Are you a Democrat who is tempted to turn Republican to vote for the best Rebublican to defeat Trump?
The Republican reaction to Obama getting elected was so disgusting I vowed to cut ties for all time…..but am intrigued by Nikki Haley.
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27 Answers
Republicans want an entire ban on all abortions. Republicans want to take away my right to marry my boyfriend. Republicans laughed at us while we were dying of AIDS. LAUGHED on camera. Republicans put up barriers to voting by all groups except cis-white males. Republicans even put up barriers to white women voting in Texas. Republicans do not want to stop the climate crisis.
I personally never want to be associated with the Republican Party. They are a blight on America.
I will vote republican in the Georgia primary for anyone but Trump.
In the November election, the Democrat.
Before reading this article, I disliked Haley simply because she’s a republican. After reading it, I’m wondering if she’s exactly what we need:
She wants to reform SS and medicare, for the good, and “A March CNN/SSRS poll of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, for instance, found that 59% said it was “essential” that the GOP nominee for president “pledges to maintain Social Security and Medicare as they are.””
I also like her thoughts on this:
One clear theme of Nikki Haley’s presidential announcement is unity. Over and over, her Tuesday announcement video references bringing people together.
One example she uses to emphasize that is her state’s response to hate.
In 2015, a white supremacist killed nine Black parishioners at Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. Haley, who was governor at the time, led the state through the tragedy.
“We turned away from fear toward God and the values that still make our country the freest and greatest in the world,” she said, over video of herself and fellow leaders joining hands in the wake of that crime.”
In the wake of the Charleston shooting, Haley famously signed the law removing the Confederate flag from the state capital complex grounds.
Haley was a pro-Trump Republican until it was convenient for her not to be, and she said she would support Trump if he won the nomination. She is also for a 6 week abortion ban. So, no on Haley.
I wouldn’t “turn republican” for any candidate. But I would vote for a republican IF they were the best candidate based on issues important to me and if they were moderate. And the dems, I’m ashamed to say, are doing nothing about 2024 and it’s coming up fast! They’re willing to just stand by, giving “respect” to Biden simply because he’s the current president. That’s bullshit. The dems need to get their asses in gear.
I asked a similar Q, I thought you might be interested in reading it.
I am considering changing my party to vote in the primary depending on what happens in the next few weeks, but I have to admit it is hard for me psychologically to do it. I have this feeling Trump will not have the huge lead in IA and NH that everyone assumes, but maybe that is wishful thinking. I do know people who have already changed their registration, and most had in mind voting for Nikki, but one I know wanted to vote for Christie, so I’m not sure what she will do now. All of them will vote for Biden in the end.
I think some people in media are not getting worried Nikki could beat Biden and so they are boosting DeSantis in their discussions. That’s my conspiracy theory anyway.
I am guessing by your wording in the main Q, that you mean in the primary, as @elbanditoroso suggests. Might consider it, then.
In the General in November, nope.
If you weren’t suggesting that, then nope, across the board.
I used to be a Republican, and worked to get John Anderson as President.
When Reagan was elected, I was repulsed by the positions the GOP took. I didn’t leave the party, they left me.
Before leaving the Dems, I would try to help get Trump removed from the ballot.
I wanted to vote Republican in the primaries but Dem in the election. I would never go back to the Republicans again either. They are just disgusting.
I think no one should be voting Republican at this point.
I read Haley’s history, and watched some of Haley debating DeSantis. She at least seems intelligent and not foaming-at-the-mouth MAGA, so yeah she’s definitely preferable to most other Republicans, who are absolute maniacs of various flavors.
On the other hand, she’s still absolutely unsupportable by my standards, and she was willing to lie and defend Trump on January 6 2021 etc.
If there’s no Democrat it’ll make any difference to vote for in the primary, I suppose there is a slight practical reason to vote for Haley, but I consider it more important to not seem to be supporting any of them at all at this point.
I would certainly vote Haley if I were still in a state that let everyone vote in every primary election category without having to register for a party.
