What's your reaction to Miley Cyrus's Grammy dress (See details)?
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janbb (
February 5th, 2024
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26 Answers
It achieved exactly what it meant to achieve. Get her media coverage.
I liked both her red carpet and performance dresses.
I thought she looked great and performed well. She is a star talent. Her outfits were no more revealing than many, and she has the figure to pull it off well.
I see nothing wrong with it. I liked it. She can certainly pull it off. She looked better than many who were fully covered.
The arrival dress reminded me of The Robot Maria from the movie Metropolis.
I liked the performance dress.
Complete and utter indifference.
She had five outfits and I liked them all. My favorite was the Bob Mackie for flowers, a homage to Tina Turner. Her hair on the otger hand…not my favorite.
I loved her red carpet dress.
I wouldn’t wear the pin dress, but she looked good in it. Oddly enough, she was more covered than many others there!!! I didn’t see her other dresses, so NO comment on them.
I saw something in an article (NY Times maybe) that said she looked like Barbarella (Raquel Welch). It wasn’t meant in an insulting fashion, it was complimentary.
I saw the Grammys and I didn’t know that the dress was made entirely of safety pins. I think it’s unique and it’s pretty. At the time I watched the Grammys, I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to the dress.
I didn’t see any of the other dresses she wore. I didn’t care for her hair.
It seems to cover all the necessary parts, I like the metallic, the color looks great on her. I would like it better if below the waist it had a little more coverage, but I don’t find the dress shocking or ridiculous like some dresses that I have seen at past award shows.
I just googled to see a photo of Barbarella. It was Jane Fonda as Barbarella.
If you click on this and scroll down, the photo of Jane Fonda as Barbarella in the green dress actually does look like Miley Cyrus. Not the clothing, but the hair and face.
That she wants you to choose the form of the destructor.
I’m generally strongly opposed to giving a shit about celebrity fashion and frustrated how much prominence it receives in the national conversation. As much as I didn’t want to care, I really did think the dress was creative, beautiful and cool in its own way. Kudos to the designer and to the poor soul that probably got carpel tunnel (and probably their fair share of needle sticks) from putting it together.
(YAWN!)...Huh?!? What’s the question again?
She was more covered than usual. It looked pretty good too.
It’s what a traditional wife should always wear! ;-p
@Brian1946 When she greets her husband at the door with a drink in her hand, and his slippers and the newspaper.
In Ferengi society, women are not allowed to wear clothes.
Interesting if another attendee wore a dress made of magnets…
Cool outfit Miley wore.
^How the Hell can you wear a magnetic dress around? That’s worse than static cling.
@zenvelo Nice song! I never heard of David Bachrach. I’ve heard of Burt Bachrach…..
@zenvelo Doesn’t this belong on the trad wife thread?
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