General Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is my Logic right ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31654points) January 9th, 2024

If they determine Trump could use the Navy Seal 6 Team to kill a political opponent, then Biden could kill Trump and all his adult children as enemies of the state !

Dead serious ! ! !

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47 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump be careful of what you wish for. . . . !

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I believe that the U.S. has a law forbidding the use of the military on U.S. citizens.

zenvelo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Trump argues Biden would be immune from prosecution.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe he could scrub Halley and anti-Disney too!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sure. It’s ‘hidden’ the truth of JFK’s assasination all these years, which most believe was an in-house job. Like Marilyn Monroe to Epstein and so many more.

ragingloli's avatar

Of course not. Only the Orangutan would have that right.
You need to understand that the right wing believes in “rules for thee but not for me”.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Daddy Bush got away with it. Even though Biden is accused of every evil known to man, he’s too good of a man to off 45!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyMarissa If not Biden I feel it’s very possible, seriously.

Zaku's avatar

Trump is not right.

But your logic is correct, that if Trump were allowed to do that, then Biden would be allowed to, and Biden is of course the one actually in office.

If ex-presidents were allowed to use the military, then LOL, but of course, as with many of Trump’s suggestions, they’re just mind-bendingly stupid and wrong.

A similar basic one that should occur to anyone with actual logic, of course, is that if Biden had actually stolen the 2020 election as a non-incumbent, then he could certainly steal it in 2024 as POTUS, so running against him would be a fool’s errand. But of course, Trump doesn’t think it was stolen at all.

Oh, the stupidity . . .

Forever_Free's avatar

What’s going on with this country?

I’m Rubber, You’re glue was funny when I was 7.

JLeslie's avatar

I guess your logic is correct. The problem is, our military takes an oath not to follow an ilegal order.

I listened to a lot of the questioning by the judges, not just the clips on cable news. It was interesting. The discussion in the courts kind of opens a pandora’s box.

I think we have an assumption of integrity for the president, but obviously sometimes the person elected doesn’t have integrity. Impeachment is the route to get the president out, but politics gets in the way of that procedure.

chyna's avatar

trump was impeached. It meant nothing.
So by trump’s logic, yes, Biden could kill trump and be exonerated.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Yeah, being impeached is like being arrested. If you’re not convicted it doesn’t mean much.

seawulf575's avatar

Your logic is flawed because your premises are flawed. Trump is not arguing that he wants to use Seal Team Six to kill political opponents. In fact his own lawyer said as much when the judge suggested it. Remember this entire strawman argument was posed by the judge.

Trump’s argument is that he is allowed to do presidential duties without fear of law suits. This is a sound legal argument. Otherwise you will have every presidential decision being brought as a lawsuit by political opponents. The hazy area of the entire discussion is what is a presidential duty. Was Obama ordering drone strikes on civilians legal? At the time it was a decision, made by the POTUS, to deal with a situation that arose which challenged the US specifically or as the leader of the free world. But imagine if they say Presidential Immunity is not a real thing or that POTUS’ can be sued personally for making decisions. So when Obama ran for re-election his political opponents could have sued him for every single decision he made. They could tie him up in court so he couldn’t run again. Much like Biden and the DOJ are trying to do to Trump.

But POTUS’ are required to make tough decisions, some of which will be unpopular or which their political opponents could call treasonous or illegal. With no immunity those lawsuits would be justified. Think of the mayhem that will cause.

But as usual, the Democrats are wrapped around the axle of “Get Trump!”. They want to make rulings that will help them do that now. When those same rulings are used against them later they will cry “Foul!”.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 your argument falls apart at the determination of ” presidential duties”. The President has no authority to intervene in a state’s election process, yet that is what Trump and his cronies attempted repeatedly. The President has no authority or right to interfere with either House of Congress in carrying out their Constitutional duties (counting the votes of the Electoral College) yet inciting a crowd of insurrectionists to storm the Capitol to disrupt the election of a President is not only not his “duty” but a violation of his Oath of Office.

The GOP argument against a second impeachment was that Trump could still be prosecuted after he left office. Now his lawyers are saying that is not true.

