How can it be anything other than pathetic that the Republicans may not vote for the immigration deal?
It is a joint resolution put together by members of both parties, but Trump does not support it because it would be a win for Biden. How totally pathetic! The American public doesn’t count for these people. Good-bye democracy. Winning becomes an end in itself.
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71 Answers
It is horrible. The Republicans can still claim a win and show they worked together with the Democrats. Most of America wants the parties to work together to resolve the issues of the day.
I think Nikki should point it out and say she would never stand in the way of progress for political gain.
Being soulless is a requirement for being a Republican.
Agree with the OP. It is beyond heinous that he is already so powerful and ruining a potentially positive outcome.
It’s called wanting to be a dictator.
THIS is an example of what is wrong in American politics today. They are putting peoples needs behind winning.
I would love to see how our friendly fright winger will spin and deflect this to totally blame the Democrats as to why it’s not being voted on.
The GOP is waiting for Trump / dictator to enter the palace ! Then he’ll send the military down to the border with loaded guns.
Bet ya the GOP will lose in November and wonder why.
@KNOWITALL , Your link brings up an iinteresting point. The current proposed bill, with major concessions by Democrats, is better than anything the Republicans could get with Trump. The Republcans would need 60 Senate votes to get their proposal, and that would simply not happen
@LostInParadise I think theyd be crazy not to do it. But again, election year and many are not behind more support for ukraine.
Pathetic, psychotic, sociopathic…MAGA fans just couldn’t get enough of their douchebag entertainer!
It isn’t pathetic at all. As @KNOWITALL this bill is about giving more money away to Ukraine.
Anything having to do with the southern border isn’t about increased security, it is about making it easier to process more illegals into the country.
The pathetic part is that anyone would support this bill. It increases our national debt which is already at record high levels and it exacerbates a problem that most states are starting to really dislike and are causing many problems across the country. The better question would be “What is this bill really for?” It doesn’t help our country one bit.
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board, which slants toward the right, wrote: “[G]iving up on a border security bill would be a self-inflicted GOP wound. President Biden would claim, with cause, that Republicans want border chaos as an election issue rather than solving the problem. Voter anger may over time move from Mr. Biden to the GOP, and the public will have a point. Cynical is the only word that fits Republicans panning a border deal whose details aren’t even known.”
The Wall Street Journal editorial board went further, articulating what Republicans are signing up for if they continue to prevent funding for Ukraine. Recalling the horrific images of the April 1975 fall of Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, to North Vietnamese forces, when desperate evacuees fought their way to helicopters, the board asked: “Do Republicans want to sponsor the 2024 equivalent of Saigon 1975?”
Edit: As seen in Heather Cox Richardson’s Letter from An American, 1/ 26/24.
@janbb And Biden would blame Repubs for all the chaos created by his administration because they wouldn’t give him more money. Of course he would not say that his proposal did nothing for actual border security. That is how politics works. And the propagandist media would back his crazy claims 110%.
As for the comparison of Ukraine with Saigon, all I can say is that we, as a country, already saw the pictures of what they predict. It was called the Afghanistan withdrawal. But that same editorial board didn’t report on that or make the comparison to Saigon.
@seawulf..”, it is about making it easier to process more illegals into the country.”…at which point they become legal immigrants. And you think that’s a bad thing?
Hey Dutchess anything the Democrats want is baaaad.
Not sure who is more foolish, those who think trump is sincere about dealing with border issues ( he is NOT ) or those who think those issues can be addressed without political compromises.
Maybe both are equally foolish.
@Dutchess_III Normal migration (legal) is done through the visa process. You apply for a visa with the intent of becoming a citizen. If you don’t want to become a citizen but want to come here to work so you can send money to your family back home, they have visas for that as well. And with the visa you can come across the border at a normal port of entry…legally. You don’t have to “sneak” into the country. Wading across the Rio Grande is sneaking (illegal). It is done on the hopes they don’t get caught. It is done so that the normal border control efforts are bypassed. That is why drugs and human trafficking is so prevalent along the southern border. Bringing drugs or people across at a normal point of entry is far more likely that those things will be caught.
And as always I have to explain things like this. And now someone will tell me how I hate migrants, how I am racist, how they are just looking for a better life, etc. All of those are complete bullshit for answers. Even the “better life” excuse. That is used as a way of saying claiming asylum is legal. Except that isn’t grounds for asylum. Asylum is for refugees that are seeking to avoid persecution in their home countries; persecution because of their religious or political beliefs, persecution because of racial issues…things like that. That is why right wingers were so upset when Syrian Christians were detained after seeking asylum. There was, and likely still is, efforts to kill all Christians in Syria. Yet they ask for asylum and Obama promptly sent them back. A legitimate asylum claim is rejected while so many bullshit claims are just left alone. I guess to the left Christians fall below drug cartels, murders, rapists, and human traffickers.
