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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever thought that something was wrong with you in a break up?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) December 21st, 2023

It took me 24 years to realize that my ex-girlfriend an I weren’t compatible, and not anyone’s fault. It is normal.

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13 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

I had a woman friend in 1992 for about one year. She suddenly told me tgat were “too different”. She dove away andvI never seen her again.
No discusion.

A couple years ago Isaw her on fb. I gave a friend request. No go.

Forever_Free's avatar

It’s one of the stages of grief. Everyone aside from narcissistic people feel that.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My ex convinced me that EVERYTHING was my fault & NOTHING was his fault. It took me a while after the divorce to realize that sometimes it’s NOBODY’s fault. Sometimes crap just happens…Not everybody is compatible no matter how hard you try!!! Now days I see it as no matter how much I enjoy having you in my life. If you don’t feel the same, it’s time to move on. I might miss you but I’ll survive!!!

smudges's avatar

My ex made me feel (I know, no one can make you feel!) that all of our issues were due to my depression and other psych issues. I think he didn’t want me to get better because then he’d have to accept some of the responsibility for our problems. But I believed everything was my fault for most of our 15 year marriage.

Sometimes we do it to ourselves, in other instances other people contribute to that feeling. It’s up to us to evaluate and figure out what, if anything, is truly our fault.

gondwanalon's avatar

Sorry for the typos,
Just out the hospital yesterday.. They worked me over really good. The drugs that they put in me haven’t decreases much.

janbb's avatar

Of course, that is perfectly natural. But to still be thinking about it 24 years later would be a bit odd.

smudges's avatar

♫ We were friends, but now it’s the end of our love song. So let’s leave it alone, ‘cause we can’t see eye to eye, there ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy…there’s only you and me and we just disagree ♫ Dave Mason

elbanditoroso's avatar

For about 5 minutes, I thought it might be me. But when I took the time to think about what she had said and the reasons for the breakup, it was her. She had her own problems which ultimately she foisted on me, making me the bad guy.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@janbb She was my first girlfriend, 24 years ago. I have not dated anyone since.

filmfann's avatar

I have embraced a level of self-loathing which allows me to believe anyone involved with me is better off without me.

Entropy's avatar

Oh, it’s ALWAYS my fault. Every girlfriend I’ve ever had eventually tells me we don’t have ‘spark’. Which is female for “You are boring.” Which…fair enough. I kind of am.

janbb's avatar

@Entropy A guy I had a first date with fell asleep on a park bench during our “date” and then had the nerve to tell me there was no spark!

seawulf575's avatar

I used to worry about it and yes, I did wonder if something was wrong with me. But what I realized is that the women that broke up with me (or with whom I broke up) weren’t compatible. They wanted someone that wasn’t me. They wanted to change me into something I am not. I don’t consider that something wrong with me.

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