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Do you drink alcohol if you are with a friend who has been sober for many years?
A good friend of mine has been sober for decades. When we are together in a social situation I will not have anything alcoholic. To be honest that is not a big sacrifice for me. I feel it is a silent sign of respect and support. And now that I have hard data from my Garmin watch indicting the stress it places on my body, I have been avoiding it whenever possible without being rude to the host.
By avoiding alcohol am I showing support for my friend or can my action be seen as a sign that I think he cannot be trusted?
I really mean it as a sign of support and have no worries about trust. I feel it is about like walking across a well frozen pond. I know the ice is thick enough to support me so I will cross, but I am not going to jump up and down.
I was with a small group of friends doing some work at a cabin in an isolated area. Two of them brought beer and bourbon and partook in moderation. Three of us including my friend did not. There was never any mention or insistence to partake either way. The situation got me thinking – thus this question.
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