As usual, you and other Republicans are wrapped around the axle of “Trump can do no wrong”.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo Interesting that you are the authority on Presidential Authority. Isn’t it the duty of the POTUS to ensure federal elections are fair? Why yes it is. As for your characterization of J6 as being a crowd of insurrectionists, that shows how down the rabbit hole you have gone. Saying Trump incited them to do that is even deeper down that hole. Not a single person has been charged with insurrection. None of the hundreds of people the FBI has hunted down were charged with that at all. Not. A. Single. One. So you are defaming good Americans in your effort to defame Trump. Your credibility is shot with anyone except another person living in a stew of TDS. @Tropical_Willie confirms that.

Even assuming I’m a Republican is wrong. I’ve stated it many times on these pages that I am a registered Independent and have voted for people all sides of a ticket. Yet, as usual, you ignore things I say because they don’t fit your fantasy world.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee @seawulf575 what were The Proud Boys, and oath keepers doing there that day?
Oh yeah getting ready for a big snuggle fest at the Capital, guess they got pissed off when they found the doors locked and they couldn’t get their group hug?
As for you voting for any Democrat sorry I don’t believe you, but keep the spin going.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 ”...defaming good Americans in your effort to defame Trump.

The only “good Americans” at the Capitol were inside trying to carry out their Constitutional responsibilities to elect a President. The murderous crowd that stormed the Capitol had no “good Americans” but was filled with traitors to the Constitution.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@zenvelo they were patriots for Putin !

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Probably protesting with the rest. But interesting thing about your choice of wording. Several of the members of those groups were arrested, charged, and tried and they weren’t even there that day. So if they sit at home they are already guilty? Huh. How does justice work in Canada?

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo You just keep digging deeper. You are funny. Sad, but funny nonetheless. You typify the left so well…almost a caricature. “The murderous crowd that stormed the Capitol…” How many people were murdered that day? 1. An unarmed tiny white woman named Ashlii Babbitt. And she was a protester. Killed by a huge black cop. So where are all the murderous people in the crowd? And now that the videos of that day have been released we are seeing even more that most of that crowd was not interested in violence at all. Hell, many of them were ushered into the Capitol by the police.

But if you consider the J6 crowd to be a “murderous crowd”, what do you consider many of the BLM/Antifa “protests” that destroyed billions of dollars in property damage, destroyed businesses of mainly minority business owners, injured many people and even killed at least 20? A Mainly Peaceful Protest probably…that’s what the lefty narrative was, right?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why not say how miss Babbitt was killed?
You always make it sound like she was a poor victim, like jumping through a window on barricaded door with a backpack on and police yelling at her to get back ,are you not supposed to obey the police in a situation like that?
You always make it sound like she was an lost tourist just innocently looking for her tour, and any of those people in that building that day were NOT protesters, at the best they were rioters illegal rioters,and chanting hang Mike Pence did not sound like a peaceful protest.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I have no problem saying how she was killed. Yep, she was coming through a broken window in a door. Now, why don’t you say how she was killed? She was unarmed. She was outnumbered by police on the side of the door she was trying to get to. There were armed police right behind her. The cop that shot her was in no danger of harm from her. Care to be completely honest for a change?

By your logic if someone is jay walking and a cop sees it they should be able to run them down and get an award for it.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 You consider carrying a noose and threatening to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi as less than murderous? That’s what you call a “good American”?

chyna's avatar

^Don’t forget the bear spray they were carrying. Just good, clean wholesome fun!

jca2's avatar

I’m one who, if the cops are pointing a gun at me and saying “stop, don’t proceed any further,” I’ll stop and not proceed. Call me old fashioned…...

ragingloli's avatar

@jca2 come on, you know that “obey the police” only applies to the brown skins.

MrGrimm888's avatar

My logic dictates that Biden is the one who’s death would benefit the left more.
Then they will run Newsome maybe.

As long as Trump is the GOP’s guy, Gavin would take him. Then Trump’s people will all eat each other like rats.

Killing Trump, will make him a martyr to many, galvanize foolish claims of a “deep state,” fake news, and lead to the GOP actually pulling together, away from the radical right.

A live and well Trump is his own worst enemy. He just can’t STFU. The longer his followers follow him, the worse they are looking (and everyone knows it.)

If the system works, Trump will have no right to even run.

I believe that although Biden has been largely successful, as much as a Democrat in office while Republicans have the congress, house, SCOTUS, and however many other conservative judges forced into lower courts.
Biden was viewed as too old, the first time around. I think he only won because Trump was the GOP candidate.
This time, people are looking at his VP, and thinking Harris might really be who they are voting for.
If a left, or centrist runs as an independent Biden will definitely lose.
This is Trump’s win to lose. He just needs America to empower him once more. Forever this time.

