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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you eat the bruised black parts of a banana?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25173points) February 3rd, 2024

I rarely do.

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8 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

For me it depends on if it’s just a bruise or if it’s actually rotting. The skin turns black way before the banana goes bad, so I usually peel it & give it a good lookover to determine how bad it might really be & it also depends on what I’m making. Banana bread requires very ripe bananas to taste good. Eating a banana straight makes me a little more picky.

jca2's avatar

If the flesh part of the banana is black, it’s usually mushy and no, I don’t eat it.

To me, bananas have about a two day window where they’re perfect, where the skin is yellow or maybe has a little touch of green near the stem, and very few or no brown spots on the skin. After that, when they get more spotty, I don’t like them and tend not to eat them.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I eat small bruises.

A black banana with a greasy black peel goes into a smoothie.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m a banana lover. I love all the different varieties with different flavers, different shapes and sizes and different colors.

I enjoy eating bananas when they are very ripe. But I prefer to not eat bananas in which the edible part is mushy and black.

When I was working I regularly brought a banana to eat at lunch. Sometimes my boss would see me eating a banana that had dark spots on the peal and she would comment that my banana was rotten.

One time we were having a lunch time organization meeting where we were encouraged to eat lunch during the meeting. Of course my boss had to bring everyone’s attention to my banana. She said something like, “And Lon is eating another rotten banana.” I replied, “You obviously don’t like bananas”.

Some people seem to be squeamish when they see any spots at all on the banana’ peal. I feel sorry for them.

jca2's avatar

I used to work with a girl who was from the Dominican Republic, and she said once something like “Americans don’t like to eat ripe fruit” meaning, what’s rotten to us would still be edible to someone from many other countries.

JLeslie's avatar

My banana peel gets spots sometimes, because I put it in the fridge to retard the ripening. The peel gets spots, but the banana inside is still in that state of just turned from being green. It only can be done for a couple of days and then the fruit does start to change.

I tend to not like mushy food. I don’t dip my bread in sauce or au jus and I don’t like most creamy desserts. When I eat out Cuban food they usually serve sweet plantains, I swap mine for tostones, which are more like french fries in a round instead of like sticks. I not only prefer the texture, but I prefer the salt taste rather than the sweet.

@jca2 That makes sense. Probably how people eat their fruit has something to do with custom.

My Mexican SIL jokingly (meanly) says maybe the Dominicans are how they are because they eat so many bananas. Basically, she’s calling them brain damaged. Keep in mind her dad eats a banana almost every day, but her usual state of hypocrisy would be blind to that. It’s just a commentary on how much bananas are part of the cuisine in Dom Rep. Think about the phrase banana republic. So much of Dom Rep is extremely poor, they aren’t going to throw food away.

RocketGuy's avatar

Bruised and over-ripe (translucent) portions are actually a little sweeter than the white parts. Black is too far gone for me.

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