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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Can anyone tell me the exact crime they are trying to impeach Biden for?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23626points) December 21st, 2023

And please don’t just say high crimes and misdemeanors, what is the crime, or is it just revenge for impeaching their beloved Don Father twice?

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51 Answers

janbb's avatar

They have admitted they have nothing on him. They are still looking for a smoking gun.

zenvelo's avatar

Being a Democrat.

They have been saying he had some business tie to the former regime in Ukraine since 2015, but have absolutely no proof of anythig except being himself.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So their inquiry is nothing more than a fishing trip?
Sorta the same as claiming the election was rigged, and saying they had a ton of evidence but never showing it.

canidmajor's avatar

Waiting for the Terribly Threatened Cishet White Middle Aged Man to thunder onto this Q posting about laptops….

Blackwater_Park's avatar

IMO they don’t have anything concrete. I think they’re doing what they did to Trump even though Trump ended up deserving it. They’re just
muckraking ahead of the election. You can put negative things out there about Biden knowing it won’t stick but it does not matter. It affects perception and by extension, votes. I do think there were some shady dealings going on with Hunter Biden though. He may have some issues if his daddy is no longer the president.

janbb's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Hunter has issues already!

elbanditoroso's avatar

There isn’t one. This is Trump-sponsored revenge.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Totally agree @canidmajor that or Biden’s quid quo pro that a certain Rep/con foams at the mouth over ,even though at the time conservatives praised Biden for doing it.
Now it seems to be crime worthy of the death penalty.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Being a democrat. Not being trump?

ragingloli's avatar

Hunter Biden’s giant penis.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I agree revenge from Trump and his “Flying Monkeys” (they don’t need to pass an end of Fourth Grade test). ! ! !

LadyMarissa's avatar

They have absolutely NOTHING against him!!! So, they are trying to preen & strut so their base believes he did something wrong. One will be here shortly to prove my point. They claim that they are following the evidence because it worked so well for the Dems. Difference is that there really was evidence against 45. Hunter is a pig who should have to share a home with Rudy for the rest of their natural lives. There is NO evidence of high crimes & misdemeanors; however, give them enough time & I’m sure they can create some!!!

seawulf575's avatar

What they are looking at is bribery while being in the VP office as well as influence peddling. Remember the charge against Trump…the quid pro quo of trying to coerce Ukraine into some political action? Biden admitted publicly that he did that exact thing as VP when he got Shokin fired as their AG. And they are finding a string of evidence that bears out that story. He did this at the behest of Burisma execs and it looks like he received $5M for it. As did Hunter AND Hunter was awarded his position on the board of Burisma when he had no experience at all with the position or the energy industry.

The interesting thing about questions like this one is that when the Dems impeached Trump, the only “evidence” they had was an anonymous whistleblower, who they refused to name or have testify to Congress, that claimed in the infamous phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy, Trump asked Zelenskyy 8 times to specifically investigate Biden. That was quickly disproven when the transcript of the phone call was immediately released by Trump. The Dems then went on to their impeachment hearing bringing in a slew of “witnesses” who admitted, under oath, that they had no first hand knowledge of the situation. They even brought in one witness who testified to Trump’s character after admitting, under oath, that she had never even met the man. But that was all considered “evidence” by those on the left. Meanwhile the Republicans have tax records, bank records, multiple whistleblowers who are willing to come forward to testify (and who are being retaliated against by the Biden administration, testimony from actual witnesses to the actions of Hunter and Joe, the establishment of 21 shell companies used to funnel money to the Bidens…the list goes on and on. And with all this, those on the left say “there isn’t any evidence”. I think the thing that needs to be established is what the lefty definition of “evidence” is.

seawulf575's avatar

The one thing they (the Repubs) need to do that is annoying in its absence is to bring FARA (Foreign Agent Registry Act) charges against Hunter. That is another charge that would play into an impeachment of Joe. Since Hunter was working for and with foreign entities, he should have registered his actions per FARA. That would have meant that Joe would not have been allowed to oversee certain things like Ukraine or Hunter would have had to quit his workings. This, too, as something the left felt that Trump associates and family had done wrong yet are giving a pass to the Bidens. Funny how that works.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Some believe he and his family profited illegally, simple as that.

jca2's avatar

They’re supposed to find an actual crime he committed and then start impeachment proceedings, not start impeachment proceedings and then search for a crime. Millions of taxpayer dollars for this charade.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Totally agree @jca2 , and talk about the party of fiscal restraint they have no problem blowing tons of tax payer money on this, but programs that would help the average citizen we can’t have that.
Now wulfie if that is the crime they are going for then why can’t they just say it??

