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Tropical_Willie's avatar

What job is Attorney Habba going to have next ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31654points) February 2nd, 2024

She is about to brought up on charges about her fabricating (Trump and aides told to do it) about Kaplan lawyer and Kaplan Judge worked closely together 30 years ago. I think she end will up at a strip joint, serving beers topless.

“i can always fake smart ” Alina Habba !

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11 Answers

chyna's avatar

Sadly for her, I have read she is deeply in debt over her and her husband’s massive spending sprees. I bet she saw working for trump was her path out of debt and now, she’s probably in even more debt. She had to “dress for success” daily as she was in the public spotlight.
I would guess she will now be working in a small lawyer business with very few clients.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Maybe FOX will use her on their legal team?

filmfann's avatar

She’ll end up working for Ghislaine Maxwell. And they deserve each other.

LadyMarissa's avatar

That depends on who wins in November. If 45 goes back in, she will be our next Attorney General. If Biden goes in, she might be working on street corners.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Moving to Las Vegas to be part of the “Stripping Lawyers” show at one of the casinos.

Smashley's avatar

Realistically? She’ll be a talking head on weird parts of the internet, shilling for MLM’s and drop-shipping scams. If she had any sense, she would turn on Trump now and hard, and accept the fawning adoration of the left for doing so. That “fake smart” line must have felt good in the moment, as she made some random bros in the room chuckle, but that one is going to follow her forever.

chyna's avatar

@Smashley I bet she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. But if trump doesn’t pay her, I wonder if it would be null and void?

jca2's avatar

Good point and good question, @chyna.

I am betting Trump is going to stiff her the way he has with other creditors. Maybe he thinks the publicity she got from representing him is worth something valuable.

elbanditoroso's avatar

All, here’s some support for my Stripping Lawyer suggestion.


and this which says that attorneys are not overqualified to be strippers.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@chyna A judge ruled that 45’s NDA’s aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Even as dumb as she is, she should be able to break any NDA that he made her sign!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Habba is getting paid, by Trump’s PACs for his re-election ! Over $3.5 million.

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