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SQUEEKY2's avatar

How come we don't hear anything about the Hunter Biden laptop anymore?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23626points) January 16th, 2024

That thing was supposed to have enough evidence on it to bring down the Biden crime family.
The republicans couldn’t stop talking about it , we heard it up here on Canadian news, now nothing although Marjorie T Green got her hands on a home made porn movie of Hunter and some women , who felt it was her duty to show it to the world, now she shows all these Hunter dick picks which must have come from this laptop, what happened to all this evidence this lap top was to have had?

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18 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

Like the stolen votes, there is NO real evidence!!! Funny thing to me was that even though Margie spread Hunter’s privates far & wide, Joe’s was NEVER seen!!! Just think of the outcry if AOC had made public djtj’s teeny weeny. As told by someone on Margie’s mailing list, at least Hunter’s was worth taking the time to view!!! (◕‿◕)

canidmajor's avatar

Who cares about a laptop when we can see pictures of his penis provided by MTG?

elbanditoroso's avatar

The republicans got sick of embarrassing themselves.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You would like to think that @elbanditoroso but I really doubt it.

chyna's avatar

Because it’s a non event.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

BUT @chyna the way Republicans went on about that laptop you would think it was the main event.

janbb's avatar

They’re investigating the whole man now – from soup to err, nuts!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I C what you did!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Because it turned out the “evidence” that the was on the laptop was added years after Hunter Biden abandoned it. Probably the old codger who handed it in to the New York post didn’t know you could spot that.

jca2's avatar

It’s all about the provenance. Handing the thing to Rudy Giuliani was mistake #1.

seawulf575's avatar

Actually it was the basis for the investigations into Biden going on to this very day. It is at the heart of it all. There is even evidence (multiple whistleblowers) that the DOJ/FBI purposely sat on it so they could hide wrong doing by Biden.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 That is a lefty talking point designed to try discrediting the whole thing. Mac Isaac (the old codger) made a back up of the hard drive prior to trying to repair the computer. This is common practice so that all the information isn’t lost for the customer. When he realized what was on it and who it was from, he called the FBI to let them know so they could get it. They declined initially until it started to come out then they scampered over there and snatched it up. He (Isaac) thought they would do something with it, but they didn’t. So he called Giuliani and asked him why that would be. Giuliani asked if he had a copy and Isaac said he did and he gave it to Giuliani.

It was only after this and after it started getting public visibility that the DOJ finally admitted they had the original laptop. Of course they still had not started any investigation into it until that point which was well after the election.

So if you are worried about provenance, it would be easy enough for the DOJ to prove that what Giuliani had was a forgery…just produce the original. Funny that they never did that. They just let the media spread that thought around for people like you to lap up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You know wulfie if there was so much damning evidence on that laptop why hasn’t your beloved Rep/cons brought forth charges,instead the public gets to see a home made sex movie ,and Hunter dick pics that Marjorie T Green thinks the world should see?

chyna's avatar

Why? Why does she think I need to see Hunter’s blurred penis? :-(

canidmajor's avatar

@chyna Now maybe if she had a picture of Chris Evans’…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now, now ladies let’s keep it clean.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I have my suspicions for why they are slow walking impeachment of Biden. The generous side says they are working the case to where the Senate would HAVE to convict if impeached by the house. But I don’t really believe that. I suspect that first off, if they impeached Biden and got rid of him, Harris would be POTUS. She is more onerous than Biden and I suspect that is why they put her in as VP.

The next thought I had is that the Dems have been absolutely refusing to admit Biden is getting senile. They swear up and down that he is fit. Yet they don’t want him to run again. Something like 70% of the population doesn’t want him as POTUS. But taking a sitting president and saying you don’t want him as your candidate when you have been touting how great he is becomes problematic. It shows how they have been lying all along. So they are hoping the Repubs will impeach so they have a reason for not running him again. The sooner the better for the Dems. That would give them time to put another candidate in, probably Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama, suddenly putting her hat in the ring without an opening, would look suspicious. It leads us back to the Dems admitting how bad and unfit Biden is. But if he gets impeached, she would throw that hat faster than you could believe.

Another problem is that if the Repubs impeach now, the Dems would gladly throw Biden to the wolves, but would then say it was all a political witch hunt. And the MSM would parrot it all this year. However if the Repubs wait until around July or August to impeach Biden, the Dems will have had to make their nomination, locked Biden into the nomination, then the damage is done. It would lend credence to the belief that it was a political witch hunt, because of the timing, but I suspect the evidence is such that it would not matter.

That is what I BELIEVE the Repubs are doing. What they SHOULD have done is to moved towards impeachement a year and a half ago. Impeach his dumas, put Harris in as POTUS, and then watch the entire house of cards fall to the floor in a heap. The Dems, at that point, would have lost so much credibility as to probably never recover. Force them to live with their choices and they lose every time.

And that is the other things about the impeachment inquiry that hits me as so much different than all the hoo-hah going on about Trump. The Dems bring these wild accusations, looking for a quick resolution and punishment of Trump. But the longer it goes on, the weaker the case becomes, the more we find all the Dem dirty tricks, and the entire thing looks miserable. What the Repubs are doing is getting less press than what is being done to Trump. Why? Isn’t Biden the sitting POTUS? And in all this time, the Repubs’ case has not fallen apart. On the contrary…it just keeps getting stronger. If they were doing ANYTHING underhanded, the MSM would have quickly exposed it and tried to discredit the entire thing on that one basis. They’ve already tried with foolish things like saying the laptop was given to Giuliani. You see how the left eats up that as a quick excuse to ignore the entire thing. But it is, as is so often the case these days, a lie.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SQUEEKY2….we ladies are keeping it clean. It’s the men who send unwanted dick pics who make it dirty.

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