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chyna's avatar

Now that DeSantis has dropped out of the presidential race, will he run for governor of Florida again?

Asked by chyna (51672points) January 21st, 2024 from iPhone

And if so, will he win? If not, what will he do?

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23 Answers

filmfann's avatar

He will run again, but his mojo is broken.

It amazes me that candidates who are ridiculed by Trump end up endorsing him. Doesn’t matter if he said you have a father who helped kill JFK, your wife is ugly, you’re incompetent at work, you are really a liberal Democrat, they all bow to him.

chyna's avatar

^I know! WTH!?!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe he’ll be looking for a DC position if Trump wins like . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Officer of Propaganda / Mis-Information !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh he would be very good at that.^

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JLeslie's avatar

He has to change Florida law to run again unless the law changed and I don’t know about it. He has to take a term off.

Edit: The big Q’s are will DeSantis accept VP if asked and will DeSantis attempt to change the current Florida consecutive term limit laws.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Thanks for doing the work. I looked it up a few years ago.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’d think he’d definitely run for governor again. He changed the law so he could run for president & remain the governor. No reason to think that the law wasn’t changed so he could run again…just in case. If it hasn’t been, my guess is that it will be. If he really can’t run again, I bet he runs for the House. Think maybe 45 has him thinking he’ll be the next VP??? 45 said he has taken Nikki off his short list. 45 dangles carrots in front of anybody he wants to control. Personally, I wish they’d BOTH just go away!!!

JLeslie's avatar

A lot of states a governor can run for president without resigning from the governorship first. I don’t see that as a very big deal, although I do think ideally changes like that should only apply to future politicians not current.

I’m pretty sure Bill Clinton was Governor when he ran for President.

jca2's avatar

I’m sure he hopes to either be VP or have some high ranking position if Trump wins.

JLeslie's avatar

^^When Nikki was asked to say something complimentary about Ron, she said, “he is a great governor.”

jca2's avatar

I was listening to the radio the other day in the car, conservative radio, and they were talking about Ron DeSantis dropping out. They said what determines when a candidate drops out is when the donors say “we’re done donating.”

They were talking about how the candidates get to keep what’s in their till, when they drop out, which I knew.

I am actually surprised Ron D dropped out so soon. I would have thought he would think he has a fighting chance.

jca2's avatar

The trait that Ron has against him is that he’s an asshole.

Nikki, if she drops out, she never seemed to act like a jerk like DT or RD.

JLeslie's avatar

Nikki is really getting under my skin with her dodging the question on whether she would sign a federal ban on abortion. She says Democrats want to scare people and there will never be 60% of the senate to approve a total ban. She refuses to answer the Q.

That sounds like years of being told Roe will never be overturned so stop bringing it up. Uh huh sure. I never bought into that. Oh, and abortion law should be left up to the states. Uh huh, sure.

DeSantis actually answered the Q about a federal law saying he would always have exceptions for abortions just like the law in Florida. Of course his 6 week law is horrific, but it does have exceptions.

Meanwhile, DeSantis’ speech announcing he’s leaving the race still hit every right wing scare tactic talking point.

I kind of felt a little bad for DeSantis though if you can believe it. He came in second in Iowa and Nikki was out there basically saying she won. Just mean in my opinion.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

They were talking about how the candidates get to keep what’s in their till

No, it is not his money. It belongs to his campaign committee. It is not for personal use.

For an election run, a campaign committee must be registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). In this case it’s Ron Desantis for President.

Spending and income must be reported to the FEC, and the records are public. Spending is allowed for campaign activities, donating to other campaigns, and for charity.

Personal use is illegal, and you have seen news stories of candidates charged criminally for using campaign funds for their homes, cars, vacations, etc.

The committee will exist as long as it has money (or debt). To deactivate the committee they must spend any surplus or pay any debts. Committees can live on for years after their races are over.

I handle finances for a friend’s small local campaign. He’s not running again, but we have a little money still and I file quarterly reports with the state.

mazingerz88's avatar

@JLeslie Told you DeSantis will not be President. :)

@jca2 Correct about DeSantis being an asshole. Seems most Republicans want the biggest one there is at the White House.

janbb's avatar

I really don’t see what DeSantis would bring to the ticket. He’s obnoxious, has the same right wing ideas and is, to use a Trump term, a « loser.”

chyna's avatar

He’s anti Mickey!
And the book banning shit is mid evil.

SnipSnip's avatar

He can’t run again. His term will end in 2026.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 :) You were right. You get the credit.

@janbb I just wonder loser how? He was second in Iowa, beating Nikki Haley, won twice in Florida as Governor.

I’m happy if he is never in politics again, but loser doesn’t really make sense.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie do you think DeSantis got a donation from TRUMP FOREVER ? ? ?

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I have no idea what you are talking about. What prompted that comment to me? I didn’t say anything about Trump or donations.

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