Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's going right in your life?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) January 7th, 2024

My boyfriend will be completely moved in today. I’m excited and nervous simultaneously.

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10 Answers

chyna's avatar

That’s great news!
I’m now fully retired and loving it!

janbb's avatar

My relationship w my grandsons.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The only constant good thing in my life is Mrs, Squeeky.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’ve stopped buying useless crap on-line, and I have more money for food.

LadyMarissa's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS @Hawaii_Jake!!! The fact that NOTHING is going wrong in my life tells me that MORE is going right than I’ve been paying attention to!!! :-)

@chyna CONGRATULATIONS to you as well!!!

JLeslie's avatar

That I’m not dead yet and can still dance is a win.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I have a comfortable safe place to sleep and plenty to eat. I have a phone/internet connection to converse with my friends and family.

Maybe I have a new job, we’ll see in the next week or two.

tedibear's avatar

I have to come up with a basic “strategic plan” for 2024 for my job. I have been avoiding and pondering this for almost a month. I finally spoke with a colleague and I think she gave a good jump start. We’ll see how I feel when I try to do the real work tomorrow.

I’ve put myself into a negative spiral about this, but talking to my colleague made me feel a little better. We’ll see how it goes. So, I count that as having something going right. I have dependable, helpful, kind co-workers and partners.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have everything I ever wanted, a great husband, – a beautiful house in California with a picket fence in the front, a swimming pool in the back and a new car in the garage; both my sons and all my grandsons are happy with their lives (relatively, with some struggles).
My sister has finally found happiness after a long struggle. Her daughter is putting together an 80th birthday party for her with all her children, including the two she had to put up for adoption 62 years ago. They looked her up through DNA and reunited a couple of years ago.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Yowza @YARNLADY you are winning!!!! High five!

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