General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is the medical acronym for the opposite of DNR (Do not Resuscitate)?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) January 27th, 2024

I would like to be resuscitated. Even if in pain. Where should I go to fill up a personal directive?

I also would like the freedom to date and would like the occasional bit of milk chocolate and sweets.

What are your personal directives?

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7 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

DNR is for me. If I can’t feed myself or if there is no brain activity I want no IV’s. No water. No tube feedings. It’s all spelled out in my advanced directive (“living will”). In the last 23 years I’ve had 4 heart surgeries in which there’s a possibility that very bad outcomes were possible and my worst nightmare would be to kept “alive” as a vegetable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In the absence of a DNR they will perform heroic measures to keep you alive.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t know about the laws in Canada; but in the US unless you have a “living will” instructing the doctors otherwise, the docs will do everything they can to keep you going. So, you could make a living will to instruct them to “do everything possible” but that is what they would normally do. You give a copy of the living will to whoever is probably going to be at the hospital when you have a medical issue. The living will is supposed to be in a sealed envelope, so whoever has it can’t see what you’ve requested & try to override your decision. In your case, I would think that 1 copy would go to your Mother. I don’t know who else you trust that you would want to give a copy to so you need to decide who that is. If you don’t want to pay a lawyer to do you a living will, you can go online & get a prototype that explains how to legally fill it out. Some libraries keep such forms on file & you can request one from them & make a copy for your purpose. The library might charge a nominal fee to make you a photocopy but it’s cheaper than a lawyer.

You need to check the requirements in Canada as to how they deal with living wills. Personally, I’d have a serious discussion with whoever you would give a copy telling them specifically what my thoughts are so they are prepared to follow my desires to the letter.

smudges's avatar

It’s also recommended that you give a copy to your primary medical doctor.

and unless Canada is different, this is only a medical directive, so nothing to do with chocolate, etc.

filmfann's avatar

I would prefer to give someone a medical power of attorney, but I think that would be a burden on them.

Caravanfan's avatar

Full code.

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