating.”

jca2's avatar

@janbb You said good things but I don’t see where the OP said only people who have taken it should answer.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@janbb What ignorance? My response was an addition to the earlier answer. I added my experience with seeing it used by people in college who don’t have legitimate reasons for using it other than to get an edge studying for exams. If you don’t have ADHD or other issues, taking amphetamines to study is certainly going to give you an unfair advantage.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 From the OP:

“This is in General and I’m not looking for opinions or pros and cons.

Do you take adderall? If so, for how long? Do you feel it has lost its effect?”

jca2's avatar

@janbb ” Do you take Adderall, if so, for how long,” is implying that there will be answers that say no (which there were many). It’s not saying “only people who take Adderall may answer.” People saying “no, I don’t take it” is not the same as an opinion or a pro or a con.

jca2's avatar

Just to add that if the 10 people that answered “no” were answering inaccurately, the OP would probably have flagged those answers, @janbb. That she did not indicates (to me) that those answers were within the guidelines of what she was asking.

canidmajor's avatar

I flagged most of the bald “nos” as unhelpful, you are missing the spirit of the Q, @jca2 with your literal interpretation.

jca2's avatar

All the “nos” answer the question as asked, and as I explained, @canidmajor and the OP would have flagged if she felt that they should have been, but if the mods delete, then so be it.

smudges's avatar

The question was geared toward those who do take it, but I didn’t mind the nos because they didn’t go into details, opinions, or pros and cons. But, true, I didn’t limit it specifically to those who had. There was one who had, another with limited experience of others taking it, and a couple that were off topic and unhelpful related to Nazis but I let them pass.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s my fault…Not Nazis…
But I derailed the thread…

smudges's avatar

^^ S’ok…you’re good. ;)

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