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LadyMarissa's avatar

Is it possible to send a text & then take it back?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16302points) January 9th, 2024

Over the weekend, I was texting with my brother. He said he needed to go to the store & was leaving. A few minutes later I received a text from him asking me how my job was going. Since I’m basically retired, I responded from the text asking “what job?” About 2 hours later he sends a text asking me if that message was meant for somebody else. I scroll up so I can take a screen shot of his text asking about my job & it was NO longer there. If somebody else sent it, when I replied, wouldn’t it have gone to them in place of my brother? Now, I’m wondering where that message went. Any suggestions as to what might have happened?

If it helps, I have a Samsung Android & he has an iPhone (I don’t know which model).

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