Not at all, because these things, while they sound good in theory, could backfire. I did have an aunt once who was registered Republican because in my state you can’t vote in the primary unless you are registered for one of the two main parties. She was a Democrat, but she figured she would register Republican so she could vote for the least likely to win Republican and then supposedly throw off the lead runner’s advantage. But things like that can backfire. What if too many people did like she did and voted for the worst Republican candidate and then they won the primary? And what if any number of states had people doing that and then this person actually became the Republican nominee. And then maybe somehow they won! How horrible would that be!
I am a center leaning Republican. I don’t like any of the candidates right now but I would certainly vote against Trump. I would vote for certain Democrats but these days everyone is so polarized that there generally no good candidates that I would be enthusiastic about at all.
I’m unregistered, almost always vote Democrat, but have voted Republican before — in the Massachusetts Governor’s race.
If I could vote R in the primaries, to help keep Trump out, but then vote D in the election, I would.
Days ago, Haley, the only woman in the 2024 White House race, gave a lengthy speech stating she opposed abortion personally but, breaking with her party’s right flank
Nobody who identifies as a Republican is “moderate” or breaking with the radical right.
Haley was a member of the Trump administration. She is on board with the racism, the xenophobia, the willful ignorance, the hatred of immigrants (ironic) and the LGBTQ, and the denial of civil rights to huge swaths of the American population. Anybody who supported Trump is complicit in the current atmosphere where women can be prosecuted for miscarriages.
Fuckit. This is why I never discuss politics. NO one is ready, willing, or able to open their heart or mind even a smidge or give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I’m the fool for trying.
NO one is ready, willing, or able to open their heart or mind even a smidge or give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
I give people the benefit of the doubt if they support democracy, inclusion, fairness, the Constitution, the rule of law vs personality, and the rights of all.
Trumpism is not based on laws. It is a cult.
@LifeQuestioner Most Democrats I know who are switching registration to vote in the Republican primary are switching to try to ensure the least scary of the Republicans (in their minds) wins the nomination. They aren’t trying ti sabotage the race to put the weakest or craziest Republican into the race. It is true that sometimes the political parties hope for a nutty candidate on the opposing side and even spend money ti help them. I think that tactic is horrific and dangerous.
@cookieman Why can’t you? Can’t you change party registration?
@Call_Me_Jay I don’t trust Nikki at all on the abortion issue. She mostly tries to shut down that topic when asked.
^^ So apparently you didn’t even read the article from Reuters regarding Haley and her willingness to address abortion.
The problem with giving ‘benefit of the doubt’ is that politicians – mostly but not all republicans – have proven to be unworthy of that ‘benefit’. It’s as if their political identity erases any ability to thing rationally.
Keep in mind what Reagan said (about the Soviet Union) – Trust, but verify.
I would not take a promised made by ANY politician seriously, and a republican politician worst of all.
I’m a democrat, but they’re no angels either. And if they don’t want trump to be president again, I’d advise them to get off their asses and find some nominees. Are they afraid of Biden? Or is campaigning against the current prez “simply not done”?
@smudges She dodges the question, “if congress sent you a bill to sign for a 6 week ban would you sign it?” She says, “stop frightening people, that will never pass through congress.” I’m paraphrasing.
Sounds a lot like what I heard my entire adult life, Roe will never be overturned. I never believed that.
I do think Nikki is probably more reasonable and pragmatic than Trump, and not going to try to become a dictator, but between not answering the Q would you sign off on an extreme law directly, saying Trump was the right president for the right time, and not answering slavery for the Civil War Q, it’s obvious she still worries too much about the “base” of the party or she believes all of those things herself.
I just posted this on another Q, but seems relevant here.
This morning on Meet The Press some interesting stats were given. DeSantis does much better than Haley regarding are you “extremely enthusiastic” about your candidate. Trump still does best on that.
Also, Haley voters who will vote for Biden is mentioned.
Here’s a video that goes over a lot of polling Q’s, watch till the end of the stats presentation it’s worth it. The stats begin about a minute into the video, not sure exactly.
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