What is the spot price of the whole planet?
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23 Answers
All 118 elements. From hydrogen to 118.
Basically spot price times how much exists in Earth. For each element.
It might have already been done. So you don’t have to do from scratch. Please link us to a Wikipedia article or something.
“Prices of chemical elements”, on Wikipedia already answered my question. I just have to do the math with a calculator later.
I will do the math now and post to Fluther.
Update Still working on it.
Update Total is
In us dollars.
Not exactly. Was super frustrating. You can do your own calculations at Wikipedia prices of chemical elements on Earth.
Approximately $20 septilian dollars.
~$28 septilian us dollars.
I feel good that I accomplished something tangible. 4 hours of straight mathematics. I feel good that I bought a graphics calculator.
Who would pay it?
Price means nothing. If you don’t have a willing buyer and a willing seller, all pricing is theoretical.
@elbanditoroso Just having fun. I was wondering at 3am. It was a labor, but fun thinking how much the maximum commodity price on wealth our planet could be.
According to calculations made in 2020 by Dr. Greg Laughlin, now a professor of astronomy at Yale University, Earth is worth roughly $5 quadrillion (or $5,000,000,000,000,000). He came up with that price after gauging the planet’s mass, temperature, age, and other factors that directly correlate to its ability to sustain life.
@Zaku ~85.4 trillion Quatloos. Or a lot of Latium.
@Zaku The Earth will be a great place for my casino.
@Zaku Also I am changing the name to planet “Bob”.
Are you going to build a hospital around that casino? or just a lottery… ;)
@smudges I’m not sure that I want humans around. You guys are always getting sick, and not caring about bad habits. Like the saying about “humans”. Being human is a chronic fatal condition .
~Though that Johnathan Swift was on to something about fricassee roast toddler. Though the bleeding heart liberals will declare humans and endangered species. So I guess trophy hunting will be off too. Unless you hunt for food. Where I would be permitted to bag one “teenager” every so often. Teenagers are in the sweet spot between taste, and challenging hunt.
^^ Ahh I see…so you’re the .000001% who doesn’t get sick or have any bad habits? I am too…can I live on Bob?
@smudges Yes all Jellies are welcome. I will have a real Fluther mansion for all Jellies.
@RedDeerGuy1 You can pay in Bitcoin. But how are you going to take delivery?
Also, you are leaving out a fundamental rule of economics. As soon as news of a buyer of commodities is trying to corner the market, the price will increase out of reach.
@zenvelo Right. That’s why I put all things equal in the details.
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