What do you think of this latest right wing conspiracy theory? Alina Habba is actually an agent of the 'Deep State'?
This is beyond wacko read story but it goes to show how totally untethered certain elements of the right wing can be.
Their theory: Alina Habba (Trump’s lawyer who cost him $83 million) is actually an agent of Biden’s so-called Deep State and is destroying Trump on Biden’s behalf.
How crazy can the paranoids get?
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19 Answers
I thought the latest was that Taylor Swift is a Biden administration psyop, and that the Super Bowl is rigged for the Chiefs to win so that Taylor Swift can endorse Biden during the half-time show.
There are also the “transvestigators” that believe that every celebrity or influential person is actually trans, and they spend all day zooming in on people’s crotches.
I think it’s proof positive that the internet is slowly rotting many people’s brains.
Thats surprises you? To the magatards, it is always someone else’s fault. It is always a “witch hunt”, always a “corrupt judge/jury”. Remember how they claimed that Jan 6th was an “antifa” false flag attack?
I’m guessing this is an idea planted so that she and her law firm don’t expect to get paid.
Take any fact. If the result is good, the Drump crowd will take credit or show how it is bad. If bad, they will blame someone else.
Market goes up and is at it’s peak. Drump first says: That’s only making rich people richer. Now he is saying He did it!
Sky is Blue. Do you like blue? God decided the world needed a leader so he sent Drump! He made it blue. Don’t like Blue? Blue is dangerous. Support Drump by buying Blue block NFT glasses only 99.99 each.
It’s a fun game. Try it.
She’s really not that smart to pull that off.
My first thought…Republicans eat their own!!!
@Demosthenes Did you miss the part that you never see Habba & Swift together??? Sounds to me like thy think that she is Swift in disguise. Hell, Swift is incapable of acting that stupid!!!
Personally, I think that old 45 himself is the Deep State operative. He went in promising to drain the swamp & Reps are leaving like crazy…either by going to jail or jumping ship. Give him another term & he will be assassinating the right with the same passion as the left.
If anything, Habba looks like a slightly younger Nancy Pelosi, caked with make up.
Are they thinking no one could possibly be that incompetent?
Trump only instructs her because no one else will go near him. Trumps other lawyer (Joseph Tacopina) walked out on the case.
Laugh My Ass Off Roll On The Floor. (LMAOROTF).
I heard that Habba didn’t object to one thing during the trial, yet she comes out after the verdict and acts tough, waving her arms and yelling for hte microphones. It makes no sense. The time to act tough is in the courtroom, yet in the courtroom she just sat there, posing for the cameras. I can see why any right-wingers think she was there as a plant for the opposing side.
Habba was a puppet with Trump making her talk, guess where his hand was . . . .
She’s planning on dethroning Melania & becoming the next Mrs t
One person makes a tweet, the ADL overreacts to said tweet, random worthless news site crafts yet another “Look how dumb they are” type story based on said over reaction to the aforementioned tweet, for y’all to fall over yourselves about. I’m glad you’re all laughing, just recognize a circle jerk when you see it.
Eh, I think the Taylor Swift thing is funnier. MAGA vs. Swiftie. Both can be quite fanatical.
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