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Americans: would you be willing to give the Israelis a piece of the contiguous 48?
Israel would have its own government. We would be moving all of the Israelis. Some Americans will be displaced or allowed to possibly be dual citizens and live in New Israel. Anyone who is displaced will be given money or land to help with the move. I mention land, because I assume most of New Israel will be created from rural areas and the loss of the land might be the biggest disruption for some people.
What state or states should we take land from? Currently, Israel is about the size of New Jersey. Maybe Texas? Alabama? California? South Carolina. I do think they should have a little bit of coastline, but you might disagree.
If you are on board, are you ok with all Israelis coming? Including Arab-Israelis?
If you are not on board with it, why not? You don’t want a Jewish state so close? Don’t want to take land from the US? Don’t want to give up having a strong ally in the Middle East? Some other reason.
Do you think it would be dangerous for the US to have the Jewish state in or adjacent to our country?
If not the US, what would be a better place?
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