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mazingerz88's avatar

Who are your favorite sci-fi, fantasy and super-hero comic book artists?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) January 27th, 2024 from iPhone

Artists like Moebius, John Byrne, Ted Nasmith, the Bros. Hildebrandt? Thanks.

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13 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s Dall-E 3 at the moment.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not have any.

cookieman's avatar

So many…

The late Carlos Pacheco was amazing. Check out Avengers Forever.

I loved John Byrne when I was a kid. His X-Men, Fantastic Four, and She Hulk runs were great. A good writer as well.

Stuart Immonen is incredible too.

Not that prolific, but Travis Charest is one of my all time favorites.

More recently, really enjoying Pepe Laraz’s work.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Charest is…awesome.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Absolutely. He did work for Image/Wildstorm and a little for Marvel but then went to work mostly in Europe.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I think…he drew art for or with…Moebius? Somehow there’s a connection between them. I just remember Charest’s work was amazing.

ragingloli's avatar

Though I do have some that fall slightly outside the laid out parameters:
– Meesh
– Peritian
– Dangpa
– Tokifuji

You can find them all on Patreon

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

It’s been decades since I read comic books, and I think then I only knew one artist’s name – Jack Kirby. I really liked his work.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Stan Lee, and Gary Gygax.

Zaku's avatar

Moebius’ stuff is interesting and I mostly like it.

Ted Nasmith is quite good, with great detail and character, though I tend not to imagine the composition of Tolkien stuff differently.

I like the much of the art from the first publisher of my first favorite fantasy RPG The Fantasy Trip, so Roger Stine (but specifically his TFT art ), Pat Hidy (example example example ), and Robert Phillips ( example example ).

This is a classic RPG image I like. (“Titan,” aka “Dragonspell,” by Chris Achilleos for the full wraparound cover of Titan: The Fighting Fantasy World, Puffin Books, 1986).

I’m not much of a fan of superhero comic book art.

seawulf575's avatar

I was always fond of the Brothers Hildebrandt.

cookieman's avatar

@seawulf575: When I was in art school, studying illustration, many of my classmates were obsessed with them. Frank Frazetta too.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Love Tim and Greg Hildebrandt. Own a few of their LOTR prints. Also Ted Nasmith’s LOTR art.

Too sad he ended up not being able to be head of the art design team of Jackson’s movies. His collaboration on those projects was what excited me the most but…it wasn’t meant to be.

As for Frazetta…phenomenal!

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