It’s called “asylum.” Even if you talk till you’re blue in the face (as usual) it doesn’t change the fact, republican.
@Dutchess_III And “asylum” has to meet certain criteria. Even if you talk till you’re blue in the face (as usual) it doesn’t change the fact, Democrat.
And now the bill died before it left the Senate. As I mentioned, there was a lot in there that wasn’t what it was purported to be by the Democrats. And, as I predicted, the Dems are blaming the Repubs not just for failure of the bill but for all the mayhem at the border. The same mayhem that Biden caused. It’s election season. They are hoping the MSM will pick up the chant and go with it.
Wulfie quite a few Rep/con politicians worked on this bill even Mitch Mcconnell was for it , but the speaker said it wouldn’t be even brought forward for a vote, WHY?
Because Republicans DO NOT WANT the BORDER ISSUE fixed under a democrat president they want it for something to bitch about all the way to election day .
Plus your orange god wants to gift wrap Ukraine for his buddie Putin should he be re elected.
Now spin that.
@seawulf575 It was a shit deal with strings attached and 1400 minimim per day coming in at 30 ports of entry. At this point I’m not convinced it’s even in the best interests of the migrants. Plus Biden has the power now just like Trump did. Anyone who read the bill knows it’s trash.
All the GOP got a phone call on their cell from the “Tangerine Turd” threatening their political future, if they didn’t dump the border accord ! ! !
@SQUEEKY2 Yep, you picked up the narrative perfectly. Except it was Biden that created this mess. And the bill didn’t fix it, it just normalized it. That is no way to function as a country. What you are missing is that the “Fright Wingers”, as you like to say, actually read the bill and saw the scam it was. Yep, some Repubs worked on the bill. Some Repubs were also on the J6 committee lying to the public. You act like Repubs perform like Democrats: sticking together on all things without anyone breaking ranks. They don’t. It is very rare when even 1 Dem votes against party lines. It is NOT rare for Repubs to vote their thoughts.
To me, ANY law going on the books about immigration at this point is a sham, even if it solidly stopped all illegals from entering the country. Why? Because we have those laws already. Biden and his merry band of looney tunes CHOOSE not to enforce them. Just like with criminals and gun control laws, adding more laws doesn’t mean anything as they will just ignore them too.
@KNOWITALL It also allowed 5000 illegal entries each day which was also a sham as it didn’t account for all illegal entries. That is ridiculous. Maybe if we took up a collection, got $20M together and reached out to Hunter we could use it as a bribe for him and “The Big Guy” and we could get immediate action.
@seawulf575 Nope, the Dems have accomplished their goal of turning Bidens open border crisis into a ‘Republucans wont pass this’ (crap bill) to spin the narrative during an election year. Distract, diatract, distract.
I hope you watch the Putin interview, it’s interesting in relation to this issue.
I’m watching the interview right now. It is fascinating.
Biden should do something! Do an executive order that basically is the bill. It’s ridiculous.
@JLeslie He cannot do an EO that is in violation of existing law. He COULD start enforcing immigration laws, but the Dems do not want that. Trump did much through diplomacy such as getting Mexico to agree with the “Stay in Mexico” policy which had the immigrants being left in Mexico while their immigration cases were in process. Biden can do many things, but his handlers will not agree to them.
And black is white and white is black. This bi-partisan bill was much harsher in its immigration proscriptions. The Dems bent over backwards to create a bill that the Republicans would back and then Trump told them to back off so he would have an issue for the election.
I’ve said it before, the border has been a problem through several administrations and none have been able to fix it.
Trump was going to build the wall and have Mexico pay for it, last time he was Pres.
I just looked at the appropriations bill that got shot down in the Senate. It says very little concerning what actually will be done to stop the influx if illegal aliens. It talks a little about throwing money at things to make it easier to deal with increased flow of illegal aliens. And much of that sounds like a lot until you realize that they are spreading it over the next 3 years. Additionally, it adds money for giving illegal aliens federal assistance. Nothing like an incentive to say “Don’t come!”. NOT! It has us spending as much dealing with refugees in Ukraine and Israel and Drug issues in the Ukraine and the ME as it does dealing with our own border.
