With Trump being kicked off the Colorado ballot, what do you think will happen next?
Asked by
filmfann (
December 19th, 2023
The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that Orange Jesus cannot appear on the primary ballot, and write in votes may not be counted.
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18 Answers
He will appeal to the Federal Supreme Court. I doubt that he will stop collecting funding from his followers. If he can tie up in a delay , and will plan to do a 2028 ticket. Or 2032.
^^ He’ll collect twice as much because this proves that they are afraid of him & stealing votes!!!
I’m not a Trump guy, but the Colorado Supremes are out over their skis. This is exactly the wrong response to Trumpism.
More states will follow suit.
^^ That was my first thought. Colorado broke the ice, so to speak. I hope you’re right @kritiper!
YEAH!! I hope you’re right as well @kritiper .
The corrupt scotus will reverse the ruling, obviously.
This won’t stand. Trumpies needn’t worry.
This is why DT stocked the SCOTUS, for times like this. He calls in the Flying Monkeys and they do what they’re put there for.
I think it is likely to backfire.
Supreme Court will rule if Orange Julius will stay banned.
Other States waiting in the wings to follow.
The crux of the matter is twofold: A, whether or not he is proven to have committed a act of insurrection; and B, whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment applies to the office of POTUS.
A lower court has already ruled (without a conviction) that his speech was an incitement to insurrection, and the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling seems to uphold that ruling and apply it to the former President in this case.
P.S. I’m not a Constitutional scholar, but I like to play one on Fluther!
I think this is good news/bad news.
The good news is Trump can’t be President again.
The bad news is Nikki Haley will beat Biden.
^^ The devil you know versus the devil you don’t know.
The devil is in the details. TBH, it makes me nervous. He doesn’t get mad, he gets even!!!
Still the devil. I don’t think any unknown devil will be worse than Cheeto McFatAss.
^^ my reference was Nikki vs Joe.
Is Cheeto McFatAss the great Jazz Hornblower.
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