What does “poisoning the blood” mean to you in reference to immmigration?
Asked by
JLeslie (
January 9th, 2024
from iPhone
Trump said that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,”
The Democrats have been saying that it was directly from Hitler. The Trump supporters are trying to twist the statement into drug abuse, addiction, and overdose.
I know very little about the words Hitler used, but I instantly, without hearing anyone else’s explanation, felt it was one of the most racist things I have ever heard.
People throw around the accusation of racism a lot, and I don’t always see racism when others do.
What I have always maintained as undeniably racist is to believe certain groups of people are born in some way inferior or bad. The sentence poison the blood to me goes to the very heart of this belief.
What did you think when you heard Trump say this or heard the quote? If you can, try to separate out how the media explains it and really focus on your personal reaction.
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60 Answers
Hitler used the same terminology, but it goes way back into history – I believe it was used in the middle ages and even before.
Yes, it is racist. It implies a “clean blooded race” (Hitler or Trump) versus a “dirty or polluted race” which would in some way make the clean blooded race less pure.
It’s ugly, and frankly (and scientifically) untrue.
Apologists will of course hide behind the excuse that Hitler meant actual interbreeding between races, while the orangutan “only” means their presence in the country, as if that makes it any better.
Right wing dogwhistles are turning into bull horns, until eventually they will just go full nazi, once they feel their political dominance is entrenched and irreversible.
I wonder if he would ask them to wear swastikas on their uniforms ? ? ? ?
It’s both racist and a Hitler-wannabe reference and catcall to US neo-Nazis.
It’s also like what I’ve heard several racist Americans fearfully spew over the years, the notion that white people get eliminated in mixed-race children. MAGA has a MAWA undertone.
It’s a reference to the racist ignorant xenophobic fears of his base, which apparently isn’t a deal-breaker for the not-as-bad conservatives who will still support him (and/or are too afraid not to).
To me it’s unnecessarily inflammatory, certainly a dog whistle.
Poisoning the blood is used a lot by WS because because they believe in racial purity.
More alarming is that he intends to keep using the phrase.
It’s good for Dems because most Reps are scared to vote for him because of stupid crap like this. He did not learn.
At this point, what do you think it meant?
I just read that Trump is promoting the birther conspiracy for Nikki Haley. The lunacy continues.
@jca2 it worked so well for him in 2016, so he is going back to the well for an encore.
The phrasing seems odd. Is there a citation showing context or is it something taken out of context? I can see MANY meanings for that phrase. It could be he is trying to say illegals are tainting the blood lines of the country. This is what the Democrats are trying to say. For those trying desperately to tie this to Hitler’s thinking you are ignoring key facts. That isn’t saying people of other races are lesser that others, nor is it saying all immigrants are lesser. So that claim…that it is like something Hitler would say…is already bogus. When you have to ignore logic and cherry pick select words to make a claim you are lying.
Other possible meanings for the phrase: The open border is a huge source of drugs to our country…drugs that kill outright and/or destroy lives without killing. It could mean that illegals are putting such a strain on the resources of the country that they are taking away our ability to help Americans. It could mean that flooding our country with illegal aliens is killing our identity as a nation.
A citation is needed to show context.
@seawulf575 do you mean this? “from NBC”: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-immigrants-are-poisoning-blood-country-biden-campaign-liken-rcna130141
Former President Donald Trump said immigrants coming to the U.S. are “poisoning the blood of our country,” a remark on Saturday that quickly drew a rebuke from his chief Democratic rival as President Joe Biden’s campaign likened the words to those of Adolf Hitler.
“They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”
Trump then repeated the use of “poisoning” in a post on his social media website Truth Social, saying overnight in an all-caps post, that “illegal immigration is poisoning the blood of our nation. They’re coming from prisons, from mental institutions — from all over the world.”
@elbanditoroso No, what you gave me is a partial. A Partial from a left-wing outlet that is attaching their spin to it.
