Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think the Supreme Court will grant Trump's immunity request?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23566points) January 24th, 2024

And if they do won’t that make him a dictator, and above the law?

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87 Answers

Zaku's avatar

No. It would be extremely silly. And also give the same authority to Biden.

If I were in Biden’s situation, and there was a deranged criminal madman seditionist racist rapist etc who was making an argument to the Supreme Court that the POTUS is immune to all legal consequences, and the SCOTUS were so silly as to agree, I think I’d decide it was time to declare that an emergency and use it to take that moron out once and for all, and rearrange the SCOTUS as well.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

End of USA Constitutional government !

Trump wants to send US troops to inner city if he becomes President. Machine down anyone he wants to kill, people of color anyone he doesn’t like maybe an Ex-wife !!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Depends how many of the Court have been bribed.

My guess is that Court will go 7–2 against immunity.

Thomas is a lost cause – he sold out years ago to the far right. And Alito is just a piece of shit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not the Supreme Court I’ve always known.

seawulf575's avatar

Actually, I believe they will and should. The alternative is the end of the USA Constitutional government. The issue is that, as POTUS, actions taken while in office are exempt from legal tort. If you say this immunity doesn’t exist, then I could bring a new law suit against Biden every single day of the week. Any decision he makes could be subject to someone suing. That is no way to run a country. That is what impeachment is all about. Criminal activity during a term of office has this as the punishment. If you want to suggest that some actions should be eligible for criminal lawsuits afterward, you’d have to list exact crimes, such as murder or rape. Not hints and vagaries, but actual crimes listed. To do otherwise might make a POTUS hesitate when he shouldn’t.

Likewise this does not lead to a dictatorship. There is already a separation of powers in our government. The Executive Branch has certain powers but not complete full rein. A POTUS could not disband the government, for instance. The POTUS really can’t create new laws or spend money that is allocated for use by Congress. Again, to suggest this as a potential outcome is ignorant fearmongering.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The SCOTUS will be irrelevant if Trump wins and they okay him to do anything he wants!

. . . he will maybe zero out Veteran benefits to pay for a wall on the Southern Borders ! ! !

Kill anyone that apposed him . . Biden, DeSantis, Haley, Engoron . . .

He thinks all military and veterans are losers and suckers . . . ! Dr Bone Spurs” made sure he didn’t serve.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 How come 44 other presidents had no problem with the status quo ,but Trump needs this?
Or if ruled on taking classified ,oops declassified government documents and keeping them when asked to return them,you mean things like that?
or starting a huge violent insurrection,oops great big cuddle fest,you mean things like that?
Or paying a porn star hush money out of campaign funds , you mean things like that?
You say we are needless fear mongering sorry but 4 years of Trump gave the world a lot to fear.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Isn’t it the plan that President Trump had from the beginning? To stack the Supreme Court with Republicans? For when they are needed?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh yeah, and he gets freaking really pissed off when they actually follow the law instead of his deranged theories.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I will not be surprised either way. If they grant immunity, and remove accountability for Trump’s crimes, I think we will have a second civil war.

If they do grant absolute Presidential opportunity, Biden should take advantage and murder the justices who voted aye.

JLeslie's avatar

Doubt it. Is it full immunity to everything? If so, I doubt it.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Since the start of this country, the idea of presidential immunity has existed and has been further honed by SCOTUS rulings over the years. I have explained the reason for this. This isn’t something new for Trump. Other presidents have enjoyed the benefits of this as well. The rest of your diatribe is just more worn out lefty talking points.

I understand you don’t like Trump. However, as a Canadian, I really don’t see why you get that wound up about him. Look at your own PM as a bigger threat to you. He’s nuttier than a fruit cake and far closer to being a dictator than Trump ever will be. But you don’t seem to care about him.

Folks like you just don’t seem to be able to get past anything that mentions Trump to see reality. It is really quite sad.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@seawulf575:”The issue is that, as POTUS, actions taken while in office are exempt from legal tort.*

The things he’s being sued for go back to the 80s, at least. He hasn’t been indicted for anything he did while in office.

ragingloli's avatar

Who can say. In a narrow 5–4 decision they did bar texas from deploying razor wire buoys to deliberately drown migrants. Naturally abbot has anounced he will ignore that ruling.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III The J6, the documents, and the GA case are all from when he was POTUS. Only the fraud case is from the 80’s and that is a sham. The Dems will win on the initial case but the appeals should overturn it since the judge ruled before the trial ever started.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was thinking of the charges of sexual abuse of women and girls going back to the 80s. But he hasn’t yet been indicted for them.

But there is the unlawful hoarding of classified documents after he was kicked out of the White house.

janbb's avatar

I have to say that this claim reminds me of the man who murdered his parents and then threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan!

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III And he can’t be indicted for them. There isn’t a case there. It is past any statute of limitations, there is no real proof…in a fair and balanced world it would never fly. But a civil case can be brought and all you have to do is get sympathy from a few jurors.

And the classified documents case has even weaker basis. The Dems pushed the standard when they let Hillary decide what was and wasn’t evidence, let her destroy evidence, let her lie under oath, and then, when it all came to light and she had spread classified materials all over, they created an “intent” clause. She didn’t mean to. And Hillary didn’t have the legal authority to have those documents where she had them. They further cemented the precedent when they found classified materials that Joe Biden had not only in an unsecured office, but in his unsecured garage as well. Further investigation found he took these classified materials, some from when he was a Senator and some as VP, moved them to a temporary storage spot just around the corner from a suspected Chinese spy location, before moving them to the Penn Center. Complete loss of control and, oh yeah, he wasn’t POTUS either. He had no right to have these documents. Pence found he had classified materials after leaving the WH. These three have three things in common: (1) they weren’t allowed to have the classified materials where they had them, (2) they weren’t allowed to declassify the documents, and (3) they weren’t punished in the least. So there is already legal basis for how to treat politicians that have classified materials.

Now look at the Trump case. He was supposedly identified by someone over at NARA carrying classified materials with him as he left office. Not sure how you can see a box on TV and know what it contains, but that is what the claim is. At the time this was seen, Joe Biden wasn’t sworn in yet. So Trump was still POTUS. The POTUS has the authority, and is the ONLY ONE with the authority, to declassify materials at will. So it really doesn’t matter if he had them or not. It certainly isn’t as far outside the law as any of the rest of the violators. And the documents were stored in his personal space at Mar-a-Lago which had Secret Service protecting it at all times. So what you have is an anonymous report of a crime which really couldn’t be verified, being treated like it is a violation of the law, when that claim has to ignore not only the right of the POTUS to declassify materials but also the Presidential Records Act. The whole thing is a crock. That’s why Jack Smith has been trying to push for a speedy trial without giving the defense access to any of the materials in question. That is why he has tried to claim the materials are classified and the attorneys don’t have the clearance to see them. One has to wonder if Smith has the clearance to see them. There is, after all, a process for being cleared to certain levels of classification.