Strauss's avatar

(Joe) Biden’s crime is that he happens to be the Democratic President following the sh*t-show that was #45.

SnipSnip's avatar





Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SnipSnip Those are accusations. no evidence has been show n. . oh the Republicans want the TangerineTurd to walk free ! So he can be a dictator only on day one.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 They had plenty of evidence prior to opening an impeachment inquiry. But if that is how you feel why did you support the Dems impeaching Trump on basically no evidence?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Another recorded telephone came up recently of. The Turd trying preessure Wayne County officials

Oh and head of RNC was on the call with. Trump. (I know it didn’t happen . . . la la la la)

Don and Rona offered to pay for lawyers to, is that t bribe ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie The Don Father was recorded on the phone to a Republican asking him to find him votes to win in that state,guess that was faked as well and how do you explain his attorneys turning on him to save themselves guess fake as well?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I will say this if it is found that Biden is guilty of a crime then he should be held accountable, unlike your beloved who you think is innocent of everything.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575 The Republicans admit they have no crime at present to impeach Biden on.

As for Trump, the 2nd impeachment inquiry, I know what i saw and what he said,which is what @SQUEEKY2 is referring to – “find me votes” “overturn the election” etc. And like @SQUEEKY2 said, if Biden is found guilty, then yes, I would support his impeachment. I’m all for “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I think it comes back, once again, to the transcript of the phone call. Remember, the call to Ukraine had him asking Zelenskyy to investigate Biden corruption 8 times…right up until the transcript was released (which was PDQ). Then he mentioned Hunter Biden once and just the term “Biden” one other time. He never asked anyone to specifically investigate Biden. He did ask for Z to keep looking for corruption in his country (which Z had already started doing). Yet the Dems and their propagandists in the media went nuts claiming he was weaponizing the power of his office against his political opponent.

I’m sorry, I’m not taking the biased media’s interpretation of what was said, I need to see the actual wording before I get wound up. Not a quote taken out of the conversation, but the whole conversation.

Interestingly, Trump did mention Biden as being a possible corruption problem in Ukraine. Biden, himself, bragged about being corrupt when he told how he got Shokin fired within 6 hours of his threat and implicated Obama at the same time. He treated it as a funny thing and something to be proud of. At the time all this emerged, the Dems were investigating Trump for the exact same actions Biden took. I brought that up on these pages and the answer I got from all you uber-lefties? “Biden isn’t president, Trump is. If Biden were president we would talk about it”. Now he is and you are all STILL trying to cover for him. It isn’t the actions he takes, it isn’t the crimes he committed, it’s that you absolutely hate Trump and cannot really admit that Dems take far less evidence of a crime to claim it happened than Repubs do. You are trying to use the Repubs meticulousness as something that is bad.

But you are ignoring things that, if Trump had done, would have put you over the edge as proof. Setting up dozens of shell companies to funnel money to himself and his family, using multiple aliases on emails when discussing interactions with foreign businesses, bank records showing vast monies being sent to the Bidens with no real reason for it, text messages discussion bribes, timing of these emails with corrupt actions by Biden, his son getting multiple positions with companies in foreign countries (that aren’t really friendly towards the US)...positions for which he has no expertise, multiple (20+ now?) coming forward to expose the corruption, FBI informant forms that show highly suspicious activities…the list goes on and on. History has shown a single bogus whistleblower was considered incontrovertable proof of wrongdoing by Trump, why is all this mounting pile of evidence not enough when it is Biden?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You seem to know more than your beloved Rep/cons and if those are the crimes then why can’t they say it??
And you keep ignoring the fact when Biden got Shoken fired your wonderful Republicans praised him for doing it now it’s a horrible crime, your beloved Don Father did it for political gain wanting dirt on Biden.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m very frustrated with the Repubs actions in moving towards impeachment. They have enough evidence to show that Biden is dirty. They have gotten this despite the DOJ and the IRS trying to block them at every turn. The whistleblowers have testified even though illegal retaliation has been leveled against them by the DOJ and IRS. They seem to be finding that one piece of evidence that ties Biden to “the Big Guy” in all the various memos, emails, etc. But what you won’t or can’t answer is why when the Dems push an impeachment they feel one discredited anonymous whistleblower is enough proof? If the Dems had put forth evidence like the Repubs have uncovered against Biden, I would have fully supported an impeachment and would have been perfectly happy if he had been thrown out of office. What you won’t or can’t answer is why the Dems would claim foul on Trump supposedly coercing Zelenskyy to take a specific action by threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine, yet you ignore it when Biden does it?