It always amazes me that these questions get asked, no citation is given, everyone jumps all over it because it skews against Trump, and yet nobody actually has take the time to research what the context of the entire thing is. Eventually I ask for a citation and someone (usually not the original person posing the question) pops up with something from a left-wing outlet. Then I have to go out and find the actual transcript of the speech where this was pulled from.
And just so all you Anti-Trumpers don’t have to read the whole thing, the statement comes from the section marked (44:23). If you back up to (44:00) and read through (44:44) you can get more of the context. He is pointing out all the horrible policies of the Dems and how they have failed America. Additionally, to claim he is mimicking Hitler is idiotic. He isn’t talking about dilution of the gene pool of Americans. He claims many of the same people that are coming here were in mental institutions and prisons in their home countries. He even said (and your own citation confirms) that they poisoned those institutions. To even assume he is talking about ethnic purity is disingenuous at best, a complete lie and fabrication at the worst.
This rates right up there with Trump saying White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are very fine people. Yes, he said the words “very fine people” on both sides of the conflict at Charlottesville VA, but he immediately followed it up with “and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists—because they should be condemned totally.”. Yet the left-wing media reported that he said White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are very fine people!!! And all you folks with TDS jumped right on it. I’m willing to bet someone will tell me now that he really did say it.
Time to stop believing the lies you are being told by the MSM. It is all propaganda. Time to get to the source documents, folks.
@seawulf575 I watched the video, not just that sentence and I don’t think he meant it to be racist, but you know he doubled-down and said he’ll keep saying it.
As a presidential candidate, I don’t think it’s a smart move. Shrug.
@seawulf575 NBC is about as vanilla as it gets. (MSNBC is partial, NBC is not).
With that, I decline to waste my time convincing you of what is obvious. You can argue with yourself.
@seawulf575 Here you go. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna130958
Trump supporters who aren’t racist can twist his words to their liking and the WS will twist it to theirs. Trump knows that.
No matter what it’s a flatly racist thing to say. Sure sometimes people who aren’t racist say something racist innocently without realizing people will hear that way, but Trump is deliberate, he knows his audience.
Trump is playing to his WS followers and they are listening to all his BS. ! ! ! !
The funny thing is, unles you’re 100% Native American, everyone’s ancestors were immigrants at one time, no matter whether they came over on the Mayflower or when or from where, we’re all descended from immigrants.
@jca2 But there’s always been limits, too.
@JLeslie To me it’s like using the N word knowing it’s very offensive. That’s what irks me, it feels like he’d rather pander to them than keep decent people as voters. But if that’s his choice, so noted.
@JLeslie Thanks, but a little too little a little too late. I already gave the transcript of the entire speech including all that led up to the part you are all up in arms about. And I’ve already show how the comparison to Hitler is completely idiotic.
You, like so many others, keep going off about how Trump supporters will twist his words to their liking. But here’s a concept: Don’t Trump detractors do the exact same thing? Take something out of context and they’re off to the races!
@elbanditoroso That you consider NBC to be middle of the road and MSNBC to be only partly to the left says all anyone needs to know. Anything right of Mao is right wing.
@KNOWITALL I didn’t see anything racist about it, nor did I see anything so horrible about it. And I actually understand why he doubled down and will keep saying it. It drives the lefties wild. He loves to watch them twist and wring their hands and froth at the mouth. That behavior is something I’m not keen about. I understand it, but I see it as puerile.
But be honest: would it really make any difference to the left if he pandered to deal with the “decent” people? I would suggest it would make no difference at all. The lefty media has been told to slam Trump no matter what. They create controversy where none exists. And the lefties in society eat it up. Look at the Charlottesville Lie as the perfect example. There, just like in this case, he said something that was actually nice to both sides and denounced white supremacists and Neo-Nazis. Yet the media took the part where he spoke nicely about both sides of the controversy, ignored the denouncement, said he called white supremacists and Neo-Nazis “very fine people”, and ran with it. So if they are going to make stuff up when there is nothing, might as well have fun.
@seawulf575 I had missed that you posted the transcript. Thanks for that. That speech is horrifying to me. So much in there that is bullshit and horrible. So much of what I see across social media word for word.