And all these cases have one thing in common: they are efforts not to stop wrongdoing, but to interfere in the 2024 election. Remember when the Dems claimed (falsely) that Trump tried to get Zelenskyy to investigate Biden? Their claim at the time is that he was trying to interfere with his chief political rival (which is a suspicious because at the time that wasn’t a true statement). They impeached Trump based on that lie. But now all these Dems are working to interfere with Trump’s ability to campaign and to interfere with Biden’s chief political rival. And that IS a true statement by every measure.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wow, Trump is just the poor victim!
Doesn’t matter that he failed to return them when asked FOR OVER YEAR! Hence making them stolen regardless of their classification status.
The others returned theirs when asked.
There would be no documents case had he simply returned them when asked, but you’re right he is just a victim of the evil left.

Forever_Free's avatar

I guess we shall see how far we have come or how far we have fallen apart.

_United States v. Nixon, the Court held that President Richard Nixon was amenable to a subpoena to produce evidence for use in a federal criminal case. There, the President had argued that he was immune to judicial process, claiming that the independence of the Executive Branch within its own sphere insulates a President from a judicial subpoena in an ongoing criminal prosecution. The Supreme Court unanimously disagreed, holding that neither the doctrine of separation of powers, nor the need for confidentiality of high-level communications, without more, can sustain an absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances. The Court noted that the constitutional duty of courts to do justice in criminal prosecutions was counterbalanced by the claim of presidential immunity. To accept the President’s argument, the Court further reasoned, would undermine the separation of powers that was at the core of a workable government as well as gravely impair the role of the courts under Art. III.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Like @SQUEEKY2 said, refusing to return them occurred after he was no longer president.

I know you’re infatuated with the man-child, wulfie. Try to get back to normal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^^^ Someone should get over it . . . .because Trump is gong to fail. ^^^^^

His defamation case, he has a real estate lawyer for his defense. (house closing, rental contracts etc.)

ragingloli's avatar

And that lawyer is a piece of shit herself:
She got the job, because she actively screwed over a woman who was sexually harassed at mar a lago, to ingratiate herself to the Orangutan.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Do you ever get tired of being wrong? You said Trump was going to fail when it was Russia Collusion. It was quite sad because, just like now, you can’t think for yourself. You believe everything the leftist media tells you and you seem completely incapable of actually forming a thought for yourself.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie, Do you work for the Don Father because no matter what shit he pulls it’s never wrong in your eyes?

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli Yeah, that’s pretty sad. Too bad you don’t have the same opinion of outrage when it comes to Tara Reade, isn’t it? Guess that hypocrisy just keeps getting in the way, eh? How’s that German Green Party? Still supporting pedophilia? Guess they are German’s answer to Democrats. How’s Scholz’s tax issues? You folks on the left still trying to cover and protect him? He must be Germany’s answer to Joe Biden. But hey, feel free to throw stones. It speaks more about you than anything else.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Careful there Wulfie your hate for the left is showing again.
Deflect much?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Let me give you a list:
Russia Collusion,
Trump called Neo-Nazis “very fine people”,
Jussie Smollet,
Bubba Wallace garage pull,
Covington Kids,
Gov. Whitmer kidnapping plot,
Kavanaugh rape,
Covid lab leak was a conspiracy theory,
Trump pee-pee tape,
Border Agents Whipped Migrants,
Trump saved Nuclear Secrets at Mar-a-Lago,
Steele Dossier,
Russian Bounties on US Soldiers in Afghanistan,
Trump said drinking bleach would fight Covid,
Muslim Travel Ban,
Hunter Biden’s Laptop was Russian Disinformation,
Andrew Cuomo was the best on Covid Leadership,
Trump Built Cages for Migrant Kids,
Trump over fed Koi fish in Japan,
Build Back Better will pay for itself,
Trump tax cuts benefited only the rich,
Cloth Masks Prevent Covid,
If you Get Jabbed You won’t Catch Covid,
SUV Killed Parade Marchers,
Trump Used Tear Gas to Clear a Crowd For A Bible Photo,
“Don’t Say Gay” was in a bill,
Putin’s Price Hike cause gas prices to go up,
Ivermectin is a Horse Dewormer and Not For Humans,
“Mostly Peaceful Protests”,
Trump Overpowered Secret Service for Wheel of the Beast,
Officer Sicknick Was Killed By Protesters,
January 6 was an Insurrection,
Trump Mocked Reporters Disability,
BYU Students Hurled Racial Insults at Duke Volleyball Player,

So what is the common theme? Every one of these was a hoax that was pushed by the lefty media. Every one. And in many of them, anyone that disagreed was ridiculed and told how stupid they were. Just like you are doing now.

The point is, the Lefty media that feeds you your thoughts makes shit up on important topics. Just because they can. They know their loyal followers (like yourself) will believe them no matter what garbage they push. And since they have flat out lied so much about Trump, I tend to not believe them any more. I understand you have to or your fantasy bubble will pop, but that makes you gullible and me dubious and suspicious. So far I have heard from you how stupid I was for backing Trump on Russia Collusion (hoax), when I said he never called Neo-Nazis “very fine people”, that I was racist for not believing Trump was responsible for the attack on Jussie Smollet, that I doubted the “natural” source of Covid-19, that the Steele Dossier was a sham (and was actually Russian Disinformation used to get Trump), that I didn’t believe Trump said all Muslims were banned from entering this country, that Hunter’s Laptop was likely a real story, that cloth masks didn’t work, that the vaccines didn’t work to what they were saying, that Trump didn’t order tear gas in Lafayette Park (you know, to break up the mostly peaceful protest where lots of property damage was done and protesters were throwing rock, bottles, etc at police), that BLM/Antifa riots were not “mostly peaceful”, and when I said no cops were killed on J6. In each and every one of these cases you were…go ahead and say it…W R O N G. That’s right, you were wrong and I was right. Yet you still persist in holding to whatever you hear from uber-left outlets. How do you make it through the day if the media doesn’t tell you when to eat and how to wipe your butt?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You do work for Trump, and nice wording No cops were killed on Jan 6,ooh good one exact words lets try lets try this how many cops were killed because of Jan 6?Trump tax cuts benefited only the rich,I guess the proper wording would be, benefited mostly the rich.Trump Used Tear Gas to Clear a Crowd For A Bible Photo, then who did ? The crowd got tear gassed then Trump came out for his photo op.
You believe Tucker’s clips a few rioters behaving so the whole crowd was behaving ,and you scream we believe what our evil left wing media tells us .
And for fucks sake it sure looked like your beloved was mocking a reporters disability,and you say no, then what was it then??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie you keep saying we believe everything our evil,left wing news outlets tell us can we say the same for you on your fright wing news sites?
We get it you absolutely love the Orange man he can do no wrong in your eyes, but besides a few dictators , the rest of the world doesn’t like him either.

