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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would Trump have won his first election of he had such a boat load of legal issues surrounding him then?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 28th, 2024

He was elected in spite of his obvious immorality then. Would the Deplorables have voted for him if he had the current issues hanging over him then?

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50 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Yes. The fact is, right wingers love crime, as long as it is their guys committing them.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. The Republican party belives that the government is the problem. The worse that Trump is the more that the point is made.

It’s Democrats who need to uphold to a greater standard, because they belive that the government is the solution. With a strong leader in the helm, anything is possible.

seawulf575's avatar

Probably not. However you have to remember all that has happened since he won in 2016. All the lies, all the attempted frame-ups, all the bogus reporting, all the ham-handed efforts to discredit him. These “legal issues” are just another example of that. Ham-handed attempts to interfere with the 2024 election. That is why every time someone brings a new charge against him his support goes up. People are tired of it.

The sad part is that if he really did do something wrong, it would be pushed off as just another lie. I’m not talking about another accusation of something, I’m talking about something actually being done that was wrong.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I highly doubt it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Probably his base seems to like a Mafia style boss running the country.

seawulf575's avatar

You have to remember that one of the key points Trump ran on in the 2016 election was draining the swamp. He was speaking out against the corruption, the Deep State, the career politicians, all of which were self-serving and not for the American people. If he had legitimate court cases (unlike those going on now) at the time, he’d have been viewed as just another swamp creature.

The only reason he has any court cases going on now is because the Dems have had time to plan them out and to use them strategically as an interference in the 2024 election.

Zaku's avatar

No, he would not have won in 2016 with even a fraction of these cases going on.

@seawulf575 I see zero cases where there is any doubt Trump did the things he was accused of. He tends to even admit them amidst his blathering random excuse attempts.

Forever_Free's avatar

Common sense would say no. But we are not dealing with people who have common sense in my opinion.

gorillapaws's avatar

Yes. Clinton and her team January 6th the Democratic Primary and picked a douchebag for VP. People hated her more than Trump even with the “grab them by the pussy” thing and all of the rest of it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Let’s be clear. He lost the first election due to the popular vote for Clinton being 3 million larger than Trump’s.

He won the presidency because of the electoral college.

gorillapaws's avatar

And to be even clearer: Clinton got absofuckinglutely annihilated in the electoral college (which is how we elect Presidents in the US). She lost nearly every state in the Rust Belt except for NY and IL.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Which is what I said @gorillapaws .

That doesn’t take away the fact that more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. No spin in the world disproves that fact.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey^^ I bet our wulf friend can spin it he is good at it.
Trump could actually shoot someone and he could spin it and blame the Dems for the victim getting in the way of Trump’s bullet.

gorillapaws's avatar

@elbanditoroso You didn’t stress just how badly Clinton was beaten in the Electoral College as I did. The popular vote is entirely moot. Might as well discuss Clinton’s poll numbers in New Zealand. The only way Trump loses to Clinton in 2024 is if someone goes back in time and smothers Clinton in her crib. That would mean that her campaign never would have existed to take over the DNC and then encourage the media to promote Trump behind the scenes.

But for that, Trump would have received about as much free press as Marrianne Williamson.

JLeslie's avatar

Doubtful. I think he would have had a hard time winning the nomination.

@gorillapaws are you looking at the margins he won by for each state?

I don’t know if Hillary herself actually supported promoting Trump, but I do fear some Democrats are doing that garbage again.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku Yeah, most Trump haters can’t see the bogus accusations. Look at the Fraud case as a perfect example. The state AG pulls out actions that happened back in the dim past. Trump got loans to help build a new building or some such nonsense. The bank did their own assessment of what Trump said things were worth and gave him the loans. The loans were paid back with the interest agreed. No one did anything unusual or even criminal. Yet the political hack of a state AG brings the charges and the corrupt judge rules on the case before actually starting the case. So he is accused and found guilty without any evidence being presented in court…without even a trial. Thankfully the Appeals court put a halt on the judge so there might be some semblance of justice. But really, the way things are going it’s going to end up way above the state level to sort out all the politicization of this case. Sorry, hard to say something was done wrong by Trump in this case. But I don’t expect a die hard TDS case like yourself to ever be able to look at things like that.