You are the one that is hiding and dodging. You asked the question what Biden was being charged with and you got your answer. You immediately started down the WhataboutTrump path to dodge from the answers you didn’t want to hear.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

BECAUSE, Trump did it for political gain, Biden did it to oust a very corrupt politician they had been trying to get rid of for years. Dems push an impeachment they feel one discredited anonymous whistleblower is enough proof?
Is that discredited whistleblower a decorated military officer with years of service?
I still believe that guy over your hero.
I believe you are missing something because if the Rep/cons had enough evidence to move forward they most would unless it’s just mud slinging until the election, you know like the 30,er 300,no 3000 nope 30,000 emails during 2016 election.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And your right you did answer the question what you think the crime is, I want to know why the Rep/cons in power refuse to say it?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 ” Biden did it to oust a very corrupt politician they had been trying to get rid of for years.” Soooo….asking for a foreign government for something and threatening to withhold aid if they don’t do it is NOT an impeachable offense? Besides, if you follow the chain of events the Repubs have uncovered, Hunter got an e-mail from some people on the Burisma board asking for him to help them get rid of Shokin because he was investigating Burisma. Hunter responded favorably and included “The Big Guy” in on the action. it was something like a week later and Joe had the event he bragged about where he threatened to withhold $1B in promised aid if they didn’t fire Shokin in the next 6 hours (time until his plane left). Sonofabitch. He was fired. And shortly after that Hunter was given his place on the Board of Burisma with no experience whatsoever in the Energy industry. So no…it was not so altruistic as to claim it was over corruption from Shokin.

“Is that discredited whistleblower a decorated military officer with years of service?” You know, that one’s hard to say since they never released the name of the whistleblower. There was a suspected military guy…a known Trump hater…that people speculated was the source. And whoever it was gave testimony that was factually false and easily provable. You would believe that over Trump, I understand. But all that means is facts don’t matter to you when it comes to Trump.

I believe the Repubs are holding off to let Biden be the presidential nominee for the Democrats. Let him be the lead weight around their necks. The timing isn’t right for them and the Democrats aren’t ready to move him aside yet. Right now there are efforts to still cover up his scandals and though the Dems haven’t officially come out and said it, I suspect they wish the Republicans would impeach him. It would give them an excuse to not back a sitting president of their party and their propagandists would say it was just the Republicans doing a political witchhunt.

Meanwhile, people like you that are great at repeating what you are told to repeat without thinking, or what it really is or what the facts say, continue to keep the propagandists employed.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is that sorta like “LOCK HER UP” repeated over and over?

seawulf575's avatar

Actually there was a reason for that. She broke the law. Yes, Comey let her off the hook by creating some “intent” clause in the law that didn’t exist. She was liable for fines or jail time for each piece of classified materials she had on her server and in her email. The law is quite clear. So calling for justice is really not the same thing as spouting rubbish that is demonstratively false just because some propaganda outlet tells you that rubbish is fact.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Someone wants all Democrats put in jail . . and the ones that don’t get there . . . . have DJT “Flying Monkeie” (Oath Keepers< Proud Boys and others to be killed or “EXECUTED” to quote the Tangerine Turd about Mike Miily !