ragingloli's avatar

I would suggest you stop engaging with that brainwashed cultist. Let him have his impotent tantrums on his own.
Better for your mental health.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry @ragingloli you are totally right, I am out .

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 “how many cops were killed because of Jan 6? None. Sicknick died the next day or two but it was because of a pre-existing condition, not because of anything that happened on J6. The other cops who supposedly were killed were days, weeks, and months after the fact. Basically, the left wing media decided that if a cop killed himself 6 months later it was to be attributed to J6. Sorry, I’ve done the homework on that one too.

Trump’s Tax cuts – Actually helped most of the Middle Class. I know I personally got a $2000 bonus because my company got the tax cuts. That was one of the stipulations…that the company had to show the money they were saving was helping the workers. Again…not something the left wing media tells you.

The Tear Gas for the rioters: that decision was made well in advance of Trump even deciding to go to the church. And he was not in on the decision. The rioters earned the tear gas. Why is it you can’t admit that left wing radicals actually riot and do property damage and hurt/kill people? Oh I know! because the left wing media tells you what to think and believe.

J6 videos – I saw a whole lot of people wandering around in the Capitol, not hurting a thing. I saw police letting them in and walking calmly around to ensure no one got out of control. I also saw the video the left-wing media pushed – the one of people breaking through windows and chanting they needed to kill Pence. Breaking windows and forcing your way in is entirely wrong. Those people needed to be arrested. But here’s a clue: the video cameras had no sound capabilities. All the sound and noise and chanting was added by an editing crew employed by the Dems on the J6 committee. And sold to people like you by…you guessed it…the left wing media.

Claiming things the media tells you that have all been debunked doesn’t make your case. It hurts it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie lets go with this YOU are never going to convince me Trumps a good guy, I am never going to convince you he is more unfit for your top job than Biden is.
So have a nice night and go worship your beloved after all he was sent by God.

JLoon's avatar

No. They will not.

Even as compromised and eroded as this Court’s reasoning has become ( and their known confilcts of interest and lack of restraint verge on outright corruption ), they will not risk shattering what’s left of their fragile legitimacy by ruling in favor of an unjustifiable claim of total and absolute presidential immunity that has no basis anywhere in the Constitution.

The hysterical mis-reading of lower court rulings on this issue by some members commenting on this post, and the deliberate conflation of sick, self-serving political arguments with common sense and justice is apalling – but predictable. Reading through this stuff is like looking at ER notes on some street drug junky hauled in with another overdose.

Beyond this sad script there are really only three points anyone really looking for honest answers should pay attention to :

• There is no actual languge in the Constitution that directly provides – or even implies, full and absoltute presidential immunity from any and all criminal violations that may be committed either in office, or outside an elected term. The fact that it’s not expressly included means it was never intended.

• The immunity being claimed in this instance is argued by a former president no longer in office, in cases that were filed after he left the White House and are being prosecuted under criminal charges. The justification that immunity is needed to protect current exercise of Executive decision making authority in the national interest is not bogus.

• This unqualified claim of blanket immunity by a president trying to bend the law to serve his own ambitions is not some new legal controversy – and not a question that hasn’t been answered before. It’s not about invermectin, or the NRA, the latest polls -

Nixon vs. Fitzgerald (1982)

<b>” The remedy of impeachment demonstrates that the President remains accountable under law for his misdeeds in office. This case involves only a damages remedy. Although the President is not liable in civil damages for official misbehavior, that does not lift him ‘above’ the law.</b>

<b>”...The Court does no such thing. The immunity is limited to civil damages claims. Moreover, a President, like Members of Congress, judges, prosecutors, or congressional aides—all having absolute immunity—are not immune for acts outside official duties. ...Even the broad immunity of the Speech and Debate Clause has its limits.”</b>

United States vs. Nixon (1974) :

<b>” However, neither the doctrine of separation of powers nor the need for confidentiality of high-level communications, without more, can sustain an absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances.”</b>

<b>“The impediment that an absolute, unqualified privilege would place in the way of the primary constitutional duty of the Judicial Branch to do justice in criminal prosecutions would plainly conflict with the function of the courts under Art. III of the Constitution.”</b>

So drink your Koolaid, or don’t. Vote conservative, or liberal, or stay home. Go batshit crazy, or try making sense. It’s a free country… right ??

MrGrimm888's avatar

I just know Trump will be POTUS again. And shame, is no longer an impediment, so it won’t have to even make sense.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nice try Wulfie, the chant hang Mike Pence came from video the insurrectionists posted, not video from the building and you say we lie?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 And yet it was on the video footage the J6 committee used. That video footage was from the capitol security cameras. Huh. Here’s another thought: how do you know the videos you saw were from protesters? They would have to be protesters since there were no insurrectionists. How do you know they were from undercover cops or that they were not edited later? We know the ones from the security cameras did not have their audio altered…they didn’t have audio. So if there was ANY sound going with them, it was added later and made up by whoever added it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You are one scary dude, and if you don’t work for the Don Father you really should.
Now are you trying to convince us or yourself the chant ,hang mike pence never happened and was just fabricated by the evil left to try and hurt your beloved?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 What is scary is that we have been over and over this. I have given numerous examples of things being edited by the J6 to push their narrative and you still refuse to acknowledge how corrupt it was. It wasn’t just one thing. It was many. And all that shows that they weren’t looking at getting to the bottom of what happened, they were trying to “get Trump”, to silence him and to punish anyone that dared to speak about things outside the narrative they wanted. THAT is what is scary. And you lap it up.