Look at the E Jean Carroll defamation case that just completed. The judge, at one point before Trump was allowed to take the stand told his attorney that before she asked anything in open court she had to provide him with the questions she would ask and what, exactly, he would answer. Once that was done (which is pretty illegal in itself) he then edited the questions and answers and gave them back with orders that was all that could be said in open court. So how is that a fair trial? That becomes a banana republic style of justice. But again, I don’t see you admitting there is anything wrong with that.

I suspect the only thing that would change your mind is if you got in trouble on false accusations and then were treated like this in open court. Then you would scream bloody murder about how unfair it all was. But if asked how that differs from what they did to Trump, you’d still try to claim it was okay when it was done to him…just not you. I guess you defense would be that you always sang the song for the left so you should get off scott-free.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso And in a Republic as ours, with the rules of election being what they are as spelled out in the Constitution, he won. Are you an election denier? Sounds like it.

JLeslie's avatar

Coincidentally on The View today they were talking about third party and they said in MI, PA, and WI Jill Stein’s vote totaled exceeded Trump’s margin of victory in 2016.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie As did the sudden bump in the middle of the night for Joe Biden, when all the polls were closed and no one was counting ballots.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ha I knew he could spin it and blame the dems with the same breath, way to go wulfie.
Your hero brought this on himself and your the one not seeing it.
The law has caught up with him and now all you rep/cons scream witch hunt.

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie ” MI, PA, and WI Jill Stein’s vote totaled exceeded Trump’s margin of victory in 2016.”

What’s your point? If Jill Stein wasn’t on the ballot, then Mickey Mouse’s total would have exceeded Trump’s Margin of Victory (do you want to blame Mikey?), or If Clinton had bowed out of the race when it was proven that she was cheating in the primary (and in the debates) then Bernie Sanders would have been president.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yeah, how dare I be aware of, and support, facts? I know how much you hate Trump, but really, what have I stated that is wrong? Not what you want to ignore, not what you want to claim I don’t understand. But hard solid facts that show what I have said is wrong? I know you can’t come up with any so go ahead and work on GAs from other deluded individuals. Go on an anti-Trump rant. Throw out some “Fright-Wing” comments. Say somethings that are just plain wrong. You’ll likely get GAs, but you will only be showing you can’t actually defend your point of view.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well show us the “facts” that he didn’t defame EJ again .
and show us your beloved facts he didn’t mock that handicapped reporter.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 You seriously still think votes were mysteriously added for Biden. It’s truly shocking to me.

@gorillapaws I was just adding to the conversation regarding how electoral votes added up in individual states.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is F%$& ing toast and it is the kind that was in the toaster until the smoke alarm goes off !*

KNOWITALL's avatar

He may have! He is very dynamic and knows how to work a room. A decade or two ago and he was hanging with Democrats like the Clintons. That may be part of the reason he won the trust of so many, he said he knew the game and how to play it.

@gorillapaws You’re making me laugh frfr.

@elbanditoroso Careful, that sounds a lot like the Trumpers election deniers.

@seawulf575 And Biden knew about his own documents prior to the election and ‘tgey’ eld that back until afterwards. It’s all bullshit just like Hillarys email when ‘they’ hanged the actual flipping law to save her ass. Not saying Reps are clean, hell maybe Jill Stein is the best choice.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 there’s a difference between hating someone and considering them totally unfit to be president.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother Yep, there is. But look at some of your fellow jellies. Take a look at @Tropical_Willie and, be honest now, can you honestly say he doesn’t Hate Trump? And he is by no means a solitary figure when it comes to Trump.

But I find your answer interesting. Before the 2020 election I stated Biden was unfit because of his cognitive decline. Want to guess what answer I got? I was Putin’s spy. Trump was my hero. I was one of those far-right Repubs that wanted Trump to be a dictator and who wanted Democracy to disappear. So apparently you can’t consider someone unfit to be POTUS without hating them or at least having an ulterior motive.

Hell, for that matter, I still remember being called a racist if I dared to say I thought an Obama policy was crap.

