Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

When did Nikki Haley realize Trump is unhinged?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29389points) January 27th, 2024 from iPhone

As asked. Thanks.

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8 Answers

janbb's avatar

Do you have a quote or a citation for this?

mazingerz88's avatar


janbb's avatar

^^ Thanks.

chyna's avatar

Does it really matter? As with DeSantis, Ted Cruz and many others, the minute she’s out of the race, she will be singing his praises. I just don’t get it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that the term ‘unhinged’ is offensive to hinges. Hinges are important – even crucial – mechanisms in homes, cabinets, windows, etc. Hinges allow those pieces to open and close with a brass (or other metal) pin and socket.

Hinges go back to ancient Egypt and ancient Rome. They should be celebrated and revered, not used as a pejorative.

LadyMarissa's avatar

When she decided to run against him instead of kissing his ass…that’s when he turned on her & she saw his PITA side!!! I often wonder if she has truly realized that he’s unhinged. The whole thing is most likely an ACT.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think she has, no matter what she says. She still says he was the right president at the right time.

When she left the Trump administration I figured she was distancing herself to run on her own. I think most of what she does is politically calculated.

She knows Independents and Democrats can help her win the primary, and those people are mostly anti-Trump.

Jeruba's avatar

> They should be celebrated and revered, not used as a pejorative.

Exactly. Hinges are being recognized for their crucial role in holding things together without fixing them inflexibly in place. So when you become unhinged, a vivid metaphorical expression for a state of mental disorder, that’s a significant loss. Far from being a pejorative, this usage—implying that hingelessness is a serious condition—respects the function of hinges. It is not good when your doors and windows and gates flap in the wind until they fall off.

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