And let’s not forget the hypocrisy of the entire thing.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’d like to take this opportunity, to say “told ya so.”
I was 100% correct, that the pathetic SCOTUS would let Trump off….....

This country is a joke.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’d like to take this opportunity, to say “told ya so.”

Not yet, hold your horses. They have not ruled on immunity yet. This week’s decision was another matter.

NBC News March 4, 2024 – Supreme Court rules states can’t kick Trump off the ballot

“In an unsigned ruling with no dissents, the court reversed the Colorado Supreme Court, which had determined that Trump could not serve again as president under Section 3 of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

“The provision prohibits those who previously held government positions but later “engaged in insurrection” from running for various offices.

“The court said the Colorado Supreme Court had wrongly assumed that states can determine whether a presidential candidate or other candidate for federal office is ineligible.

“The ruling makes it clear that Congress, not states, has to set rules on how the 14th Amendment provision can be enforced against federal office-seekers.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^My horses are too pissed, to be held.
This is about as transparent it has ever been, that the highest court in the nation, IS owned by an INDIVIDUAL.

This is exactly the opposite, of Trump not being “above the law.”

Worst of all, even if Trump doesn’t win, the SCOTUS is completely defunct. For a LONG time.

I had the slightest hope that the SCOTUS judges would, even though they are biased/unqualified, at least not help Trump in the most erroneous way possible.

There isn’t a single American, that should see this for anything other than what it is.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I’m not sure what you are saying. The move by Colorado (and Maine and Illinois) were completely illegal. Why is it you never seem to have a problem with corrupt courts when they are trying to destroy democracy but then get mad at the SCOTUS because they are supporting it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^There is/was absolutely nothing wrong with states disqualifying Trump. No corruption. Just facts.
Your boy tried to overthrow the government that YOU (as a former member of the military,) swore an oath to protect.
You swore an oath to protect the country from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.

As Trump has staged a coup.
And he gains support, through lies to his “sheople.” As some of his sheople were dumb enough to answer Trump’s call for a violent overthrow of the government, Trump has demonstrated his unquestionable role as a domestic threat. If there is a second Civil War, the blood is on his AND your hands “sailor.”

Trump has publicly called for Russian interference in the US election process.
He claims he will possibly pull the US, from NATO.
Trump made essentially one promise to his sheople. That he would build a wall on the southern border, AND Mexico would pay for it.

He opposes American democracies.
He deliberately lies to worsen race relations.
He is guilty of stealing classified information, AND recorded talking about it with people who didn’t have security clearance.
He opposes intelligence agencies.
There isn’t a case he’s been involved with, where he remotely supports the American justice system. He typically slanders all who opposes him, and there is factual evidence that he threatens witnesses and members of the US judicial system.
He attacks the media.
If he plans to carry through with pulling the US from NATO, ALL western countries will be in danger.

Another thing. Courts don’t just DO things without preparation.
Trump was deemed unsuitable to be a POTUS candidate in their states. Therefore it was the will of those state’s elected leaders, to 100% legally kick Trump our of the race.
Higher courts, stocked by the GOP, vetoed each state’s rights to do what the laws have been written for.

And now. Big surprise! The SCOTUS (66.6% conservative,) is completely destroying their own reputation.

This country will be quite a different place, if this slow rape of America continues.

Wulf. It brings me no pleasure to say, you clearly are in a bad way.

How many oaths, and religious values, do you overlook for your new God?
Does your old God care?
I presume it was your old God, that you swore the oaths to.
Now your life is only to serve a false profit?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “There is/was absolutely nothing wrong with states disqualifying Trump. No corruption. Just facts.” This is where I start to really wonder about you. Colorado disqualified Trump from the primaries by saying he violated the 14th Amendment for partaking in an insurrection. That isn’t a fact at all, yet you believe it to be true. Their claim is based on the J6 stuff and not a single person including Trump was charged with insurrection. Not a single one. So if no one was even charged with insurrection, how can the Colorado officials punish him for partaking in one? Basically, there was no crime, but they made one up and then held him guilty of it without an arrest or trial ever happening.

Their claim was not fact and it was corrupt. It was an effort to destroy democracy in this country, plain and simply. When you do something like this in an effort to get a political opponent off the ballot, that is the definition of trying to destroy democracy. Tell the people who they cannot vote for. Real democratic.

But the rest of your diatribe shows how disconnected from reality you have become and it worries me. You, too, are making shit up, convincing yourself it is all true, all because you don’t like a candidate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^“Their claim is based on J6 stuff.”
Uh, yeah…
Everything isn’t based off of a leaked email, or any conjecture.
Trump called his sheep. The dumb ones showed up. And the rest is scattered over thousands of video recordings of the day.

I have read, and heard statements from most of the J6ers, claiming they answered Trump’s call.

Lying about something that the entire world witnessed, does not make yourself look so hot Wulf.

You are eroding your own character. Not mine.

I “don’t like” EITHER candidate.
I don’t worry about Biden.
Trump is an imminent threat to the United States of America.

Biden can shuffle off, and die in his sleep.

Trump would prefer to see the world burn, if he can’t have his way.

You slithered away from my questions about why you place Trump above your claimed God.
You don’t worship Jesus Christ.
You worship Donald Trump.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You continue to bleat out the narrative you have been sold. J6 was not an insurrection. It was not an insurrection. It was not an insurrection. Nobody was charged with insurrection, not even Trump. The only place it was an insurrection was in the mouths of the leftist media. Stop being so ignorantly obstinate. I have tried clearing this up for you repeatedly. You, in true TDS fashion, ignore reality so you can claim it is an insurrection. Tell you what: show me one single person that was charged with insurrection. Just one. If you cannot produce one single fact, one single charge of insurrection it cannot be an insurrection. Stop being a fool.

I didn’t answer your question about Trump over God because it was a question borne of your obsession. I don’t like injustice and I don’t like a weaponized government. Beyond that my interest in Trump is purely about whether I like his policies as POTUS over those of his opponent.

MrGrimm888's avatar

As always. I must remember the futility in showing Trumpers a mirror.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You have to remember @MrGrimm888 the fright wing has been sold that Jan6 was just a big cuddle fest, just a few windows got broke by over excited cuddle goers .

