Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Do other cultures have a holiday or tradition as silly as Groundhog Day?

Asked by Jeruba (56188points) February 2nd, 2024

If you know of one, please tell us.

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4 Answers

janbb's avatar

Check out “First footing” and “Loony dook” in this link for some Scottish silliness on Hogmanay

There’s also the Padstow ‘obby ‘Orse festival held in Cornwall in May.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Once a year a small county in Spain tosses lots of tomatoes at each other.

ragingloli's avatar

In Germany, on father’s day, men form in groups, take a small wagon, fill it with bottles of beer, and then go wandering around for the day, getting shitfaced along the way.
Because nothing says “fatherhood” like abandoning the family and indulging in excessive alcohol consumption.

RocketGuy's avatar

Wow, dads get Father’s Day and Octoberfest in Germany!

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