I see no problem with the OP’s logic. But I doubt it would be tabled.
Maybe as a last resort.
Biden could still die of natural causes, at any time. Sadly.
And I do think if it were up to Biden, he wouldn’t do it.
It’s no secret that Biden, and pretty much everyone, is morally superior to Trump and his sheep.
The Dems are probably going to let Trump slip into office again. Because they only have one strategy. “We aren’t Trump.”
That’s not going to work again.
No matter what Trump does, our “democracy” doesn’t have a plan, for a person like Trump.

Would the world be better off, without Trump? As he IS actively trying to subvert the voting process. Is actively trying to divide the US. Is actively trying to start a Civil War. Yes. The world would be a much better place without “the leader of the free world” fomenting division, for his own gain.

I’m going to let the J6 deniers cry. They are in an indefensible position. They, like Trump, need Trump to be POTUS, so the coup can continue.

I think society NEEDS to see Trump lose, “fairly.”(Again.) That would be the healthiest thing for the entire world.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo And who was charged with that? You said the entire crowd was murderous. Yet the number of actual guns in the crowd was extremely low. I saw another jelly mention bear spray. That isn’t deadly so that doesn’t get counted either. Some used flag poles they were carrying to hit a few cops. That was not what they came there to do. And in the end, your claim of a “murderous crowd” is nothing more than bullshit. You cannot point to a single person in that crowd that killed anyone that day. Yes, the lefty media tried saying 6 cops lost their lives that day but when you dig into that claim you find one was a guy that died of a heart attack he had the next day. The rest were including guys that killed themselves up to 6 months later. Can’t really blame the crowd for any of those.

Yes, you get GA for spreading disinformation and fear mongering. That tells me more about you and the ones that support you than any legitimacy of your views.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The Dems will get rid of Biden on their own. His handlers will tell him to not run and to give a speech saying he is done. You can count on that. The Dems don’t want him as a candidate. He’s done a horrible job, the country sucks, and he has nothing to run on. They will likely fit Michelle Obama in as a last minute candidate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^“yet the number of actual guns in the crowd was extremely low.”

Nuff said. Moving on…

Wulf. I hope you’re right about the Dems pulling Biden.
Now. The Michelle Obama thing, is I assume a joke.
Ironically though, I believe she would be exponentially better for the world, than Trump as POTUS.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 No, it isn’t a joke. And I suspect they are counting on many people feeling the same as you.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie it was more than just jumping through a broken door window, it was a barricade, and she was warned to stay back.
You don’t know what those guards orders were, it might have been anyone who breeches this will be shot, did they act with needless force ,let the law deicide that.
Boy your fright wing news sure has lots of information.
And you still call the people in that building that day PROTESTERS wow ,oh yeah after the 90 second clip Tucker showed of stragglers behaving guess they all were .
Guess the guy with a belt full of zap strap cuffs, and riot gear was just a peaceful guy,
Those people left their protester badge at the fence of the Capital grounds and put on the rioter badge, many put on violent rioter badges .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And Michelle Obama would be a BILLION times better potus than the Don Father, she is at least for the working people not just the top 1%.
But your country is so divided there is no way they would elect a Black woman as President, them good ole boys would never let that happen.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It seems too late in the game to just run a different candidate. Especially an incumbent.
I think that the Dems are just pushing all in with Biden, and hoping that Trump will be rendered ineligible through a shotgun of charges in multiple courts. That’s what they’re counting on.
To me, it seems like the two parties are playing chicken.
The Dems should have a Ace in the hole somewhere, like maybe Newsome. (He humiliated DeSantis.) If nothing else, for fucking redundancy.
I don’t have a problem with Harris. But I don’t think that the public “felt” she was doing much. Obviously others think she worships Satan and has Baby Eating Brunch, with Hillary on Sundays.

The GOP is willing to throw away ALL of their integrity, because they helped Trump get to this point. Trump was a dumpster fire. Now the dumpster is full of so much shit, the fire is spreading out of anyone’s control.
If either party thinks they are serving the American people with THIS upcoming election, they should be fired immediately.

