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Can I use a google play gift card to defeat google's inactivity policy?

Asked by capet (988points) January 17th, 2024

Google’s inactive account policy says that they may delete your account after 2 years of inactivity, unless certain exceptions apply.

One of these exceptions is “Your Google Account contains a gift card with a monetary balance.”

I’m not exactly sure what this means, but does that mean that you could buy a google play gift card and attach it to your email, to keep it permanent?

I’m not sure whether there are little details to this, like what counts as “containing” the gift card, whether they are talking about some other kind of gift card, or whether there’s a multi-step process where you first attach the gift card to your account and then you redeem it for credits and then it no longer counts as “containing” the gift card anymore, or what.

Does anyone have any experience that would shed light on this?

Obviously I will try to stay active on my email account anyway.

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