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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What piece of technology should I buy? (Details inside)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) October 30th, 2023

I’m looking for unlimited talk, text and internet?

What do you suggest?

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24 Answers

janbb's avatar

You really have to go to some phone stores in your area and do the research. Plans are so wildly different that it is a matter of checking out various companies. The hardware is not as important for costs as the plan and with you being in Canada, we can’t help you much.

You could research it online and then make some phone calls.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It seems that what you’re looking for is not a piece of technology, but a service provider. I suggest you speak to your wireless carrier and ask them how much such a plan would cost.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I’m waiting for a call back. With customer service tech support in Red Deer.
Also my phone is in need of replacement. Screen is cracked, and my power cord pop’s out, and my internet crashes frequently.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Also I only have $170 Canadian saved up. I would need a payment plan. Also my rent is going up $100 in January.

Forever_Free's avatar

Sounds like you are primed for a new provider and new device. I am unsure if you as US , CA or other.
I can speak to my t-mobile plan that is unlimited text and data. I pay for 3 device (myself, daughter, and mom) and the total is $79US per month.
I am sure for 1 number and phone you can find much less through a major carrier or a MVNO(mobile virtual network operator).
The MVNO’s ride on the same network as major carriers but you don’t get guaranteed speed.

Forever_Free's avatar

Most plans will give you a free phone that is a generation or 2 older.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Forever_Free I live in Canada. Ok thanks. I will search for that. (Generation 2 or older).
My phone is ( unlimited talk, and text) through Telus,($35/month) , and my (almost unlimited) internet is through Shaw ($80/month).

I don’t have a computer anymore, and everything is through my Motorola Android phone.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@All My provider listed for unlimited talk text and internet for $95/month plus $125 per month for the phone. $220/month.

I don’t have that much $$$. I currently pay $115 month. Will be $105 more per month.

Thanks @all.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Also can one use an iPad as a phone?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

One thing occurred to me. You will not need internet from Shaw once you start to get internet from your wireless phone provider. That will save money. I suggest you visit a wireless provider store. Explain what you want. Ask them if they have any plans with free phones.

I can’t say for sure, but I think you can cancel your service from Shaw.

Zaku's avatar

Sounds like an opportunity to save $125/month, by buying an older device for a one-time cost, that does what you need and will be reliable, but won’t cost much because it won’t be the latest thing.

ragingloli's avatar

Do you really need unlimited text and talk?
As for internet, just connect your phone/pad to your home’s WLAN, and limit your internet use when outside.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Yes I need unlimited talk and text. I might get by with just getting another phone and keeping in my original plan.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Thanks. That sounds great. I will go over it with my mom.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Not living in Canada, I have NO idea what options you have available. I have T-Mobile & when I had 1 number it cost me $55/month. It was $60 but they gave me a $5 discount if I let them auto draft from my checking account. Then they offered me their 5G WiFi for $55/month which would drop to $50 with the $5 discount for auto withdrawal. Right now, I’m considered to have 2 lines & I’m paying $100/month. They don’t charge for taxes & fees. I find their WiFi to be spotty but better than nothing. Some days it’s excellent & other days I’m looking for something better.

You have to be extra careful when asking questions about any cell service plan. The plans with the so called free phones are bogus in that they charge you about $35/month MORE than if you have your own phone. I buy my unlocked phone from Best Buy & ONLY pay for their monthly line charge for their unlimited plan. I’m a fan of Samsung phones but I refuse to pay $1,800 for a phone. They have a mid-range phone for around $400. It’s just as good as the $1800 phone except it doesn’t have a few bells & whistles that aren’t all that important for the $1400 difference. I bought it from Best Buy & I get a deferred payment plan where I have 12 months to pay it off interest free. I’ll have it paid off in 4 months for the same price as if I walked in with cash to buy it. Since it’s unlocked, it’s NOT tied to a specific company & I took it to T-Mobile & they set it up for me for a $10 charge. When time comes for me to upgrade to a new phone, I’ll buy another unlocked phone from Best Buy & move the SIM card over to the new phone & pay the phone off on under the 12 months & I don’t ever get a phone from T-Mobile.

You might want to check in with your phone company & ask if you’ve passed your 2-year contract (assuming that you got your phone on their plan). If so, they might lower your bill just to keep you. OR, thy might give you a newer phone under a new contract for the next 2 years. One thing for sure is that they won’t call you to ask you what you want to do; however, if you call them, they will try & find a way to keep your business!!! Talk to other companies first to see what else is available so you’ll know if your company is offering you a decent deal.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update I found this.

Samsung S23 for unlimited everything (125gb data) for , $131 a month

I might get it on Friday November 3rd.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

$131 is much more expensive than The Telus plan that @Tropical_Willie found for $90/month.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I tried to order from the site that @Tropical_Willie suggested, and nothing happened. I trust a brick and mortar store first. I will go to the Telus store at November 3rd.

I think that the plan is the same just a more expensive phone?
I will see later. Will update.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Thank you for the explanation. I think it’s a good idea to get a cheap phone.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update I purchased the Samsung s23 for ~$145 a month. For a two year plan. All is well.

I got Netflix premium, apple tv, and discovery+

The phone was $1,000. I didn’t purchase it outright.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanks for update !

Forever_Free's avatar

nice phone!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update I am happy with my new Android phone. I only recommend that to buy extra power chargering cords because even the $45 nylon cord breaks.

Nothing quite like a panic attack when you are short of money for a new cord at night with 25% power charge remaining.

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