As far as Trump detractors editing and manipulating, yes that does happen of course. That’s why I try to watch debates and public address in full myself and not listen so much to clips in media. At minimum watch a few minutes before and after of whatever clip the media is obsessing about.
I wish Nikki could go head to head with Trump in a debate. Or, all three Nikki, Trump, DeSantis. Trump is very smart to avoid that. The court cases give him the perfect lie that he can’t be at a debate or in a state, even when it’s false and he could be there, his supporters will believe he couldn’t be.
@seawulf575 I do agree that he’ll be attacked regardless, but I don’t think it’s a winning strategy. We are free to make choices but there are repercussions.
@KNOWITALL Trump’s position as a candidate is pretty much unprecedented in our nation’s history. From the day he was coming down the escalator the first time around, the Dems were screaming to impeach him. For what, they couldn’t really answer, they just didn’t want him in office. Since that time the MSM has taken much of what he says out of context, they have manipulated video to brand any Trump supporters as horrible people…it has been a complete shit show of propaganda. So suggesting he just play nice is a joke as well. I don’t think ANYONE knows what a good strategy would be. As we can see, the nation is getting completely fed up with the “Get Trump!” attitude from the media and the Dems. Every time they brought an indictment against him, his polling number went up. They recognize how corrupt the entire thing is and, fortunately or unfortunately, he is about the only one willing to stick their neck out to battle against it.
As I have said, I don’t like how personal Trump gets on many things. I think he is a loud mouthed braggart way too much. He gets childish often. But he did get things done as POTUS. I can respect that. And let’s be completely honest: If he were nice and polite, do you really believe the Dems would suddenly accept him?
Meaning to me? A sociopath piece of turd using his mouth to rile people up. To get their votes too. This is what he does and his defenders do. Their world crumbles when they are called deplorables, white supremacists and neo-nazis.
They don’t like it when a white asshole gets so much hate for being just that. They feel they’re being hated as well. Being an asshole is not enough reason to hate trump. That’s their opinion and obsession.
WHAT did he get done @seawulf575? Considering he was utterly clueless about the office, the constitution, world politics, economics, etc.what did he get “done.”?
DeSantis made a good point in his debate that Trump was going to build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it and he hadn’t. I know DeSantis had a few things that Trump said he was going to do and he hadn’t done, @Dutchess_III.
Trump did formerly recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The religious right loved that. Some felt it was a mistake. He put three conservatives on the supreme court. Again, his base loved that. He did help some people who were in jail with outrageous sentences to be released. Most of America probably agreed with him doing that. We can’t say he did nothing.
The problem is the outright horrible things he did make any good thing not matter. Hitler did some good things too, but he was a monster.
@Dutchess_III are you really interested or are you just trying to score GAs here? I’ve listed many things he did as POTUS previously (on other threads) and every one of you lefty jellies that challenged me immediately tried deflecting from the list of achievements. Do you really care? Would you believe them if I listed them?
@seawulf575 You’re right that MSM and Dems are always looking for the worst.
My point is that it does make him harder to vote for. One Dem friend said she will be voting Republican in 2024 but struggles with Trump.
I do like some of what he did, never lied about that fact, but I do wish he didnt make me feel like a vote for him is approval of his rhstoric, misogyny, etc… Maybe he can change my mind but not like this.
@KNOWITALL I get it that he is annoying. Not trying to make anyone feel good about that. But here we have Trump, who is annoying, being lied about by the MSM and the Dems. So who do you want to vote for: someone who is annoying or someone taking their actions from the Hugo Chavez playbook? Which one is really the threat to democracy?
If Trump were toned down I’d like it a lot more. But really the choice I am given is really Trump, or the Democrats. Democrats have shown lying and cheating are okay for them. That doesn’t match my acceptable tolerance for what I want in my country.
^^Bullshit. In their hatred of trump the douchebag some Dems and also some in the media also do play dirty politics like your orange leader Washingturd and your Fox propaganda machinery.
And you are what…upset? Stop supporting your douchebag and all of the bullshitting in this country will stop. Try it.