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yes. It was sold as “Christmas in July.” I saw lots of red, and I saw Santa’s gallows.
Trump’s little helpers had too much eggnog, and accidentally video recorded themselves ransacking/celebrating in the Capitol Building.
Rudolph was there. But he looked more like a Buffalo. I don’t know.
I know they had a gay old time.

seawulf575's avatar

Apparently none of you keep up to date on the continually destruction of the J6 narrative. Recent releases have shown that Trump did, in fact, offer 10,000 national guard troops to help secure the capitol. This was done days before J6 and was rejected. This was known by the J6 committee and was suppressed because it pokes that huge hole in the “insurrection” claim. Kinda hard to say it was an insurrection when the proposed insurrectionist was trying to set up support for those he was supposedly trying to overthrow. But hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your TDS. They never have in the past and I guess they probably never will.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You keep Fluther quite up to date on what you consider fact.

I’ll keep relying on actual facts.
Facts like there is NO beginning or continuing “destruction of the J6 narrative.” Only Trumpers lying about indefensible evidence, or trying to spin the facts.

I’m afraid that your “recent releases,” are from a self discredited/disgraced “news” network.

That holds as much water, as a bucket with no bottom.

Not only are you not putting a huge hole in the insurrection claim, you haven’t even scratched it. That’s because the sheer amount of physical evidence presents a diamond hard case.
Wulf. The idiots filmed themselves.
Trump? His behavior that day has been described in detail, by the people closest to him at the time.
Apparently he was VERY adamant about being at the CB, with his sheep army. Because his secret service testified Trump had to essentially be restrained in his limo.

Have you seen what happened to Pence?
He was wisked to a car when the INSURRECTION began.

Stories by those with him reported that Pence was afraid to even get into a getaway vehicle, because he didn’t know whom to trust. He KNEW, what was happening. That he didn’t trust secret service, vividly illuminates that Pence clearly thought Trump was after him.
There is NO other reason why Pence wouldn’t have jumped in any car. He allegedly had to be talked into leaving by his most trusted security guard.
There is footage of Pence and other Republicans running for their lives.
Everybody knew exactly what was happening. Trump was spiraling after he lost. Everyone, including the idiot J6ers, knew that it was Trump trying to violently overthrow the US government.
People who were with Trump after he was dragged to safety, also described Trump’s behavior there as angry and sulking.

You just know he had aspirations of standing in that crowd, and feeling that false sense of greatness that is so important to him.

When Trump was POTUS, he wanted a military parade. Like his heroes Kim, Stalin, and Putin.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie have you seen this video of Pelosi trying to call in the National guard that day?
Little more than the cuddle fest you fright wingers claim.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Feel free to post Tuckers video as well of the stragglers walking behind and behaving and tell us the entire mob was like that.
Trump or any President should NEVER be given criminal immunity, all presidents already have civil immunity ,no one is above the law.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And it was an insurrection Wulfie.
From Merriam, the definition is “an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government”

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yep, and your facts are falling apart with every underhanded move the Dems have done are exposed. How many of your facts have to fall into the fiction category before you stop believing them?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wait for it @Dutchess_III I can hear it now but NO ONE was charged for insurrection not even DementiaDon so it couldn’t be an insurrection.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is that like the fact of the Biden bribery case that was so rock solid against Joe and Hunter?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You just posted something from a year ago. The article I posted was from a day ago. Yours shows Pelosi supposedly calling for the National Guard on J6. Mine shows that Trump suggested days before J6 to try getting them to the capitol before any protest even started. That effort was blocked by Pelosi. Anthony Ornato testified to the J6 committee and was asked point blank if he remembered Trump ever offering National Guard support. He did and relayed the story of the offer from Trump to Muriel Bowser for 10,000 troops, or as many as she needed. She said she was good with 350 doing traffic details. Pelosi was also aware fo this information and said we didn’t need any, that Capitol Police would be enough.

A year ago, this testimony to the J6 committee was suppressed. It was never taken into account, it was not released to the public, it was hidden away. Now that Repubs have taken over the investigation, they are finding more and more little pearls like this that complete show Trump was not waging an insurrection, which is the narrative the J6 committee was trying to push.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I won’t have to mention that no one was charged with insurrection…you just did. And, oh by the way, I’ve challenged you with that before and, surprise surprise, you couldn’t produce a single person that ever was charged with insurrection. Amazing, since the leftist media has been sure to call it an insurrection since J6 2021. How can you have something as serious as an insurrection and not actually be able to charge anyone with it?

What they are trying to do is charge everyone under 18USC1512.3(a)(2)(A) for trying to interfere with the meeting to confirm the election results. Ironically, what we are finding with things like this testimony that was suppressed and then hidden is that the J6 committee, to a person, is guilty of 18USC1512.3(a)(2)(B)(i) and (ii). But, of course, the DOJ will never do anything as they never do anything to leftist wrongdoers.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Check out my reply to @SQUEEKY2. It was not an insurrection. If it was an insurrection, people would have been charged with that. No one was. Sorry, dear. Your definition is 100% correct, however it doesn’t apply to the situation.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So you don’t believe a video showing Pelosi calling for the guard on Jan6, but we are supposed to believe DementiaDon offered the guard to the Capital days before the insurrection took place and that offer was turned down?
Well I don’t believe your fact anymore than you believe mine ,and mine was a video yours is what some fright wing transcript?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You don’t have to believe me. But the testimony was given, by several people, to the J6 committee. I know you don’t want to believe they would hide testimony, but they did. Here’s a link. It has a link inside this link to the actual transcript if you care to read all 153 pages. But hey, a legal document doesn’t carry the weight of your YouTube video, right?

seawulf575's avatar

And here comes the dodge….3….2…1

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is asking for immunity for before he was elected, has to do with cooking books to pay off a porn star and and general bimbo. . . . WTAF.

All dictators need immunity like Hitler had (Trump’s favorite author and dictator) ! !

This next criminal case of his is going to really hurt him, I wonder how he look in a orange Onesie and shaved head

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie So by your logic, as soon as Sleepy Joe is out of office, the family of Lakan Riley should be able to sue him for the death of their daughter since it was his open border efforts that led to her death. There should be no immunity. Are you ready to go there?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Interesting. Your God King “promised” there would be a Mexican funded border wall if elected.
Since conservatives foolishly believe that the “wall” would stop the immigration problem, let’s say it would have.

But. Trump came, and went, never fulfilling HIS promises to stop the illegals.

So. Yes. If we are ready to “go there,” I just did. Riley would still be alive, if Trump fulfilled his main campaign promise.

