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mazingerz88's avatar

What is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ problem?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) December 21st, 2023 from iPhone

Financial? Spiritual? Societal? Moral?

Does he even realize he has a problem?

One might assume how happy and grateful one must be…one who has the honor and privilege to be able to serve as a US Supreme Court Justice. And the pay is not too shabby either.

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11 Answers

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chyna's avatar

He is power and money hungry. He believes his own hype. In this day and age, I firmly believe he would not have been appointed after Anita Hill’s testimony against him for sexual harassment.
I thought she was believable at the time, but that was when men were in the “good ol’ boys club” and could get away with anything.
He needs to be removed from office.

jca2's avatar

This, to me, is one of the “Basket of Deplorables.” haha

janbb's avatar

Why can’t they be removed on ethics charges?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They don’t have to have ETHICS in the Supreme Court . . . ! !

seawulf575's avatar

I think that what is wrong with Justice Thomas is that uber-left “news” outlets publish opinion that they call fact. The article cited in the question shows no real facts, but relies on innuendo to push a narrative.

That being said, I will say the same thing about Thomas, and all other current and future justices, as I did about Ginsberg and Kagan: if they are participating in something in their personal life that ties directly to a case in their docket, they should recuse themselves. Remember Kagan and Ginsberg participating in same-sex weddings while the Obergefell case was in the docket? If there was a case against some industry or business in their docket and Thomas was participating in something with that industry or business at the same time, he should recuse himself. BUT, just like Ginsberg and Kagan, he isn’t required to and any opinion he has on the case should still be viewed as legit.

jca2's avatar

Luxury trips and having his pockets lined by influencers – deplorable. He admitted to the trips and the pocket lining – so it’s not made up.

Forever_Free's avatar

There is a new Code of Conduct that was put in place November 13, 2023.
This helps to wrap some rules around questionable acts like this. While the wording of it can’t stop wrongdoings, it puts a framework in place.
SCOTUS should act appropriately in the first place. I am not a fan of his actions and behaviors.

janbb's avatar

@Forever_Free I had read about the new code of conduct but I have read that it has no real teeth which is obvious because nothing is being done to Thomas.

Strauss's avatar

...Financial? Spiritual? Societal? Moral?


Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb Agreed. Really no teeth or defined penalties. They should know in the first place.

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