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chyna's avatar

Three days to go until the Iowa caucus. Do you think the bad, freezing weather will cut the numbers of voters?

Asked by chyna (51769points) January 12th, 2024 from iPhone

If so, how do you think it will skewer the vote? More people for trump or less?

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10 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

They should cancel each other out equally and statistically.

ragingloli's avatar

*skew the vote
skewer means to impale.

JLeslie's avatar

I think most everyone who planned to go will make the trek as long as the snow isn’t coming down and roads aren’t deep in snow or icy. Is it supposed to be snowing all day on Caucus Day or just cold? That state deals with plenty of frigid cold temperatures.

It’s warm inside, they just have to get from their car to the building.

In my opinion the worst thing about the Iowa Caucuses is it’s not a secret ballot; so there is peer pressure. The process is kind of interesting though.

chyna's avatar

Thank you loli. My bad.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe people who felt ambivalent who to vote for won’t go. That might mean the advantage goes to Trump.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The Iowans still need to feed the cows. They’ll make it to the caucuses.

jca2's avatar

I woke up to the news Saturday morning that events are cancelled due to the weather. If it’s very bad, they will tell people stay off the roads so that emergency workers can work (plows can plow, ambulances, fire trucks and police can get through, nobody has to rescue anybody from snowdrifts or snowy roads). The campaigns won’t want to risk their workers’ lives and then be criticized if something bad happens.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Undoubtedly it would reduce participation. I do not know how that might influence the outcome.

I am leery of online voting, but this winter weather is an argument in favor.

JLeslie's avatar

This morning on Meet The Press some interesting stats were given. DeSantis does much better than Haley regarding are you “extremely enthusiastic” about your candidate. Trump still does best on that. Here’s a video that goes over a lot of polling Q’s, watch till the end of the stats presentation it’s worth it. The stats begin about a minute into the video, not sure exactly.

kruger_d's avatar

Nah, the high in Des Moines was 2 above. That’s balmy in the Midwest.

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