@seawulf575 Point taken. I would rather be outraged than starve or WW3.
@mazingerz88 All the bullshitting in this country was going on well before Trump hit the scene. I have tried it. The only difference is that now they blame Trump for all their misdeeds. Stop supporting the political machine that has never done anything for you and start looking at Trump with an open mind and all the bullshitting in this country will become clear to you. Try it.
^^Your answer to all the bullshit taking place in this country is an asshole to lead you and represent you in your cause?
Surely this country hasn’t ran out of men or women with enough sanity, dignity and decency to do that for you.
Try again.
^^No, my answer to SOME of the bullshit taking place is to have a guy that held the position and did good things for the country try again. Face it, the Beltway Bunch don’t like him because he doesn’t go along with the narrative. Trump got us out of wars all over the globe, got us energy independent, had an arrangement with Mexico to hold immigrants there while waiting for asylum determinations rather than letting them run wild in our country, he was building the wall that was helping…despite the best efforts of the Dems to stop it, he had the economy under control despite Covid-19…the list goes on. And what did Biden, your hero, do when he took office? Immediately undid most of what Trump did. Got us into wars, got us dependent on foreign oil again, tanked the economy, opened the southern border, sold all the building materials for the wall for pennies on the dollar, has stressed just about every corner of this nation with illegal immigrants…THAT list goes on and on as well. So which guy is the real asshole? The one you defend?
Surely you’re not this naive not to understand…trump was deemed a piece of shit, nothing more by most voters. Most American voters did not need the media to convince them of that.
Ever since he started that Obama birtherism cheap stunt and his vile rhetoric which continues to this day…most American voters knew he is…unfit. A joke.
None of anything useful that he might have done as a politician matters to most American voters. So be practical. Try moving on from supporting an asshole.
@mazingerz88…what scares me is he got elected in spite of the birther BS. In spite of bragging that he grabs women by the crotch. Making fun of a handicapped reporter. All of that came out before he was elected. Blows my mind.
@seawulf575 The bad guy is the one who wants to be a dictator, happy to sit back and let the lunatics in the country try to block or change a democratic election. The guy who encourages those violent lunatics over and over again. It is the ultimate offense against our constitution and the premise of America.
As far as covid economy, the inflation was the bounceback from Covid lockdown and ridiculously low interest rates during Trump, which helped his real estate friends. The average person might think it was great to get mortgages so cheap, but it caused insanely high housing prices. The investors eat up properties and prices go higher.
When covid fear and international travel was opened up the travel and hospitality business had a HUGE uptick and the prices went up double. It’s still insane, but leveling.
I see Republicans posting about gas prices during the first 6 months of covid! If they want those prices then they should be wanting lock down again. It’s stupid. Gas prices have been lower recently, are they going to credit Biden?
Trump was supposed to decrease the deficit. Nope. He didn’t really care about that or he doesn’t understand how to do it. One or the other.
@Dutchess_III Yes! That ridiculing of a handicapped guy should have ended that craziness. But they kept it going since they ran out of ideas on how to win. Desperation took hold.
I have never been so shocked in my life. I can NOT believe we may be facing it again only worse! Makes me sick to my stomach.
Don’t forget Trumps promise that he was going to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it? I think the President of Mexico thought that was very amusing. What happened to that promise?
trump is 99.99% bullshit. I don’t know how he even has blue eyes.
@mazingerz88 Surely YOU aren’t that naive. Trump was elected over Hillary who was the Chosen One. The media spent the next 4 years making stuff up about Trump to paint him as the bad guy. He “lost” the 2020 election and everyone said he was trying to be a dictator because he saw irregularities in the elections. This was pooh-poohed by the MSM and the Trump haters (such as yourself), but as time goes by we are finding more and more instances of exactly what he said was happening. Election fraud on a massive scale across the nation.
That would certainly explain how Biden suddenly got a 20% swing in votes in certain states when the counting was supposedly halted. To say he was “deemed” to be a piece of shit shows exactly how well the media blitz worked. Because you certainly didn’t discuss any of the things he did for the country and how Biden undid them, putting our country into the piece of shit condition it is in right now. Hell, you even make excuses for the bribery and influence peddling the Bidens have done for years.
