Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What was a minor change that helped you?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) November 7th, 2023

For example:

I learned to cut navel oranges half, and a half again, and one more time (to make eight pieces), and was easier to eat.

It felt like a level up.

I switched to Himalayan red salt when cooking.

Much tastier food.


I buy canned pears, and canned preaches, both in water. Cheap, and instead of chocolate or take out.

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9 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I stopped listening to music on the radio while driving. I use my iPod. No commercials. No annoying air personalities. No crappy music.
I often make 3½ hour drives to the Bay Area. It just makes it so much easier.

janbb's avatar

I put in a gas fire and in the winter, I eat my breakfast in front of it. Very cozy.

Also, I cut my newspaper subscription down to just the weekend. It was too overwhelming to read every day although I do miss some of the special sections.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We stopped eating unhealthy foods and both of us feel 100% better.

RocketGuy's avatar

Setting up a weekly cooking plan – now we shop just for the week, cook only a few times that week, then eat the leftovers after. Less cooking and fewer rotten groceries in the fridge.

Forever_Free's avatar

Being completely present in everything I do.

From listening attentively, to NOT multitasking.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I started wearing bone conduction headphones, and I’m much more aware of my surroundings because I can still hear everything as well as what I’m listening to, be it a business meeting or music while exercising.

tedibear's avatar

I can deal with doing almost anything for 15 minutes. This is an idea I read about and decided to try out. I found myself internally whining about doing routine chores. I made a decision for my own mental health that I needed to stop the whining. I told myself that if the chore in question took less than 15 minutes, I couldn’t grumble about it – internally or externally. I learned a couple of things:

1. Most of the routine things that I need to do take way less than 15 minutes.
2. I felt better because I was complaining less.

It might not work for everyone, but it did for me.

Zaku's avatar

Canned pears (or peaches, but I prefer pears) go really well with cottage cheese. Put them together in a bowl.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@tedibear that’s how I handle my chores too! Especially since my back will start hurting or I will need to sit down to catch my breath. And then I use sort of a bribery system where I will get up and do chores for 15 minutes or one task, depending on it’s length, and then sit down and let myself read a chapter of my latest book or do a bit of my crafts, something like that. By the end of the day you feel like you’ve gotten a lot of accomplished but also had time to do that which you enjoy.

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