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LuckyGuy's avatar

What is the temperature of the water coming out of your kitchen tap?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) December 26th, 2023

If I let it run for about a minute, mine is 49.6F, 9.8C measured with a Thermapen.
I always have cold water at the tap and that got me wondering whether or not everyone else does.
So… how is your cold water?

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17 Answers

jca2's avatar

I don’t have a Thermapen. Are they on Amazon?

My cold water here is pretty cold. Not quite like ice water but maybe similar to yours, @LuckyGuy.

I remember one April about 8 or 10 years ago, our hot water heater went and so for a few days I was trying to deal with cold showers or washing my hair with cold water. I remember when I washed my hair with the cold water (April cold water) it gave me a headache.

kritiper's avatar

50 degrees F. Measured with a regular thermometer.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Whatever room temperature is in the room where the water heater is (where the cold and warm split after coming into the house). My water heater is inside (not garage) so my guess is that it’s somewhere around 55–60.

It varies based on the season. The water pipe from the street is buried about 18” down, but on the super hot days we have in Georgia in summer, you may get warmed water making its way through the system until cooler water (back before the main and valve) hit the house.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I also don’t have a Thermapen, so I used my digital meat thermometer. It is pretty accurate on most things. I let the water run a bit & I got an immediate reading of 53.4 upon checking. Then I noticed it was dropping about .2 every few seconds. So, I left the water running & waited until it stopped dropping. In the end, it reached 51.1 & hung there for another 30 seconds. So, yes Bill my final answer is 51.1.

ragingloli's avatar

8 degrees when cold, 59 when hot. measured with a meat thermometer.

jca2's avatar

I realize I do have a thermapen. Will measure later.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thanks for checking.
I hope a few folks from “down south” or “down under” will answer. I want to get an idea of how much the temperature changes.

Demosthenes's avatar

Looks like the cold water is 55.8 F here in the Bay Area (water is from the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir). That’s cold by our standards.

Though I know that the tap water at our Lake Tahoe vacation home is noticeably colder.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

52* F after running water for two and half minutes. Eastern North Carolina. Outside temperature 67* F overnight low was 52* F.

SnipSnip's avatar

It changes along with outdoor temp. The water lines are not buried very deeply. About 5 months of the year I use no water from the water heater. It’s on off. My dishwasher heats the water it uses. and I heat water in an electric kettle for the occasional cup of tea and hand dishwashing. Sometimes the water in the morning is too cool for a shower bu by 2t or so it’s fine. So to answer your question, in the warm months, I have no cold or even cool water. I have to add ice to water in the sink to wash vegetables.

janbb's avatar

Cold until it gets hot.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know if I have something to test it, but much warmer than yours. Can I use a regular thermometer for fever?

If you live north of the Mason Dixon line you will immediately notice how warm tap water is in Florida the first time you brush your teeth. Especially way south in Miami the tap water is almost warm, but I’m not that far south now.

Even where I am nearish Orlando it’s pretty warm. It feels less fresh when brushing teeth or taking a quick drink, but also the sulfur content in some parts of Florida cause it to not taste great either. By contrast NYS has some of the best water.

I found this link showing the groundwater is around 68° near me if that means anything.

chyna's avatar

I don’t have a thermometer, but I think the water in my bathroom is colder than that in my kitchen sink.
Can you test that @Luckyguy?
My kitchen sink is on an outside wall. Bathroom sink is on an inside wall if that matters.

RocketGuy's avatar

@LuckyGuy – doesn’t your cold water get really cold in the winter and not so cold in the summer? Ours does, probably because the pipes are exposed to air in the crawlspace under our house.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@RocketGuy Our water temperature is pretty consistent all year. I will check it periodically now just to have a number.
The line into my home is 54” below the ground surface. It comes from a water main that is 8 feet below ground. (I witnessed the installation.)
Once it is in my house it runs along beams and joints in the ceiling of my basement. That has a relatively consistent temperature all year.

RocketGuy's avatar

I see. Our crawlspace has circulation of ambient air so our cold water gets pretty cold in winter, not so cold in the summer.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@LuckyGuy Yikes! A crawlspace here would be frozen solid in January and February. For outdoor use we have special spigots so we can turn off our outside water. Here is a typical unit. It is usually 12 inch or 16 inches long. It is called a “Frost Free” outdoor faucet with anti-siphon valve. When you turn the handle it turns a shaft that runs up the center of the pipe to actuate the true shutoff valve that is located inside your house. Also in the basement there is another valve which is used to shut off water to the so there is no chance of leaving water in the pipes during a hard freeze. It is a very reliable system.

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