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Jeruba's avatar

Is this aspect of the 2024 election unique?

Asked by Jeruba (56216points) November 25th, 2023

In all my reading about national politics, I haven’t seen a single word about this peculiarity pertaining to the two presumed candidates: namely, that they are both running for a second term.

Has this ever been the case before?

Do you think this affects the dynamics of the contest? If so, how?

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31 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

I asked this question to ChatGPT. The closest that it found was the election of 1912, where William Howard Taft sought re-election and Theordore Roosevelt ran as a third party candidate having previously served two terms. The ultimate winner was Woodrow Wilson, who had not previously served as president.

ragingloli's avatar

I think what is more unique is that one of the candidates is a convicted fraud and rapist.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli Actually neither is a convicted fraud and rapist. However that, too, could apply to both if you change it to accused. But then that might apply to Bill Clinton too…but he isn’t running.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t think their running for a second term affects the dynamics of the contest so much as their combined age being 158.

ragingloli's avatar

He was convicted of fraud in September What is being litigated now is the damages.

He was also convicted of sexual assault in a civil trial in May, and when he tried to sue Carrol for defamation for claiming to have been raped by the orangutan, when he was “only” convicted for sexual assault, his suit was thrown out, because his actions qualify as rape in other jurisdictions and general parlance.

So yes, he is a convicted fraud and rapist.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 get your story straight and not what Trump’s lawyers say . . . .

@ragingloli is one hundred percent correct

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli Please keep up. He was not convicted of fraud. Convicted indicates a criminal proceeding. What you cited was in a civil trial. It was a summary judgement. That decision is what will cost the Dems that case. Before the first piece of evidence was shown, before anyone testified, Judge Engeron stated that Trump was guilty and set a punishment. It was a summary judgement and one that was challenged. The appeals court put a stay on that ruling which is why the trial had to go on. The entire thing is a sham. It is worthy of what we might see in Germany.

The sexual assault trial in May was likewise a civil case. Again…not a conviction since it is not a criminal trial.

What I don’t understand is why you, a foreigner, is so obsessed with Trump. You really seem to get lathered up. Paid player, maybe?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Donald Trump found liable for fraud in New York civil case”.


“NEW YORK, Sept 26 (Reuters) – A New York judge found Donald Trump and his family business fraudulently inflated the value of his properties and other assets, in a major defeat for the former U.S. president that could severely hamper his ability to do business in the state.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He is appealing. the guilty of fraud, while he bad mouths the judge and his clerk . . . !

He seems to hope someone harms one or both of them !

janbb's avatar

It’s so sad how the entire judicial system of the United States has been deployed to take down one innocent man. ~~~

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yep, a corrupt judge automatically found him guilty and assigned a punishment without a trial. Congrats…you get to brag about it. It was already appealed and a hold was put on it. In the end, by doing that, Engeron gave Trump a perfect opportunity to appeal and get the entire thing overturned, regardless of what the “trial” finds.

But think about it for a moment…think about what happened. Put yourself into the seat of a defendant. You get charged with something that is a hoax charge to start with. You walk into court and the first thing that is said, before any evidence is presented or witnesses are heard, is that you are guilty and that your entire business enterprise is now forfeit and you are owning a severe penalty. Can you, in any rational way do that? If you were in that position would you think that was a fair trial?

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb The sad part is how the federal government a local politicians use the idea of getting that one individual on anything they can and how much money they waste while they ignore the rest of their jobs.

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 And yet your guy proudly announces that he is deliberately going to use the Department of Justice against all his enemies if he gets in again!

And I’m out so you can batter away all you want.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sorry you left @janbb !

GOP says it is okay to support insurrection and fascism but not democracy ! Just ask Moscow Mitch, Ted Cruz and DeSantis . . . . AND Tangerine Turd!

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb And yet you support the Dems using the DOJ against all its enemies. And your response was typical…throw a barb and run. Typical penguin

Tropical_Willie's avatar

First thing the Tangerine Turd said he would do, if he is reelected is send the FBI and DOJ after the Dems and RINOs he feels are the reason he in in so many court cases . . . !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You find that offensive from Trump, yet that is exactly what the Dems are doing…sending the DOJ against their enemies and opponents. And having the DOJ protect their friends/allies. How do you justify that hypocrisy?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime”. . . . he is a criminal and is proud of it.

He just doesn’t want any impact on him or his family, just to keep breaking laws (his father would proud of him).

If he said some things to a daghter or your wife that he is saying aboout the judges clerk and pretty sure you woould not be support him.

ragingloli's avatar

“If he said some things to a daghter or your wife that he is saying aboout the judges clerk and pretty sure you woould not be support him.”
Do not be so sure about that. He is a cultist, so he would cheer them on as they are whisked away by the Orangutan to Epstein Island.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie by your logic he DID say some of those things to my daughter or wife. But you dodged the question: if you find Trump saying he would sic the DOJ on his enemies to be so offensive, why aren’t you up in arms that the Dems are already doing that to their enemies? Could it be that you don’t care about the act, just the target? That is called hypocrisy at the very least, ignorant and insane at the worst.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He f . .ing broke the law . . . fraud in New York. The executives at Trump Org no longer do the financial statements they way they did that got them the guilty of “COOKING THE BOOKS” !

His daddy isn’t around to slip cash to the right people like he did as a corrupt landlord.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t “cut and paste” from Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist. websites to support attacks on my “Conservative” viewpoints like someone I know ! ! ! !

I know you consider any media to the left of the Federalist a Communist rag.

So sorry for your anti-democracy viewpoint !

I’m not a veterans and your tangerine turd hates losers and SUCKERS ! !

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Your problem is, in your mind, Trump never lies . . . . 30,000 times while the White House mis-truths, white lies and WHOPPERS !

ragingloli's avatar

Do you not know? They are all part of the Lügenpresse!
Even the courts that sanctioned his kraken lawyers for filing frivolous lawsuits without evidence.
All part of the grand global conspiracy to harvest child testicles in the backrooms of pizza parlors to fuel their immortality!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I hear you @ragingloli

Some think Hitler was okay and Trump should be okay to be a Fascist Dictator too; that is so dumb !

Don’t you think loli. ?

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