If Big Bird was served as Thanksgiving dinner would you eat him?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
December 6th, 2023
from iPhone
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29 Answers
Depends on the texture of the meat.
I think he would taste like chicken. I’ll say yes.
Since he was killed already, yes. Would I kill him and eat him – no!
Of course! With all that neck for giblet gravy!
Thinking that Cookie Monster would be sweeter.
If Big Bird had writing ability similar to Shakespeare’s, we could have Big Bard for dinner.
I’ve eaten Emu before, so I imagine Big Bird might be similar. I might feel a bit guilty, but I’d probably enjoy the meal. As for Mr. Snuffleupagus, though, I’d have to pass.
Not if he is cooked whole. The bigger the bird, the longer it takes to cook, and the more bone dry the meat will be.
“Save the neck for me Clarke”
I mean…it’s clearly an endangered species. I think it would be illegal to kill and eat.
The short-lived and under-appreciated sketch comedy show The State had a sketch where a dinner party guest wonders what the ‘blue meat’ is, and they find out it’s muppet. The guy then demonstrates how to hunt muppet by calling out the window “I know what far is, I wonder what NEAR is?” at which point a muppet immediately shows up to sing a song about near and far, he grabs it, snaps it’s neck or something. I’m probably mixing up some details. It was hilarious.
Just potatoes and veggies for me, thanks. No gravy.
Extra pie.
I don’t care one way or the other – I wasn’t a child of Sesame Street. But don’t even think of messing with Miss Nancy from Romper Room!
I call dibs on the dark meat. Or the neck.
We invited it round for dinner but couldn’t get it in the oven so had to give up.
Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Leave Big Bird alone!
Plus I think the Count would taste better.
^^^^ You can’t count on that!
Ernie said that shert-bert was for dessert.
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Would Bird Bird walk to the table and be prepared table side?
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