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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is the ending to this scary episode?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25164points) December 27th, 2023

It might have been the outer limits?

It is where a bad man tells his victim to bury themselves in beach sand or he will kill his wife.

The victim has a television on the beach showing the wife buried in sand to the neck.

The bad man states that It could be a video recording and she might not be dead.

I missed the ending. It was in color. Might be from the 80’s?

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1 Answer

seawulf575's avatar

Sounds like it was from Creepshow, circa 1982 or so. A guy buries his wife and her lover in the sand and sets it up so they can watch each other as the tide comes in. The bad guy loves it as the tide drowns the two. As I remember the twist is the next night the drowned lovers come back to say hi to the bad man.

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