Social Question

honeybun35's avatar

What does it mean when your message is read fast?

Asked by honeybun35 (1101points) January 22nd, 2024

I sent someone a msg on Whatsapp and they read it the same time it was sent.

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7 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

They likely didn’t read it.

zenvelo's avatar


It was either too much and got skipped, or, they had the app open and saw your message right away. The length of time to read your message means nothing! There is no minimum time for a message to be out here before reading.

honeybun35's avatar

Huh , they did

chyna's avatar

Probably the app was open when it was sent so the person was able to read it immediately.

Zaku's avatar

If Whatsapp reports a message read immediately, I imagine it’s probably because it does that as soon as someone opens it – not when they’ve actually read it. So it might mean they just had Whatsapp open and opened it as soon as it arrived. Or, it might be some other bug with Whatsapp.

(I’m assuming you mean the actual three check-marks? If it’s 2 check marks, that means it’s delivered but not opened yet. If it’s 1 check mark, it’s sent but not delivered yet.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

It means nothing. What is up with your search to find deep meaning in mundane, everyday nothing things?

Oh wait. It means he’s madly in love with you.

jca2's avatar

@honeybun35 You’re going to make yourself nuts trying to figure out what means what and which action is really intended to send you a message. Try to take a step back and look at the relationship as a whole.

Are you respected? Do you get treated well? Do you enjoy being with this person? Do you feel a connection with this person, other than sex? Those are the things that really count.

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