Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Does your apartment lease agreement have quiet hours?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) October 25th, 2023

What are they?
Mine has quiet hours @10pm, and doesn’t specify when it expires in the morning.

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9 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t have an apartment, but most city/town/county laws dictate 10 pm as a cut off for a lot of loud noise. Typically if it is 6 pm and your neighbors are having an all out wing-ding complete with noise people and lots of loud music, the cops won’t do anything if you complain. At 10 pm they will.

Forever_Free's avatar

I rent out space in my homes to people via private rental, Visiting Nurse, or AirBnb. Yes I have quiet hours in listing and short term lease of 10pm-8am.
If it the whole house rented, it doesn’t matter then.

smudges's avatar

My lease agreement probably does, but at 48 pages long, I couldn’t swear to it. When looking it over, I hit the high points and let it go at that. The first year I read every page, after that…meh.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

When I lived in apartments there were no such rules. If you were too loud, someone banged on your door and told you to shut the fuck up. If you were smart, you listened and got quiet before the cops showed up. That was back when cops showed up.

ragingloli's avatar

It probably does, but even if it did not, the neighbours will let you know if you are too loud.

SnipSnip's avatar

The leases for our residential properties do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Our city has a noise ordinance 10pm-8am.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m pretty sure my lease does. I seem to remember it being in there.

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