Sorry, I don’t buy the innocent act anymore. You on the left cannot or will not look at yourselves and see your own idiocy and hypocrisy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Play a room,” @KNOWITALL?
All I hear is blathering.
“Windmills cause cancer.”
Wild cheering.
“I’m one of the few people who knows Puerto Rico is an island and it’s surrounded by very wet water.”
Wild Cheering.
“I can do whatever I want as president!”
Wild cheering.
I guess it depends on the room. I guess if it’s filled with people with similar IQs as trump, it might work.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Something like “I’ve been to 57 states, have a few to go. One more, I think.
Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to because my staff didn’t want to go.”

Wild Cheering

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie I guess saying Nicky H was in charge of security at the Capital on Jan 6.
Or securing the airports on 1776was better?
Or you have to flush a toilet 15 times what was that about?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know about you but I flush my toilet 16 times.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 He meant Pelosi, and said so afterwards. After all of Bidens senile ramblings, I guess Trump can be forgiven, too. Even more reason to vote for Nikki.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You can go with that, but at the time it was said it was an attack on Nicky and he brought up Jan6 saying she failed to call in the gard and he had ten thousand waiting to be sent in, Trump knew what was going on why didn’t he send them in at that time, there is a video of Pelosi trying to call them in and was told that order had to come from the president.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Biden has said ‘God save the Queen’ a few times. He told Republican lawmakers ‘lots of luck in your senior year.’ They’re old, I try to give grace.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That I do agree, these fossils should step back and let younger blood come in.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Sooo….when Biden said the other day that Trump was the sitting president, that means…what? That it is so? That it was just an error, a one off? Please. You are starting to sound nutty.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

SHIT it’s always he said this, well your guy said that.
gaff-gaff-gaff,they are both old but at least Biden seems to be for the average joe,Trump is in it for himself and his rich buds.
Wulfie keep trolling and defending Trump if it makes ya feel good ,YOU are never going to convince any of us except maybe Jakx, and Knowitall that he is here for the working joe , no matter how many pages of slanted fright wing facts you throw at us.
When he turns your country into a dictatorship I will be happy to be the first person in line to say yeah I told ya so, but even then you will deny it and still worship the ground he walks on.

seawulf575's avatar

Joe for the average Joe? Are you serious??? He’s all about how his decisions can benefit him. Always has been. He (and the Dems) take tons of money from the rich. And trust me, rich people don’t give up lots of money unless they see a profit somewhere down the line.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Has Biden cut checks to Americans when prices are higher than when Trump was in office? No.
Trump fought Democrats to get that because many Americans were struggling.
So if you post my name at least know what you’re talking about.

You don’t see me or @Seawulf575 posting nonsense about Canadian politics. Do better.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL Our politics are very screwed up at the moment, feel free to bad mouth it as much as you want,problem is your country effects many other countries, here in BC we pay the highest gas prices in North America is that Bidens fault?
We have a Federal election next year so hopefully change will happen.
Those relief checks because of C-vid were pathetic should have been a lot more but better than nothing .
People here could qualify for up to $10,000 due to C-vid your country didn’t come close to that for the working joe.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 Thanks for confirming that the Dems take money from the rich, and that what gets you upset of course you have to protect the poor hard done by rich folks.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Someone is a believer in “Flow Down” economics also known as “shit on the poor folk” ! @SQUEEKY2

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s called trickle down the problem is the hard done by rich folk have really good plumbers and they stopped the trickle ,now it just pools at the top.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t live there so I’ll leave it to you.

So saying that $2k was not enough, are you admitting it was needed and a good thing? Come on, say it….it won’t hurt that much. :)

Working in corporate, you’re not wrong on the trickle down failure. But at one time it did work. Now the stockholders must have a profit, so companies downsize, consolidate and become more reliant on internet programs and tech. It’s pretty bad for a lot of solid workers across the board. Most have not got a cost of living increase like some of us. Its really sad.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL At that time sure it was needed ,BUT it should have been more for the average joe.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 So you do admit Trump helped people? And you just feel like he could have done more? Doesn’t this go against your previous claims that Trump’s tax cuts only helped the wealthy?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Trump also signed the bill to extend unemployment benefits. A very controversial decision many Republicans did not support.

I will also recognize many Democrats ended up supporting it. Biden included.

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