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honeybun35's avatar

Would a man need to pull out if he had prostate cancer?

Asked by honeybun35 (1101points) December 24th, 2023

Sleeping with a man who had prostate and pulling out during sex.

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7 Answers

jca2's avatar

Talk to him about it. Maybe there’s a reason he does what he does.

If you’re comfortable enough to have sex with him, you should be comfortable enough to talk about sex with him.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It depends upon the treatment he had.
He might still have a prostate and does not want to risk getting you pregnant.
If he had a radical prostatectomy he does not need to worry about that. He can orgasm without making a mess.

honeybun35's avatar

Oh I see ok. Wasn’t too sure if he could get someone pregnant.

smudges's avatar

I wouldn’t worry. Didn’t you say you were 53?

LuckyGuy's avatar

If he didn’t get a vasectomy years before then there is a chance he is still carrying sperm.
There are different treatments for prostate cancer. The prostatectomy is the only one that guarantees he is 100% safe.
Radiation, seeds, hormone, chemo,... all have a chance of unintended pregnancy.

I happened to have a vasectomy about 25 years before my prostatectomy. That was a bit unfair.

honeybun35's avatar

Ok make sense

Forever_Free's avatar

Sounds like he is a practicing Catholic.

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