Does Ukrainian, unmanned "Vampire drones" violate Carl Sagan's/Issac Asimovs ,Three laws of robotics?
To not have robots be used to kill a human?
At the least would scientists be upset that unmanned drones are used to kill humans?
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9 Answers
Asimov came up with the three laws. Not Sagan. (Side note: I never liked Sagan, he was a slick salesman but not much else)
Asimov wrote the three laws as a fictional tool. Not reality. Good ideas, yes – but they were never more than literary ideas; never voted on, discussed, agreed on, memorialized in treaties. They hold no real authority other than that they’re good ideas.
Finally and most important, VAMPIRE drones are not independent thinkers. They’re still controlled by humans on the ground. So they are not robots in any sense of the word.
Bottom line: Your premise is all wrong.
@elbanditoroso I just heard it on the news and was wondering what is next?
@elbanditoroso Carl Sagan was charismatic/friendly, and he explained complex science to me.
He was one of the warm sweater celebrities. Like Mr. Roger’s, and Neil Degrasse Tyson.
I feel a positive, warm fuzzy, from them.
I’m most with @elbanditoroso in that the Three Laws aren’t real things. And he’s also right that vampire drones aren’t autonomous.
But to the point of the question, expect reasonably close to autonomous lethal drones on the battlefield within our lifetime. It will happen, and it’s unlikely anyone can stop it because they’ll be the ultimate asymmetric warfare tool.
Most likely, the response will have to be authonomous lethal countermeasures to them. They’re developing laser based countermeasures (already in field testing), and these already have some modes where they’re selecting their own targets and just need a human to click OK to kill it. When clicking OK is too slow, you better believe that will come off.
Whether autonomous lethal systems are a good idea or not…they are likely inevitable.
Those robots would have to be sentient.
@Entropy ”...they’ll be the ultimate asymmetric warfare tool.”
I think carrier fleets could become endangered in future naval doctrines.
No. In Ukraine, the VAMPIRE system (Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment ) is not a drone. It is a portable laser guided rocket system designed for shooting down drones. You might be thinking of the VAMPIRE PROJECT the British were working on which is a program of launching unmanned drones off their carriers. But unmanned does not mean robotic. It usually means remotely operated…no people on board the drone.
Another consideration with respect to Asimov’s 3 laws is that those laws were programmed into the robots. It was a technique used as a sales scheme to show how safe robots were. In the early days of robotics (in I, Robot) people were scared of the robots going nuts and killing their owners. The first 2 laws stopped that and the 3rd law (which was superseded by the first two) was that the robot would defend it’s own existence. In today’s world, robots are not required to be programmed with those three laws. As such they could be used for whatever use the creators want. Much like AI: Shit in means shit out. It only works based on the crap used to program it.
You should look up the US’s Skynet program in Afghanistan. This intercepted all mobile phone communications in the country and used machine learning to select targets which was fed to MQ-9 reapers without any human interaction.
The particularly worry aspect of this is choosing to call it Skynet.
Have you seen one of these vampires yet??? I suggest that you look here so you have a better idea of what it is. I don’t think it is what you’re thinking, so NO it doesn’t violate anything you inquiring. Be patient when you go to the page. It was slow to open & took a while to open. It’s worth the wait to see exactly what it is. Some of the info is unnecessary in my opinion. I found the pics along with the explanation a bit enlightening. It’s a very short read once it loads. It might have been MY computer hesitating to load instead of the site. Still, look at it & determine for yourself as to what it is & what it might violate!!! When I verified that my link went live, I realized that it was slow on the loading because there’s a video that I missed the first time. Be sure to watch it as well.
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