That’s how that logic would somehow work.
And you are correct Wulf, Trump should have no immunity. Thank you…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Nice dodge. But I’ll play your game and react to your new direction, which is just as screwed up and lacking in reality as all your directions when it comes to Trump.

Yep, Trump had the campaign promise that Mexico would fund the border wall. He didn’t get that but he did get Mexico to agree that illegals would remain in Mexico while their asylum cases were debated. That was probably more costly to Mexico that paying for the wall. But let’s dig a bit deeper. Trump decided to build the wall. And who fought him tooth and nail to keep it from being built? The Democrats. Why? Well, that remains a matter of speculation since they won’t actually say why. So again, we are back to the Dems being the problem with illegals crossing the southern border. But let’s continue looking at reality. Illegals entering the country dropped significantly when Trump was in office. When Biden took office, he sent out an invitation for the flood of illegals to continue. He, in the first couple weeks of taking office, undid every action Trump had put into place to deal with the massive influx of illegals. and voila! he got that flood going again. And once again we are back to Biden and the Dems being responsible.

But you dodge the most important aspect of the entire thing. By claiming Trump would have no immunity for actions taken in performance of the job of POTUS, you are doing away with all of it. Not just Trump,. but every POTUS. The families of the Americans Obama targeted with drone strikes could go after him. The DOJ could start investigating him for murder. Biden would not be allowed to get away with any of the things he has done (or not done) while being POTUS….the open border is just one thing. He could be up on murder or conspiracy to commit murder charges as well. Remember, you don’t believe presidential immunity should exist. Go ahead, push for it. I’d love to see the influx of criminal and civil cases against Dem POTUS’ past and present.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You still don’t get it.
The wall was a completely ridiculous idea.
Estimates of building that wall over the length and inhospitable terrain and somehow on miles of river were astronomical. No.
Mexico did not spend more than we would have for the wall.
And the wall would NOT have stopped anyone.
Mexico could only keep people they knew of from crossing. Trump didn’t halt anything.
His strategy of dealing with immigration had one severe flaw. Immigrants are human beings. Not “undesirables,” “rapists,” drug dealers,” and certainly not “vermin” from “shit hole” countries.
Trump was deliberately splitting up families, and packing our prisons with illegals. If you followed something other than conservative propane, you would know that many thousands of those Trump era people are going to be released because of overcrowding.

None of Trump’s plans are thought through. He just blurts out whatever gets his sheep panicked. His tactics do not align with the laws of this country, nor do they have any consideration for ramifications.
Biden had to stop letting Trump’s careless, apathetic plans hurt people.
And I’m afraid it was Trump (more accurately his yesmen) AGAIN who stopped a deal his lover L. Graham called the best they would ever get on immigration.
Further exposing you poor helpless sheep to the horrors of the brown people south of the border…...

And you still don’t get that I don’t have any political leanings.

I would cheer on ANY wealthy politicians getting audited, and scrutinized. Honestly. Before Trump, I thought our intelligence agencies ALREADY fiercely vetted all candidates.

None of these people represent my interests. I just want the most tolerable loser we can get for POTUS.
You sir, are the one bluffing.
If I got my way, everyone in DC would be held accountable. That means you lose. Because you now worship a dotard.

In my life, I’ll always have to just swallow the fact that my country will be led by someone who is trying to please an imaginary being. I think Obama was an atheist. He just lied about it. To achieve his goals.

You can hang every person in Washington on the highway in.
I’m tired of these elite assholes profiting from our hard work.
Tired of being ashamed of my country.

Because I give a shit Wulf.
You should try it sometime.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You believe the wall was a ridiculous idea. Yet other countries do it and it works great. Hell, TX started putting up razor wire and it drops the illegal entries from thousands a week down to <10. It’s only a ridiculous idea if you don’t want to stop the massive influx.

And still you avoid the question or the point. You want to do away with presidential immunity, but are you willing to hold all POTUS’ to that standard? Can we sue Obama? Biden? For any decisions they made that I want to call bad or criminal?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You know full well that Presidents already have civil immunity, NO one should have criminal immunity, I still don’t get why you think DemintiaDon should have criminal immunity no one is above the law.
And civil immunity already protects them from the example you gave, you think they should be able to assassinate their political rivals?
If you do your more scary than I have been giving you credit for.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. The US southern border is not like most borders.
It is 1,954 miles long.
1,255 miles of that isn’t even land. 1,255 miles of the border is The Rio Grande. (A river.)
You can’t build fences on a flowing river.
The land that could be walled is mostly desert tundra. Rolling hills, extreme temperatures, and no fresh water.
In 4 years, Trump constructed 52 miles of wall. (Slow clap.)
So Trumpers can understand, I’ll explain. 52, is much smaller than 1,954.
It was not “yuge,” and Mexico paid nothing.
The border is one of the most inhospitable places in the entire continent. Immigrants die crossing the area frequently, and people drown crossing the Rio Grande ALL the time. It’s already a great/dangerous undertaking to attempt to cross into America.
People who walked from Central America, are not stopped by a fucking wall.
There are countless examples/videos of people climbing those walls with aplomb.

At the time of Trump’s nomination, our nation’s infrastructure was crumbling. Still is. And yet Trump prioritized a $20million/mile wall, that would have no effect.

The countries you speak of that have walls, usually have a heavily militarized border. The walls do nothing. The machine gun nests, are the deterrent. America, does not behave like that.

Your numbers about razor wire efficacy are, like all border statistics, not possibly accurate.

The main area Texas put up razor wire is around a triangular island that neither the US or Mexico claim. As the island is not under either countries control, it has become a place for smugglers and other traffickers. Those are actually dangerous people.

As the island is not considered US property, the federal government did not want resources used there.
The Texans close to the island put up the razor wire. They didn’t razor wire the entire border. That was insinuated by shit stirrers on the left and right, for different reasons.

And I never avoided your question. I told you “you can hang EVERY person in Washington, on the highway in.”
If that’s Obama, or Hillary, or ANY politician that high in government, I want them punished to the fullest extent of the law, if they have.
You can sue anyone. It doesn’t mean it will get you anywhere.

You prioritize politicians from years ago. Anyone who isn’t Trump. That’s a poor defense,
called whataboutism.
And as I have observed, you worship this career criminal above even your own God.

From now on, since Trump is your new God, please capitalize the “H” in he, when you’re talking about him. After all, “He” is your God now. I recommend you pay proper respects to your God King.

