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LostInParadise's avatar

If you could be a fly on the wall, what would you like to see being done?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) January 21st, 2024

Please keep it clean.
I would like to see how a movie is created. How are the efforts of all the people coordinated – the producer, screenwriter, director, musicians, actors, filmers and special effects people. Who determines the filming locations? It seems like such a huge effort over a relatively short period of time.

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Two people in particular interest me.

1) the screenwriter (who creates the script, dialog, and interaction)

2) the composer of the movie’s music, making sure it first with the plot

I see all the other stuff as mechanical processes. Yes, sometimes challenging and needing creativity, but the key point in filmmaking is the story and how it is told.

janbb's avatar

In my movie club we had a talk by the production designer of Asteroid City. It was fascinating to hear how they decided on location, built the sts, found props etc. Every aspect of filmmaking involves creativity and coordination.

For me, I would like to be in the room or on the wall when a just and lasting Middle East peace is signed.

JLeslie's avatar

I’d like to be able to listen (and record) Trump and also DeSantis talk about voters, their real feelings and beliefs on issues, and their strategies. Other politicians too.

I’d like to see the process behind closed doors of doctors researching a treatment for a patient that isn’t an easy answer.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

There are definitely some political things that I would want to delve into, some conversations that I would want to listen to as a fly on the wall.

Other things? Sometime, I wish I could observe what my cats do all morning while I’m at work. I know people have cameras for that sort of thing but I don’t feel like going to that bother.

I think the tendency for most of us is to want to be aware of conversations that are happening when we’re not around that might be about us, but think for a moment if you would really want to be privy to that. If you’ve ever read Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis, there’s a place in the story where one of the characters, Lucy, has access to a book of magic spells. And one of the spells is to find out what your friends really think of you. She can’t resist the temptation not to read it even though she has the singular purpose of finding one particular spell, so she reads this spell and immediately can witness a conversation on a bus between two of her friends. She finds out that one of them apparently doesn’t think as much of her as she thought she did and because of that, the friendship is ruined. But then when Aslan is talking to her about the whole situation afterwards, she tells him that she wishes she had never witnessed the conversation because now she will never be able to look at that person the same way again. So be careful what you choose to witness as a fly on the wall!

filmfann's avatar

@LostInParadise Watch the series “The Offer.” It details the making of the movie “The Godfather”. It’s magnificent!

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