Another quote from Putin’s BBF is all Veterans and active military are “losers and suckers”

Doctor “Bone Srups ” must be your hero too,

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Careful , @Tropical _Willie wulfie will list you as Hater although his hate for Biden,Hunter, Hillary,and Obama has no bounds, even though he will claim he doesn’t hate them but his posts say otherwise.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Get a room y’all

jca2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie and remember when DJT said John McCain wasn’t a hero? How could anybody, especially a politician, say that a POW is not a hero? Unthinkable.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 It’s interesting seeing your comments on this page. You asked a question about Biden and ever since you have been trying to make it about Trump. What’s the matter? Trying to face facts about a Democrat doing what you have accused Trump of makes you uncomfortable? Can’t actually deal with the answers without deflecting to Trump? Why ask the question then?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Jim Jordan doesn’t have the votes in the House to go to full impeachment. The GOP only has a 3 vote majority . . .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie, you are the only Rep/con to actually name the crime even the Rep/cons in power can’t or won’t, I pointed out a few posts up that if Biden is found guilty of a crime then he should beheld accountable even @jca2 said the same thing you do remember that or has your hate for anything democrat blinded you that much?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

^^Pot calls the kettle black

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I suspect that the answer for why the Repubs won’t name a charge yet is because an official impeachment inquiry has just started. And already the Dems are playing Dodgeball with them.

But I find it interesting that you say now that if Biden is found guilty of something he should be punished. Yet you defended Hillary at the same time when she WAS guilty. You covered for Biden having classified materials from his time in the Senate and as VP in an office and in his house. The laws are very clear…he, like Hillary, did not control those documents. That is a fine or jail time for each offense. Yet you defended him like crazy. So no, I don’t believe for one second that if Biden is impeached you will be glad of it or even accept it. You will just blame Trump as you do all the time. This thread is a perfect example.

jca2's avatar

I think the difference between Biden having classified documents (which, I believe, if I’m not mistsaken, were not from his time as President), and Trump having classified documents is that Trump denied, lied, covered up, argued, whereas Biden said “have at it, have a look, take them back.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is a liar and soon will be toast !

Declaring his is a dictator and can’t be held accountable is not from his lawyer’s mouth but from the Tangerine Turd’s asshole ! ! ! ! !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree @jca2 Biden did not lie or try and hide the documents.
Remember Pence had some as well ,and again he did not lie or try and hide any of them.
Wulfie your hero was asked for a year to give them back and he did not why??
Then when the FBI had to go get them you act like OMG the FBI has been weaponized by the evil left which was a lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

One thing you fail to realize Wulfie, if your hero had simply given back the documents none of it would be public knowledge.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What happened to the Russia document TRUMP had and is now missing . . . ???

Bet you Putiin his BFF has it. and people are dead ! ! ! ! !

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 The difference between Biden having classified documents and Trump having them is that Trump was POTUS with the ability to declassify, Biden never did. He was never allowed to have them in the first place.

If you believe that having them illegally and then, when caught, saying “Oh! well you can have them back” is the yardstick, then Hillary should have been prosecuted as well. She denied having them, lied about it, destroyed electronics and other evidence so they couldn’t be found, and argued even after it was proven. You can’t have it both ways. But the law is very clear. Having them as Biden did is a direct violation of the law. I’ve posted the links before but will do so again. There are actually two laws that apply depending on what is in the classified materials: For generic classified materials For classified materials related to national defense.

Neither of these allowed Hillary to handle materials as she did nor do they allow Biden to have them at all. You could throw Pence into this mix too as he found classified docs in his possession as well. As I have said all along that the only thing that saves Trump is his ability as POTUS, to declassify materials. If he had been VP or a Senator or some Cabinet member and he had the classified materials, he’d be in the same boat.

When I was in Nuclear Power School in the navy, we had to treat all our notes and class materials as classified materials. We were required to stamp them as such and they had to stay in the school building which was guarded or we had to throw them in classified material bins for destruction if we no longer wanted or needed them. Even if a piece of paper was stamped as classified and it was completely blank otherwise it was treated as classified. And yes, people did get in trouble for this. If they did a check of barracks and found it in your room or if it was found out and about with your name on it, you got in big trouble.

jca2's avatar

Merry Christmas @seawulf575!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie as you say we go out of our minds defending Biden,same can be said for you and your master.
So we will leave it there and enjoy a Merry Christmas with your family.

seawulf575's avatar

Merry Christmas to you @jca2 and @SQUEEKY2 and all other jellies following this! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas (even if you don’t celebrate it).

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