I’m very sorry that you cannot comprehend that a person doesn’t have to be a Democrat, to see Trump for what he is.
Nikki got 53,000 votes in GA.
Trump won, of course. But your party is looking suddenly divided… Hmm…

It took you conservatives a ridiculous amount of time, but you conservatives finally okayed booting Santos.

I am not a republican. But I think if I were, I’d be completely ashamed of what the GOP is becoming as a direct result of Trump.

I know you want Obama imprisoned for giving Americans health care, but Obama brought out the best in America.
Trump, brings out the worst.

I hate being one-sided on anything. I always search for some balance. But Trump never became a real boy, once he took office.
He has steadily, publicly, spiraled downward.

Your boy genius just got caught slandering Carroll publicly, again… Her lawyers are pleasantly surprised at Trump’s stupidity. Obviously. Because they will sue Trump for a third time.

The American justice system has ALWAYS been weaponized.
If Trump becomes POTUS, and pardons his insurrectionists, THAT will be weaponization of the system.

That is the point of this thread.
The GOP with Trump, have weaponized the Supreme Court.

You just have absolutely nothing to base your heavily biased proclamations on.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 So we should prosecute Obama for killing Americans with drone strikes and Biden (when he leaves office) for his decisions on the southern border since it led to so many deaths. Those could be viewed as criminal acts. They made decisions that cost Americans their lives and there is no statute of limitations on murder. So when Trump wins the presidency again, he should be able weaponize the DOJ against his political rivals? He should be able to target all Dem candidates, even with made up charges?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Obama did kill a US citizen, I believe in a country that didn’t give us permission too.

To be clear, he wasn’t a normal citizen. But still…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Hang ‘em all. Got it. So when Biden is out of office and Trump is POTUS he could bring murder charges against Biden? How about any other Dem candidates? Like I asked @SQUEEKY2, should he be able to weaponize the DOJ to go after his political rivals? All he has to do is claim they did something wrong and go for it, apparently. He’d be doing his duty as POTUS according to you. And you would have to support him since no one is above the law, right?

Yes, you are one sided. You get nutty when Trump is in the conversation. You stop being rational. And even your claims of Hang ‘em all is bullshit. You cannot stand to suggest anything he might do would be good and therefore have to do mental gymnastics rife with cognitive dissonance to try making a point of it.

The wall: Yes, putting up razor wire makes a huge difference. This is an article that was put out a month and a half after TX put up razor wire at Brownsville which was a place of massive crossings. And “This”: shows that of all the places that have had the majority of crossings, Brownsville (where Biden recently went) is almost non-existent when it used to have the most. Yes, the razor wire makes that much of a difference. It is sad that I give you these citations because you won’t want to believe them anyway. If you did, you’d have to say that a wall might actually make a difference. And if you did that, you’d have to say that Trump was right and the left was wrong. You’d have to admit that the border policies of the left are allowing illegals in whereas Trump’s plans actually help keep them out. Because that is how you are when it comes to Trump. Irrational.

You continue this farce with your claims about Trump splintering the GOP because Haley got 54,000 votes in GA. Here’s a clue: most of them were Democrats. We saw that in every state she campaigned in. Even in SC she got 40% of the vote. But more than half of those were “independents” that have never voted for a Republican in their life. In states with open primaries, independents can vote in either party primary. Part of the Dem plan was to get as many Dem voters as possible to register as Independent so they could vote against Trump. And here are the results for GA in the primaries. Haley got almost 78,000 votes but that is only 13.2% of the vote. That isn’t really meaningful. Not when Trump got 84.5% of the vote. That is a blow-out by any standard. If you are going to try saying that because an opponent got some votes as proof that the leader is splintering the party, then Biden is splintering the party. Every candidate we’ve ever had has splintered their party. Please. This is more of the irrationality and mental gymnastics you display when Trump is involved.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^If Trump becomes POTUS, you cannot rule out more extreme behavior.
The “whistle blower” that the GOP was relying on to impeach Biden admitted he was lying. This fact, has not prevented them from pursuing Biden’s impeachment.
And you’re more delusional than normal if you think Trump would accept defeat, or that the conservatives in congress will ever stop trying to go after Biden.

Listen to YOURSELF. You can’t let go of Clinton era crap.
Because your new God King’s bitch FOX entertainment, won’t stop beating those dead horses.

I’m perfectly aware that Trump wants to stop “shitty people, from shitty countries” (immigrants,) from immigrating to America.
You conservatives are so blinded with what you are fed, you don’t care how the border is enforced.
Rational people, don’t want to separate families, and treat people like prisoners while our pathetically inept immigration system creeps along.
Nobody wants wide open borders.
Conservatives, don’t care about anyone but themselves.

In your specific case, stopping immigrants from south/central America is against your own interests.

Americans are slowly loosing religion. Latinos have strong religious beliefs and roots. They vote accordingly.
So. For every Catholic/Christian Guatemalan, you can cancel out atheists like me.
Your team can’t have it’s Christian nation, AND see less brown people simultaneously.
These new immigrants, once citizens would proliferate and spread more right-wing agenda.
You’re going to need a lot of help, to oppress every American that doesn’t think like you…

I wish you racially mixed grandchildren, and relatives.
This is not an insult. Your genes will benefit greatly from the diversity.

78,000 for Nikki. That must have been the final. I was just talking about what I saw last night.

According to your math, that’s 13.2% of the vote.
You think those numbers are meaningless?
Trump has not gained ANY supporters since 2016. Absolutely NOBODY I have ever spoken to, has gained any positive thoughts about Trump.

Your numbers, and many other polls, suggest Trump has/is losing voters.
He needed ALL God King’s men, to put Humpty Trumpty in office the first time…

Will his remaining sheep be enough this time?

Anne Coulter doesn’t like Trump anymore…

I am pessimistic. So. I assume Trump will win.
But. I wonder if people like you would defend him SO fiercely, if you were so sure he’d win…

I think your fear of losing your new God, is motivating you to constantly paint yourself as a cult member.
Dry your tears. I told you all you people, in the real world Evil does triumph.
Trump has pulled you from your God.
He will continue to be a constant source of trouble for the gullible, even if he doesn’t get elected.
You can ALWAYS hear him ranting nonsense, from somewhere.

Trump hasn’t splintered your party. He has forever poisoned it. Will Trump being POTUS pull the GOP’s heads from their asses long enough to select a proper speaker?
Will they be OK with Biden’s immigration deal, when it’s called “Trump’s Yuge Success?”