The document lists a limit of and average of 5000 illegal aliens cencountered (not total) per day in a consecutive 7 day period or 8500 in one given day before they HAVE to actually start turning them away. But then at the end of the section that spells this out they have this statement:
”‘‘(ii) LIMITATION.—Aliens described
in subsection (a)(2)(C) from noncontiguous
countries shall not be included in calculating the sum of aliens encountered. ”
In other words, it is saying that 5000 only applies to Mexicans that arrive illegally. Not Guatamalans, not Hondurans, not Chinese or Iranians…just Mexicans since Mexico is the only contiguous country on our southern border. And if we DID have that many, it goes on to say this limitation would not be activated in 2024 for 270 days, 2025 for 225 days, and 2026 for 180 days.
It goes on and on. After reading it, it does nothing to stop the influx of illegals. It just tries to throw more money at getting them into the country more quickly. Gee, why would anyone think that is okay? Want to blame the Repubs for not supporting this? Go for it. What you are saying is that you don’t want border security.
@seawulf575 Trump said don’t sign the bill because he felt it would hurt his chances of being re-elected. He said it and his minions obeyed. It’s sickening. The bill looks pretty good to me overall.
Republicans DO NOT want the border issue fixed, Trump wants it to be an election issue.
Plus he wants to gift wrap Ukraine to give to his buddie Putin.
Didn’t republicans work on this bill, too?
Yeah! Even McConnell was for it, but the speaker wouldn’t even bring it forward for a vote, if it was so bad wouldn’t it have been shot down in a vote?
Simple Trump needs it for an election issue and we know they bend the knee for king Trump.
Repubs are the best bullshitters when it comes to bipartisan border fixes.
trump-turd could have come up with a useful bipartisan bill his first year in office working with Pelosi and
Schumer but…nope…the ghoul Stephen Miller apparently advised to step back from that. And trump-turd agreed with the ghoul.
And now trump did it again. How naive can trump worshipers and trump fans be thinking a non-bipartisan attempt at fixing border issues is realistic?
Repubs are making Putin and China so happy. Lots of Repubs would rather destroy American Democracy than see the other political party succeed. Sad Americans Repubs.
@chyna Republicans did work on the bill, it is the extremists in the party that first fell in line with Trump’s request, I don’t know the story now, are they all falling in line now?
@JLeslie House and Senate Republicans have now said they will not support the bill after Senate Republicans had worked on it and a lot of compromises were made to make the border rules much harsher.
It could have been a total Republican bill and it still would have been refused because the Don Father needs the border problem for an election issue.
They don’t want it fixed.
The GOP is worried the Don Father will put targets on their back and send the Flying Monkeys (Proud Boys and Oath Keepers) will go out to shoot them and their family ! !
Full blown Neo-Nazis, a Trump rally has Swastikas and “Stars and Bars” (Confederate Battle Flags) and several of those there want to overthrow the US Government, Pence failed them and Trump.
So disappointing the state of politics and politicians in the United States of America now.
It’s a shame that the people in power are just that IN IT FOR POWER, and couldn’t give a rats ass about the good of the people.
@JLeslie Trump never said “Don’t sign this bill because it would hurt my chances at getting re-elected.” Those words never happened. What you are doing is saying what you THINK he was trying to do. That is misinformation. I’m willing to bet you heard it on some lefty news outlet.
@SQUEEKY2 Yet the House Republicans passed a bill that would tighten security at the border and spell out how to enter the country for amnesty as well as putting even more deterrents against illegal immigration into place. That was passed by the House in May of 2023. It’s been sitting on Chuck Schumer’s desk ever since. He never even gave it to the Senate to debate. So to say Repubs don’t want the border issue fixed is just a flat out lie. What this tells us is that the DEMS don’t want the border issue fixed and are just not going to consider any bill that does that. But I know…your left-wing “news” outlets don’t tell you about that. They don’t mention anything about it at all. I’m willing to bet this is the first time you are hearing about it. Here, let me educate you…again.
@Tropical_Willie and @chyna Yep, Trump said the bill was shit. No argument there. What he did NOT say was “Republicans should vote against this bill because if it passes it could hurt my re-election chances.” Big difference.
