General Question

iwamoto's avatar

Are you breast or behind oriented?

Asked by iwamoto (5277points) September 24th, 2008

personally i’m a breast man all the way, i could stare for days, but i have the feeling that the breast watchers are outnumbered, what do you prefer ?

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23 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I just like curves. Boob curves, butt curves, and belly curves. Love them all.

stratman37's avatar

Assman checking in…

stratman37's avatar

I like big butts and I cannot lie, all you other brothers can’t deny, when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get SPRUNG!!

stratman37's avatar

Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin’ world go ‘round!

JackAdams's avatar

Stratman, here’s the link for ya, so you can play with your sausage…

(Get it? Link? Sausage?)

I can get by with this, because I am legally insane…

stratman37's avatar

Thanx! Now if there were just a video for Queen’s FBG!

loser's avatar

Breast guy here!

TrenchantWit's avatar

Titties <——-

trumi's avatar

Cankles do it for me. Mmmmmm.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I’m a breast girl myself, though a nice ass is hard to ignore on anyone, guy or girl.

wenbert's avatar

boob guy. it doesn’t matter whether its big or small ;)

McBean's avatar

@wenbert: you mean it doesn’t matter whether they’re big or small? Or are you happy with just one? ;-p

syz's avatar

I can’t resist a nice toned belly.

JackAdams's avatar

For those who enjoy breasts, may I recommend Hooters?

JackAdams's avatar

For those enamored and fascinated with the human female tanks, there is a free website devoted to the judging/rating of them, here.

For breast lovers, it is well worth the visit…

Here is just one example

stratman37's avatar

Jeez, Jack! How about a NSFW warning next time!

JackAdams's avatar


It has already been stated in the question, that the subject matter is breasts

stratman37's avatar

Yeah, but (no pun intended there) don’t you like to look at breasts under a tight sweater too? And who could resist a hot young honey in snug jeans?

JackAdams's avatar

I think every woman on Planet Earth should be totally naked, all the time.

That’s because I subscribe to that quote from a Louisiana preacher who once told the members of his congregation, “If Almighty Gawd had intended for human beings to walk around naked all the time, we would have been BORN that way!”

He left his church and moved to another parish, shortly after making that remark, for some reason…

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