Woops. The world is descending into utter chaos. Too bad the US is mired in politics, over party lines. Wulf is right about one thing, this process cannot become habit. The minority parties trying to unseat the majority in an endless, fruitless endeavor.
Meanwhile the world is in a bad place.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 So you can’t actually admit how she died. Got it. Geez your left-sling news sources have you brainwashed. You can’t even admit that shooting an unarmed person is wrong. Amazing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

OH!?? Can you admit shooting unarmed black men is wrong?^^

seawulf575's avatar

Absolutely I can. Shooting any unarmed person is wrong unless you are fearing for your life. Can you admit that a 5’2”, 120# unarmed woman isn’t presenting a danger to the life of a 6’2” 280# man that is armed with a gun and has at least 6 other cops right there with him? And, BTW, you still can’t admit it was murder. You are STILL trying to justify it. That is just sad.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What did the law say about this?
Maybe they thought she was packing a bomb in her back pack, all you say if cops bark an order you obey it ,she did not.
So all you have to do is say I was in fear of my life ,then shoot away?
I don’t know how much stress those cops were under ,they were under attack by illegal rioters,you say they should have jumped her and ripped her arms off but not shoot her because she was just a lost rioter looking for her tour,and you say I am the one thats sad?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 have you even seen the footage of the shooting? There were about 5–6 other cops near the shooter and not a single one of them acted threatened and not a one of them had a gun drawn. There were cops that had come up the stairs into the crowd behind Ashlii. And, BTW, the crowd wasn’t fighting with them. Ashlii wasn’t even through the door when she was shot. If you are in a position like that and a cop tells you to stop (and there is no evidence he even did that) you have to at least get onto the floor first. Since the crowd was behind her (physically) she couldn’t go back so she had to go in.

And stop being such a drama queen. You make it a shoot or maim case. That’s pathetic, though it does tell me a lot about how you view cops. Look at most of the cases of people that were stopped and arrested. Most did not fight at all. Even the “QAnon Shaman” was literally escorted around the building with cops even helping him on his tour and opening doors for him. He wasn’t even handcuffed. And he was a big guy. Funny that cops didn’t just shoot the whole crowd first and then wonder if they did anything wrong afterward. With 6 cops on that side of the door and one little woman entering, they could have probably just walked up to her and asked her to step aside. She likely would have without any tussle at all. But we will never know because she was murdered and her murderer was rewarded. Maybe if she had been a strung out black guy that fought them you’d have more sympathy for her?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Sounds like Trump got this lady killed. She was only there because of him. That FACT, is NOT debatable.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Exactly, and according to wulfie she was hero.
But again she was only doing her masters bidding.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And wulfie I did see the news clips and it showed her jumping into the window,you could hear the police telling her to go back then she was shot, don’t know what your fright wing needs clips showed I know you think she should have gotten some medal of Honor, and the cop should have gone to jail, but that is your fright wing view.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

MAGA chant “Hang Mike Pence – - – kill all Democrats” !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But we will ignore that, even that Qanon guy was behaving ,just don’t look at the clip where he was sitting in the speakers chair and howling like an animal.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I actually am, pleasantly surprised that they didn’t shoot a LOT more people.
It’s obvious, to me, nobody defending the Capitol Building was a trigger happy person.

As nobody pulled the panic button for back up, they could have been easily overran in the tighter places there if they started shooting.
When your finger is on the trigger THAT long, on THAT day?
There were several instances where the insurrectionists were talking to armed guards through windows and doors. The armed guards were pleading with the people to leave. Nobody should have been hurt that day.
And nobody would have, if not for Trump...

He had a fucking hotel war room, with an armory and a bunch of people who were summoned from across the nation.
THAT is the problem with Trump, and free speech. He’s deliberately inciting civil unrest.
Yeah, lots of people call for groups to gather. Problems can incidentally occur. J6, was an example of exactly what Trump is. A loser, and a coward.
He lost a fair election.
He got a lot of innocent people arrested and some killed, so he could try and STEAL the entire country.
Then he and his made absolute fools of themselves crying about losing, while losing almost all of their cases regarding voting.
AND. Trump got caught AGAIN. By his own voice, AGAIN.
Nothing out of context. Straight asking people under him to break the law. He’s on tape all the time, because nobody trusts him.
The people who got the worst of this, are people who supported him the most.
The people who do things for him get NOTHING in return. He must laugh himself to sleep, knowing how many sheep he controls. J6 must have really felt fortuitous for the narcissist in Trump.
Seeing the Buffalo and facepaint guy, and some of the other creatures that showed up just make J6 deniers look worse.
Personally. If I were a Trumper, I’d feel completely betrayed.
Rightfully so…

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