Just like when Obama wanted to do something I disagreed with, I can not like his policy but not be a racist…as I was often called for voicing a dissenting opinion to “the narrative”. That is what you on the left do. You make shit up and then, when shown how wrong you are, you try changing the claim so that you can be right somehow. In this case, I never said Trump didn’t speak out against the bill. @JLeslie made the comment that Trump said he didn’t want the bill passed because it would hurt his chances at re-election. That is misinformation. I pointed that out. Everything you have shown confirms what I said…you just don’t want to acknowledge it. You want to try reading into the facts, just as @JLeslie did, want it somehow to be true that Trump actually said the re-election comment. It. Isn’t. True.
@Tropical_Willie Oh you got me there! Great come back! Of course you didn’t actually address anything. It’s what I call a seagull answer….flies in, shits on everything, and then flies out without actually contributing at all.
If I am so wrong why not bring it forward and vote on it, if it’s crap like you say it surely would die in a vote unless your scared it might pass.
@SQUEEKY2 If the bill is complete shit, as it is (I posted the bill, you can look for yourself to see if I’m lying about what’s in it), why even vote on it in the first place? But the Dems DID put it to the vote and it fell short of the 60 votes needed. So by your reasoning, since it was voted on and it failed, you should be saying it’s crap.
@SQUEEKY2 additionally, let’s apply your logic fairly across the board. The Repubs in the House gave a bill that would have seriously helped secure the border to Chuck Schumer, the Majority leader in the Senate. If it’s crap like he said, why not put it to a vote? He didn’t do that. Should he have? Unless he was scared it might pass….
Trump spoke and wulfie listened. @SQUEEKY2
Wulfie’s loyalty to spray tan Don is amazing, now I get he is saying it’s a tit for tat on this bill,that republicans helped draft but refuses to say that, now it’s just well the dems wouldn’t bring a bill forward so why should they with this one?
Just an added bonus The Don Father will use it as an election issue.
Yes, boys, don’t actually be held accountable for your words. Attack me instead. Much easier and less dangerous to your cognitive dissonance.
Oh I hope so @Willie. I don’t want to go through the nightmare a second time.
Like you’re never guilty of that wulfie?
@SQUEEKY2 Show me where I dodged a question by attacking you or changing the topic? Please. I’ll wait.
While I’m waiting, the video you showed is funny. A parody! Good job. Yes, immigration is all Republicans fault, always has been, always will be. And they never do anything about it! But the Dems! Now there’s the group to save us all. And the many times they’ve had control of Congress, they did just that. Well, not quite. They talked about it at election time though! They’ve presented bills that had good sounding names but which really didn’t do what was hinted at.
Got your answer yet on when I’ve dodged a question by attacking you or changing the topic? Probably not, since you know it doesn’t happen. But I’m sure you are trying desperately to come up with some other dodge so you don’t have to actually answer the question.
This bill is over 300 pages long,and has been said on both sides that it would take around three weeks to read it fully and you have read this three hundred plus page bill and say it’s shit?
Is it because it has funding for Ukraine?
Can’t have that your buddie wants to gift wrap that country for his pal Putin.
I want to take a wager that border chaos will stopped being talked about as soon as your election is over , regardless of any bills being passed .
@SQUEEKY2 Thank you for being so predictable. Again, you made a claim and, when challenged, you bail and try to avoid answering. Typical and predictable. You don’t disappoint.
As for the bill, did you even look at it? I’m guessing, by your rant here, that you haven’t. It is easy to skim through the bill because it is broken up into specific topics of appropriation and what each section is putting forth. I have NOT read all 300 pages. But I DID read the parts that were pertinent, especially to this conversation. Have you? No. I heard a lot of claims about the bill from both sides and, as I usually do, I went to the bill itself to see what the truth of the statements are. Guess what? The Dems are lying. No big surprise there.
I have linked the bill that went to the vote in the Senate and gave you my take on what I saw and why I think it’s shit. Did you bother reading even the pertinent parts of the bill? Nope. I also gave you a link to the bill the House Repubs sent to the Senate for consideration…the one the Dems (Schumer) tabled to avoid having to vote on it. I gave you my take on that as well. Did you read it? Nope.
Here’s what we have going on: you spout shit all the time. You don’t actually supply any backing for your claims. When you do give links, I look at your links and give my take on them as well. I make claims you don’t like. But I give links to show what I am looking at and what I am seeing. You don’t bother reading the links so we can have an informed discussion on the links but you make assumptions and go with that or you make personal attacks to try deflecting or you completely change the subject just so you can avoid looking at something that might make you look like a lunatic if you speak out against what I’m saying. But hey, there are plenty of other jellies just like you that will give you GAs all day long for being this slimy.
Well I would rather be slimy than fear mongering conservative.
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