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JLeslie's avatar

Is your Amazon firestick remote malfunctioning?

Asked by JLeslie (65937points) December 14th, 2023 from iPhone

Suddenly, I’m having trouble with my firestick remotes. No problems for three years and now they stopped working a couple of weeks ago (both TV’s in my house) and we figured out how to reset them. A week ago the one in bedroom had a problem again, I reset it and it worked. Now, the bedroom one is not working again and I can’t get it to work.

So frustrating. Makes no sense to me.

I’m wondering if millions of Amazon firestick remote’s suddenly aren’t working.

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11 Answers

Entropy's avatar

I have a very old firestik that I really only use for one or two specific streaming services (the others are all on my smartTV, but a couple refuse to work there). I’ve notice the firestik remotes are battery hungry in the extreme. That tends to be my biggest problem with them.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The older firesticks may have gotten a firmware push that slowed them down. I noticed our older ones are slow now but our newer ones still act fine

Forever_Free's avatar

What version Firestick?

cheebdragon's avatar

I had similar issues with mine, but they just needed new batteries.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I used to have a couple of Amazon fire sticks and then they started giving me trouble and it just became too much of a pain in the butt. I read somewhere online that if you don’t update them pretty regularly, then after a while they don’t work. But I needed a new TV anyway so I finally just ended up getting an Amazon fire TV which is much better. It seems to update on its own so I’ve not had any issues.

JLeslie's avatar

Update: I still was having no luck so I searched on youtube to try to find out more about the remote control phone app. Low and behold I had downloaded the wrong app a few days ago, maybe it’s a third party app I’m not sure, and when I downloaded the correct app it linked up to my firestick right away! Yay! At least I can use my phone for now. My husband comes home tomorrow, let’s see if he can fix the regular remote.

Late at night I like to use my ipad to watch TV anyway, because I can set it to turn off if I fall asleep watching, so luckily it hasn’t been too inconvenient since it was my bedroom TV.

filmfann's avatar

Mine is working.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann Do you update your fire stick? A friend just told me I’m supposed to update it.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband fixed it! We haven’t tried to update anything, but he was able to fix the remote.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t have a firestick.

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