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Dutchess_III's avatar

What does this mean?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 12th, 2024

“Scientists at the University of Central Lancashire have discovered a gigantic, ring-shaped structure in space. It is 1.3bn light-years in diameter and appears to be roughly 15 times the size of the Moon in the night sky as seen from Earth.”

The moon? What?

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7 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Imagine a sphere with the diametre of the Moon’s orbit around earth, on which the “structure” is projected as an image. Now also imagine the moon being a projected image on that sphere. The projected image of that structure on the sphere is 15 times the size as the projected image of the moon.

zenvelo's avatar

Suppose when looking at the night sky you hold up a dime at arms length and it “covers” the moon.

Now hold up a disk that is 15 dimes width across, and hold it up at arms length. That is the apparent size of the new object if seen from earth with a naked eye.

Zaku's avatar

It’s light. I don’t think there is really a ring-shaped object 1.3 billion light-years in diameter.

Reading up – ok, it’s an apparent pattern of arrangement of galaxies and galaxy clusters.

It’s not “an object”.

It’s more “what could have caused galaxies to be distributed that way at such an enormous scale?”

Caravanfan's avatar

The Andromeda galaxy is 3 times the size of the moon as it appears from Earth.

RocketGuy's avatar

So this arrangement of objects looks 5x bigger than Andromeda.

Caravanfan's avatar

@RocketGuy Apparent size from Earth, yes, more or less. But you can’t visibly see it.

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