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chyna's avatar

What do you think of Dean Phillips running as a democrat for president?

Asked by chyna (51769points) October 27th, 2023 from iPhone

He is from Minnesota and says he thinks Biden is too frail to run again. Does he stand a chance?

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16 Answers

jca2's avatar

I just read about it this morning. I don’t think he has a chance unless he can raise lots and lots of money the way Biden can, as the incumbent. Organizations such as unions are going to endorse Biden because he’s more of a “sure thing.” I agree with Dean Phillips that Biden is too frail and I would love it if Biden stepped aside to “spend more time with his family” and I continue to be amazed that Biden is running again, because I feel he can barely put two sentences together, but it is what it is at this point.

I’m a Democrat and I voted for Biden but at this point, I don’t like Biden and I certainly don’t like Trump. I have very limited choices. At least next time there will be lots and lots of choices, because Biden won’t be running and hopefully Trump won’t be running, although Trump fans will vote for him until he’s in the coffin.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Waste of time and money. He won’t last more than a month, if even that.

Caravanfan's avatar

Who is he?

chyna's avatar

I agree with @jca2. I don’t want Biden in as I think he’s too old and frail, but I will not vote for trump.

filmfann's avatar

What chance does he have? Small.
Biden has to stroke out or die.
Then, K. Harris would become president. She would then need to be rejected by the voters. If that happens (and it has to happen soon), Phillips would then be well positioned.

Caravanfan's avatar

I read a bit. This is a political bid that has zero chance of success but by putting his name out there he is hoping he will be a known quantity compared with people like Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris whose names are well known.

jonsblond's avatar

I like to see options but Biden is our only chance against the Republicans and MAGA. Biden is showing he’s capable and I’m not disappointed in him as many others here are.

gorillapaws's avatar

Bring it on. More candidates is a good thing. Also how about some debates, an end to super delegate and a free/fair primary? I know this is a radical idea, but what if we had a vigorous process where the candidates slugged it out (verbally) and the strongest candidate with the best ideas would win and go on to face the Republican in the general election, instead of the shit-show we have now where the party elites conspire to anoint whoever they believe will protect their interests.

As much contempt as I have for the RNC, the one thing I will give them credit for is being more democratic in their primary than the DNC.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Honestly never heard of him before.

kritiper's avatar

The more the merrier! The election is going to be a bigger circus than anything P. T. Barnum could envision!

ragingloli's avatar

You can not deny the distinct possibility that, just like RFK, he is a poison pill candidate whose only intent is to syphon away votes from Biden, to help the republicans win.
Especially after RFK exposed himself as a nutjob that is more likely to lure republican voters to his side than democratic ones, so a replacement was needed.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I don’t know why anybody thinks that they’re going to have a chance against Biden. And if anything, they could be a spoiler so they need to stop running!

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