@JLeslie “The bad guy is the one who wants to be a dictator…” Who is that exactly? The one that wanted fair elections or the one that wants to control the media, to censor people who speak out, who weaponized the DOJ against political opponents? Kinda hard to say Trump wants to be a dictator when he is calling for election integrity and to say Biden is not wanting to be a dictator when he is doing all the other stuff.
@seawulf575 You really believe there was significant election fraud. Incredible. Even Trump’s own people say there was no fraud, and Trump was making stuff up, and that most of the court challenges were completely frivolous. The red and purple states that would not allow mail-in ballots to be counted until the day of the election had swings, because the mail-ins were more often for the Democrats and early voting was more likely to be Republican. That is why Republicans wanted to curb mail-in voting, they knew it also, not sure why you don’t know that.
Voting is done with both Democrats and Republicans present working at the polls and also there is usually a third party checking things are being done correctly. Poll workers take their jobs seriously and to imply they are trying to cheat the system is disgraceful and offensive. Can it never happen? Of course fraud can happen, but on a wide scale across the country with all of the checks in place? It would have to be a massive coordinated effort in sabotage, and sorry that is not what happened.
As far as the media. I have big problems with parts of the media both left and right, but the integrity of our voting system is something else.
Trying to overturn an election, we also have some Republican states wanting to make it so the legislature or one person can overturn an election, it is the most anti-American and anti-Democratic thing I have ever heard of.
Some people say they wanted Pence not to certify the election to give the states more time. Time for what? The states already certified their results. Time to change laws? Time to threaten more Supervisors of elections? Time for what?
I think you should work at the polls this next election. Get some real experience of what it is really like.
It really is funny. The Orangutan has been convicted of fraud, rape, and recently in Colorado, courts found he engaged in insurrection. But he rejects all of that as “a witch hunt”. Meanwhile, dozens of courts reject ol’ orange’s voter fraud cases as frivolous, and he cites a recent, evidence-free filing by some drumpf stooge, and he still regards all of that as incontrovertible proof.
Pure cultist behaviour.
@ragingloli I’m willing to concede that some people want to go after Trump using the law to stop him, but it does not change that Trump actually did those things. It does not change that the states are careful about voting, take it seriously, and that Guiliani and Trump flatly LIED and purposely sowed doubt to the point of endangering poll workers. It is so close to ordering a hit on these poor people. Trump’s own people have testified that Trump was a liar, doesn’t care about the constitution, his lawyers advised him he was crossing lines.
Now, Trump is laying ground work for Trumpers to not believe the results of the NH primary.
I heard they stopped Trump from going to the Capitol on Jan 6, they should have let him go, then he would have been an obviously part of the Insurrection, there would be no cloak and dagger it would be there for all to see.
@ragingloli and the media is trying to “paint” him as a dictator when the idiot paints himself as a dictator.
@JLeslie Given the widespread cases around the country that have shown things like ballot box stuffing, violations of election laws when counting ballots, etc (all by Dems, BTW), it is foolish NOT to believe the 2020 election was compromised. Look at Bridgeport CT, look at Maricopa County in AZ, and the list goes on. D’Souza even made a film of it, using CCTV footage to show mules stuffing mail-in drop boxes. The fact that it is too late to overturn the election does not mean it was free of massive fraud.
@ragingloli ” The Orangutan has been convicted of fraud, rape, and recently in Colorado, courts found he engaged in insurrection.” Maybe that should tell you something. When a lefty court finds guilt with fraud and insurrection when there was not even a trial should tell you something about the legitimacy of the Left when it comes to justice. What dazzles me is that so many lefties believe it couldn’t happen to them.
“lefty court”
@ragingloli Yes it is. Thank you for admitting it. Convicting someone without a trial is just that: Pure. Cultist. Behaviour. And that is what you support. Cultist.
@Tropical_Willie Excellent! You are getting it! Election fraud does happen!!! So why is it so hard to believe when it happens in a national election?
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