I think the GOP has been forever dragged in Trump’s direction.
If you believe that is for the best, I can’t help you.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m not the one that said anything about Clinton. Not sure where that came from except an attempt to deflect….again.

And your entire take on what my views of immigration are is so skewed as to be laughable. I believe that entering another country should be done legally….period. If you can’t get a visa in your home country because you are a life long shitbag, that should be the first cutoff. If you want to come to this country to work, get a work visa. If you want to relocate here permanently, start working on that. But walking into the country when you know it isn’t the proper way is wrong. And to allow that and even support that is criminal. I can have sympathy for people in poorer countries but being poor is not grounds for asylum. Believing you could make a better life here is not grounds for asylum. Having high crime in your country is not grounds for asylum. If you are truly an asylum seeker, you should realistically be looking for shelter in the nearest safe place. If you are from Venezuela you have to go through Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico to get her. If you are being persecuted in Venezuela because of your religion, color, political leanings, etc that would be grounds for asylum. But you should first be applying at the nearest country that will give you relief from that persecution.

In short, I have no problem with immigration, I have a HUGE problem with illegal immigration. And with the increasing number of deaths at the hands of illegals and with the increasing number of deaths from drugs pouring across the border, and with the spiked increase in human trafficking, I believe every sane person should be for sealing the border. Why aren’t you?

Your take on Trump’s popularity is also laughable. You completely ignore the fact that most of Haley voters were Dems trying to undo Trump. They aren’t Republicans at all. As for people you have talked to, gee, that must be the fact. Forget poll after poll that shows Trump gaining support in the Black and Latino communities as well as in younger voters, forget the Hollywood elites that are now coming out against Biden and the Dems, forget about the increasing number of Dems that are leaving the party to join the Repubs. I know it hurts your psychologically and probably physically to hear those things, but they are facts. I could give you the citations, but really, why? You don’t read them. You stated that 13.2% was my math. It wasn’t. I came right from the citation I gave you last time…you know…the NBC poll? But you didn’t look at it as you never look at citations I give you. You’d rather speak from ignorance and avoid facts.

As for me defending Trump, let me turn that around on you: would you be so demented about him if he weren’t running or if you were sure he would lose? Hey, you just said all the polls show he is hemorrhaging supporters like a leaky boat so by that logic he should be losing. Yet you don’t believe it. You are still trying to twist reality to make it not real, that he is likely to win. If you care to go back and look at pretty much any thread where I am accused of supporting Trump, you will find that I can give specifics about things I think he did well and I can tell you why the Dems are so bad. I get blasted because I don’t believe an opinion piece that is based on lies that you on the left take as facts. I get upset at a two-tiered system of justice and call out that whenever I see it. I can’t understand why folks like you don’t see the danger in that, but I figure one day it will impact you directly and I will have no pity for you on that day. You’ve fought to support a partial justice system with the partiality based on whoever the people in charge say are the bad guys. I get tired of a media that makes shit up to pander to weak minded fools who will believe whatever they are told. These are the things I do that are called “support for Trump”. Apparently wanting a fair playing field for all with a fair justice system and an unbiased journalistic world is supporting Trump. Guess I’ll keep supporting him. What is it you are supporting?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But you totally believed the bribery informant that turned out to be Russian intel ohh is that colluding with Russia?
That was totally fabricated!
You still bring Obama up even though he has been out of the picture for 8+ years talk about hate.
And Wulfie if Obama was indeed guilty of a crime I have no doubt the frightwingers would be relentless on trying to fry him,they were not so give it up already .
The DOJ is not weaponized against the right ,the head guy is a die hard republican.
Your mad because your Dementia-Don got caught and is now facing 90+ criminal charges.
If the evil Obama or Hillary was even facing half of those same crimes you would want to throw them in a room and throw away the room, but not Dementia-Don Oh no they are just out to get him.

MrGrimm888's avatar

This has gone predictably.

No Wulf. Trump isn’t gaining popularity. Certainly the entire GOP, and whomever they run, will have to further commit to reducing women’s rights.

I’m happy that you actually see the token “black guy” behind Trump at his rallies.

Here’s an intersecting fact.
When the SC republican primary voting was going on, statistics showed that 96% of the voters in the Republican primary were white.
There’s your party’s minority representatives. (Slow clap.)

We’ll see if women vote themselves back 60 years.
We’ll see if Trump’s Hispanic voters vote to hurt their cause.

2016 taught me a LOT.

Nothing would surprise me.

What is it I’m supporting?
Coexistence. Peace. Love.
Trump and his sheep don’t care about anyone but themselves.
Trump’s “vermin” talk has your panties in a wad.

Will you support your new God King, if he doesn’t win?
I know Trump won’t.
He’s already planting the seeds of doubt in the heads of people like yourself sir. Just in case he loses, he wants to make sure everyone knows this was never a fair race…
Will you be his excuse factory for 2024? A disturbing amount of his supporters still believe that he never lost to Biden, in spite of not just ZERO evidence but being sued by the people he defamed and slandered.

You can always go back to Christ. I’ve heard he’s very forgiving.

There is still time Wulf. Go back to the light!

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I bring up Obama because he is an ex-president and one that is fairly recent. He had his share of things that were questionable, just as every POTUS has. But because they occur while he is POTUS, he gets the coverage of immunity from prosecution for choices he made as POTUS. That is what you fools on the left are clamoring for…no presidential immunity. So if that goes away, every decision every POTUS made could be viewed and sued for. That is all living POTUS’. You could look at Bush II and Clinton too if you like. If the SCOTUS rules there is no presidential immunity, it opens the floodgates. And I don’t know about you, but if I lost a loved one to an illegal or to fentanyl, I’d be filing a lawsuit against Biden and Mayorkas the day they left office. Hell, for that matter, anyone that has been targeted by the DOJ could sue for any damages they feel they deserve. Civil cases might not make it, but if Trump wins the election, he could just empty the DOJ of the slime in there now, refill it with conservatives, and start targeting Biden and any of his ilk.

That is not any way you want a government to act. That is lunacy. That is what Biden is doing now and you are cheering about it. But you can see how divisive it is. And it wastes taxpayer money and government time.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Citations? Got anything to back up your claims other than pages of ranting?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The RNC could be paying for DRUMF’S legal fees and penalties HAHAHAHAHAHA !

Maybe the Democratic party will take back House and add members in Senate, because his DIL is on the RNC and will support DJT first before any one else . . .

MrGrimm888's avatar

Logic has long left the thread.
I’ll bounce as well.

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